[OPEN] I'm busy taking stock of all the things that I've forgot-

Jan 23, 2009 11:13

Characters: People who're staying behind in the Victoria II~
Setting: All over the goddammed Victoria II... kinda, I guess.
Time: Later in the evening, while TACTICAL INFILTRATION ACTION is on.
Warnings: Horror! Shock! Denial all around for our unfortunate heroes and Kristoph brand of fail. And, uh. Epic trainwreck? I guess ( Read more... )

≠ sanae hanekoma, susan sto helit, ≠ mai mishou, ≠ garnet til alexandros xvii, ≠ al-cid margrace, millie thompson, ≠ kristoph gavin, ≠ deandra "dee" reynolds, ≠ agatsuma soubi, ≠ randy "ryo" maclean, ≠ larsa ferrinas solidor, phoenix wright, ≠ might gai, ≠ matilda wormwood

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THE DEMON AT THE BAAAAACK thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 04:57:09 UTC
Things were very clearly. Not going as planned.

This was definitely the last thing that Kristoph had expected to happen. He had anticipated monsters (or enemies) from the Rockgala sneaking on board the vessel. He had planned a countermeasures if the ship somehow got spoiled while waiting from the infiltration to be over. He had even made sure that the patrol would return soon enough. Certainly, he had predicted teh possibility of a wild monster attack, but most of the beasts here were harmless. He had heard stories about these mystical beasts but he had never believed them in the slightest - there was no proof for their existence after all ( ... )


Re: THE DEMON AT THE BAAAAACK butterflychains January 23 2009, 05:08:33 UTC
When dear Kristoph said that there were intruders on the Victoria II, Soubi expected humans. Not large, deformed...dual tongued abominations. When he first heard the call to defend the ship, Soubi headed straight for the engine room, which was quite possibly the most important area to protect. When he arrived, it seemed that Kristoph had the same idea, and was shooting at the creature. Managing to get by the monster, Soubi joined his cousin.

"Kristoph, what is this thing?" He asked, drawing a small pistol and taking a shot of his own, aiming for an eye. Unfortunately, it missed, merely grazing the creature's face. Until Soubi knew exactly what this monster was, he was going to conserve his energy.


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 05:34:01 UTC
His aim was straight and true, and the Eater recoiled from the force of the two simultaneous impacts that the bullets dealt, letting out a howl of pain. As it struggled to recover from the attack as Soubi entered the scene. The quartermaster noticed that arrival of the radio ops and briefly let a smirk cross his face for a moment. Good. Besides the Admiral (who was currently gone) and Jade, Kristoph could trust no body else more competent than his dear stepcousin ( ... )


butterflychains January 23 2009, 06:01:52 UTC
Yetis. Soubi vaguely recalled the stories. Large, hulking beasts that lived in snowy mountain regions and sometimes preyed upon wayward travelers. Even as a child, he didn't believe a word of it. And now, he was possibly staring one in the face. Well, they do say that all myths have some basis in fact, though how much fact that was varied from story to story ( ... )


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 06:15:50 UTC
Of course Kristoph had be better in using his weapons; unlike Soubi and Jade, the quartermaster lacked the ability to use any form of magic. It was always something that annoyed the man to no end - in his younger days, he would pour over his books and notes to find ways on how one born without magic would be able to acquire it, but as the years passed there was no surefire method to obtaining it - exposure to mana crystals was the most common way, but that had its own backlashes too. There was no one hundred percent guarantee that he'd be able to obtain magic without any form of loss.

Eventually though he had given up on the idea, and even convinced himself that remaining as who he was was more than enough - those with magic and abilities were imperfect after all. Utterly imperfect. Even if they were his relatives; they were still imperfect. The magic had corrupted and tainted them ( ... )


butterflychains January 23 2009, 06:29:45 UTC
Soubi always considered his abilities a curse. If he didn't have the power of spell words, what happened eight years ago could have been avoided. But there was no use dwelling on the past. He had this gift now, and he would use them, otherwise, what he learned at the academy would have been all for naught.

Right now, he had to protect the engine room and his stepcousin.

Instead of attacking with needles, he conjured up strong gusts of wind to hold the creature back. It would do no good to have it rampaging around wherever it liked. This would be a fine way to keep it away from Kristoph and the turbines, while keeping it occupied with the task of merely standing, let alone attacking. But even with all this, Soubi wasn't sure they could defeat the beast by themselves.

What they needed was backup. Badly.


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 06:44:37 UTC
Kristoph straightened himself once he managed to roll out of harm's way, stopping short near the general vicinity of the boiler as he steadied himself with one arm braced against the floor while his better hand took aim with his gun and fired off the last of his second round of bullets into the beast. They didn't do much damage though to the monster and its iron-thick skin. The quartermaster muttered a few curses that usually weren't heard from him as he got up properly this time and dug around his suit for more bullets to load into his gun.

As imperfect as magic was, it was still useful enough - while Soubi kept the beast at bay Kristoph rummaged around in a fluster before managing to retrieve a few more bullets. These were no ordinary bullets however - they were each infused with mana and tiny mana shards, enough to cause a good deal of damage when used properly. Though they didn't come very cheap - each one cost a pretty penny, not to mention they weren't very commercialized. Most people would never be able to get their hands on ( ... )


butterflychains January 23 2009, 07:10:43 UTC
Soubi had no idea that Kristoph was carrying such ammunition on himself and was mildy impressed that his stepcousin managed to obtain them at all. However, he was very grateful for them, as it opened up an opportunity for him to do something else. But he wasn't quite sure on what to do ( ... )


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 07:23:26 UTC
Normally Kristoph wouldn't think about bringing mana-infused bullets onto the battle - he was a man who relied on his brains rather than brawn. But desperate times called for desperate measures, and this whole situation certainly called for it being desperate enough. The quartermaster quickly reloaded his gun once the ice elemental bullets were fired (his gun could only hold a pair of mana bullets at one tie due to their recoil and drawback power from the blast) as Soubi took the chance presented to him ( ... )


butterflychains January 23 2009, 07:40:31 UTC
To Kristoph's warning, Soubi merely gave a slight sigh. He was always careful. He hadn't destroyed anything now, had he? But, he wasn't going to argue with Kristoph. They had a more pressing matter at hand. There was a dilemma, though, he had to admit. It was obvious that weak spells weren't going to take down this monster, but powerful ones could end up damaging the ship. Just how was he supposed to perform this balancing act, hmm?

And what was this about being short handed? Wouldn't at least some of them have the mind to come to the engine room? It seemed like the only hope was to wait for one of the other officers to stumble in. If that ever happened. The longer and longer this fight drew on, the chances of that decreased dramatically. If only the yeti had waited until after the infiltration mission was complete. This wouldn't have to be so difficult ( ... )


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 07:56:47 UTC
The quartermaster just finished reloading his gun when Soubi took the logical step of restraining the beast, who trashed violently as it found itself held down by the shackles. Kristoph gave a mildly approving nod (to his cousin, most certainly not the use of magic) as he cocked his pistol once more, ready to use it in case something cropped up - as far as the man was concerned, this was more than enough of a crop-up.

It certainly didn't help that at least half of the ship was gone due to the infiltration mission. Really, it seemed like these beasts had a good sense of timing. Or perhaps it was just their own bad luck - either way, the fact still remained that there was only the two of them against a huge, scary beast that was once believed to only exist in myths and fables. Kristoph made a mental note to ensure that nothing like this was going to happen again - not to mention starting on just exactly how was he going to tell the Admiral after all this ( ... )


butterflychains January 23 2009, 08:09:08 UTC
Just when Soubi thought that they had finally bested the creature, it pulled out a surprise on them. Now, no matter how hard Soubi thought, he could not remember yetis being able to shoot out blue beams from their mouths. Perhaps the mothers thought that feature would make their children believe that yetis were creatures to be admired rather than feared if they had included that little fact ( ... )


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 08:19:09 UTC
The elder man was just about prepared to do another dodge roll when the beam slammed against the protection that Soubi had erected, and even someone like Kristoph Gavin had to look in slight awe at the display before him before the beam faded, steam trailing from inside the yeti's mouth. The beast growled once more as it fought against the shackles that held its arms together, trashing forwards towards the two of them instead for a head on physical attack ( ... )


butterflychains January 23 2009, 08:34:53 UTC
This time, there was no time to set up a shield, and Soubi also had to dodge to avoid getting hit. The yeti seemed to be getting faster and smarter with every move, and Soubi wasn't sure of just how much more they could do by themselves. Eventually, one of them or the engine was going to get hit, both of which were things that could not happen at all costs.

And worse, Soubi was running out of ideas on what to do. Because they were in the engine room, he had to restrict what spells he could use, and the yeti suddenly had the upper hand. If only they could possibly drive it out. Frustrated, he sent another wave of needles after the monster, causing it to roar yet again. If only there was some kind of weak point they could target...


thedevilsmile January 23 2009, 08:44:08 UTC
There was a loud sizzle as the beam hit out of the upper railings of the engine room, dissolving the metal there as the ends smoked red hot from the heat of that blast. Kristoph cursed once more as he saw the sheer power of that beam before turning back at the loud roar from the beast when Soubi directed another wave of needles into it. It threw its head back a roared loudly enough to make the quartermaster wince at the volume, before his blood froze when the sounds of breaking metal reached his ears.

Breaking free of the weakened chains, the yeti let out a triumphant roar before it charged towards the both of them once more. Kristoph prepared his gun to fire but before he could pull the trigger to shoot, the beast leaped into the air and opened its mouth wide once again to fire a rain of energy beams down onto them.


butterflychains January 23 2009, 08:57:15 UTC
The most Soubi could do at that instant was put up a shield to stop the incoming beams. It was quite obvious now that this monster was becoming more than a match for them. But what could they do? Leaving was not an option, that would leave the engine open to attack.

The monster seemed to realize that it should have resorted to using the energy beams sooner. The two humans before it had to spend their time avoiding or blocking it to stop it, and it once again opened its mouth to attack again.

Soubi could, fortunately, see this coming, and he set up yet another shield. But since he had a few extra seconds this time, he was able to make it stronger. Namely, give it a reflection property. When the beam hit the shield, it was bounced back to the yeti. Hopefully, if it didn't hurt it too much, it would make it think twice about using it indiscriminately.


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