Green Room - Week 30 - Day 9

Dec 11, 2014 10:17

We are waiting for the Gatekeepers to come to their final decisions, but that's not reason to sit around and do nothing. There are still entries to be read! more... )

day 08, green room, season 9, week 30

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Comments 69

gratefuladdict December 11 2014, 17:08:50 UTC
I don't think anyone should feel safe... with the possible exceptions of rattsu and alephz.

Gary, if you get all the gatekeeper votes in early, would you post results earlier? Or are we definitely waiting till tonight?


clauderainsrm December 11 2014, 17:12:09 UTC
If I get *all* of them early, I will post them early. But I doubt that will happen - so tonight.


kickthehobbit December 11 2014, 17:27:11 UTC
I'd add lrig_rorrim to that, but otherwise...yeah.


gratefuladdict December 11 2014, 18:22:36 UTC
The only reason I don't include her is because there's a possibility some Gatekeepers may judge her more harshly for submitting an old entry for voting. Hard to guess when we don't know who they are yet!


halfshellvenus December 11 2014, 19:16:30 UTC
As with most Gatekeeper rounds, the amount of commenting by other Idolers is really low. That's always kind of sad!

I'm doing my darnedest to read/comment on all the main entries, though I might pass the 'deadline' tonight. Work has been insane, but I'm about halfway through? -ish? \o?


dmousey December 12 2014, 00:05:29 UTC
I'm having a very hard time staying online! I just wanted people to know that! I have been reading though. :-) As usual I am awed by the originality and strength of the writers in LJI. If there aren't any comments from me, I apologize.

Oh and I truly did think that because it was Gatekeepers, we peons weren't supposed to comment, I don't know which to blame it on, newb mistake, age, or being addle-pated to begin with. LOL

Oh and every %*®¥© time I try to comment it takes three tries and knocks me off. Grrrrrr. :)


halfshellvenus December 12 2014, 02:25:24 UTC
No, it's a new person thing, and that's okay. I was new in S8, and I completely remember having no real idea what was going on everything something broken the "write/vote" routine!

Boy, this sounds like my Tuesday with LJ. Except Tuesday was an endless cycle of watching the spinning circle on the browser as it tried to load the page, and failed. I made it into the main page, but that was it. It claimed not to know my journal when I clicked on the link for that!

Maybe the breaking of things "maintenance" is being employed regionally.


jem0000000 December 11 2014, 19:41:48 UTC
Finished the reading. Am now debating the Killing Floor, as I don't know if it's fair to go through with concrit when everyone was required to submit something. I may just do the people that I know want it.

...Or it might be a moot point, my roommate woke up and we might be going to go fish the tree out of storage.


tsuki_no_bara December 12 2014, 00:51:43 UTC
i read "fish the tree out of storage" and for some reason pictured a christmas type tree UP A TREE, like it got blown into a maple during a storm, and you and your roommate had to get a ladder to get it down.

it's been that kind of week.


roina_arwen December 12 2014, 02:50:39 UTC
You're not the only one - I wondered if she was fishing the tree out with a length of garland wrapped around one of those yard-sized candy cane decorations, LOL!


jem0000000 December 12 2014, 03:00:49 UTC
Nope! Generally with my hands, while leaning awkwardly around the plastic boxes I use for storage stuff.


lrig_rorrim December 11 2014, 20:35:48 UTC
It's 2:30 and I'm finally sitting down for a bit... it's been a busy day (mostly with Other People Stuff, but still busy). I renewed my license at the DMV, ran some errands, took the boy to the doctor, ran some more errands, did chores... I'm tired now. Heh. But the house is looking nice for Birthday Shenanigans this weekend, so that's good.

I have read about half the entries on the topic post and commented on... um... roundabout none. I need to get on that. I was busy in the Killing Floor yesterday, but I think I'll shift my priorities a bit today.

I think we are all in terrible danger. That's what Gatekeeper weeks do to me. Congratulations, Gary, you've heightened my paranoia.


anyonesghost December 11 2014, 21:05:17 UTC
^^ This one now goes to 11.


reckless_blues December 11 2014, 21:01:22 UTC
I feel doomed. My piece is overlong, unwieldy, uncomfortable, and about how I like to punch the people I'm dating in the face. Nobody is going to want to reward me for that.

I have finals, though, so it's not so bad if I lose. *sits there failing to study for my finals*


tonithegreat December 11 2014, 22:24:30 UTC
This is pretty much 1,000% inappropriate, but I just giggled aloud here at my pun:

I found your piece to be striking.

(Runs away from pitchfork wielding pun police.)


reckless_blues December 11 2014, 22:48:32 UTC
*winces* Dude.


reckless_blues December 11 2014, 22:51:58 UTC
Though poor Jozhik probably would have laughed, his sense of gallows humor is even blacker than mine. We're still okay friends, I was thinking about linking it to him, but for some mysterious reason I'm just not in the mood to have an emotional talk about our pasts.


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