Green Room - Week 30 - Day 9

Dec 11, 2014 10:17

We are waiting for the Gatekeepers to come to their final decisions, but that's not reason to sit around and do nothing. There are still entries to be read!

There are some who say "Well, it doesn't count for anything!"

It counts for *you reading something cool*! It counts for you being able to legitimately say "Man, I LOVED that entry! What were they thinking????" or maybe you will be the one who will comment to the entry and a Gatekeeper will read it and say "You know what, they have a good point!!"

So really it's all in your hands right now!

(Well, OK, it's still not "in your hands", but there's always larger forces of voters out there. This is just another version of that.)

So get out there and READ AND COMMENT!!

and then come back here and tell people what THEY should be reading - what awesome things are they missing in Idol-land this week?


I don't know if you saw it or not, but in the comments yesterday I asked if there was anyone interested in doing BETA TESTING for Livejournal. Be the first to test drive the changes to the site! Just send me an email and let me know if you are, and I will forward your information to them!


To pull a Jeff Probst - who among you feels "safe" this week? Who thinks they are in danger?

day 08, green room, season 9, week 30

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