Fanfic: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 8

Apr 15, 2013 12:23

Title: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 8
Pairing: Yamada/Chinen
Authors: thedorabangs
Type: Chaptered
Summary: Behind all the fame and sparkles of an idol lies a pure-hearted Yamada Ryosuke Chinen Yuri came to love.
AN: Girl! Chinen. Cliché plot. Very cute YamaChii X3
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 | Chapter 7

Chapter 8:

It only took a ring on their doorbell before someone answered the door. It was Chihiro-nee. I immediately asked for Ryosuke, and without second thoughts she let me in, guiding me to his room. I’m sure that for some reason, she noticed something was wrong by the way she glanced at me with concern. She didn’t asked though but only gave me a pat before she called out for Ryosuke and left me in front of his room.


It felt like gravity worked on a different way this time and I was pulled towards Ryosuke. I mindlessly wrapped my arms around him as I searched for that same comforting warmth he gave off. I needed him.

“Y-yuri? What’s wrong?” My tears weren’t streaming down that time, so he couldnt’ve known. But the way he held me, like I was the most delicate thing on earth, his calming circles on my back made me think otherwise. He knew what I was going through for some reason.

I looked up at him and saw the genuine worry and concern in his eyes. All I could do was put up a smile to dismiss his uncertainties. It pained me more to see him like that, “N-nothing. Just wanted to see you, is all,” I lied.

The way his brows furrowed convinced me that he wasn’t buying my statement. He gazed straight in my eyes before he averted them to my arms. He saw the bruises I had on my arms. His hands made their way to examine them so I quickly pulled away to cover them.

“T-that’s nothing. I tripped on my way here. Haha! Stupid, aren’t I?”

“That’s impossible….”

I avoided his eyes, “Ah, let’s hang out? I’m treating you your favorite yakiniku! Dress up, okay? I’ll be waiting downstairs.”

I turned my back towards him and that’s when the tears I refused to let go fell. I just didn’t know anymore… what to make out from all of this… before I had the chance to go down though, I felt a grip on my wrist; he pulled me in his room.

I bowed my head to hide my tears but to no avail. He lifted my chin to face him; I could see the shock in his face at the sight of my tears. Ryosuke cupped my face to thumb my tears away. Still, I refused to gaze straight in his eyes.

“P-please look at me,” the anxiety in his voice served as strings to draw me to him. What I didn’t expect though was the embrace that came right after, “Don’t do this please… it pains me… to see Yuri like this…” he whispered in my ear and how magical it sounded… to have someone care for me that much…

I pulled away slightly to look at him, my face still blank from the happening. I saw the tears gathering in his eyes, “R-ryosuke…?”

He pulled me in, “Where did you get those bruises? Nobody must hurt the person I like the most... the most special person for me...” his grip on me tightened as if I was going to leave him. But I wouldn’t. because hearing those words, I wouldn’t be anywhere else but here.

“I like you, Yuri. I’ve always liked you… Can you feel my heartbeat?”

He gently placed my palm on his chest. I could feel his heart beating fast... I still am lost for words... my heart thumping faster than ever... The next thing I knew, he had his lips against mine. The sudden contact made me open my eyes widely but it slowly closed as the kiss deepened. He had his hand at the back of my head and the other one around my hips.

It felt… enchanting. It seemed almost like a fantasy. This couldn’t be real, now, could it? It was… my first kiss…. And it was from him… the person I liked eversince…

Yamada Ryosuke…

I was feeling fireworks against my lips, electricity running through my body like some frenzy. I never thought such bliss existed, not until Ryosuke tilted his head, his tongue intruding mine.
I didn’t know how many minutes passed when we both pulled away, gasping for air. I was too lost at the moment, my senses fried from all that… sense-frying-kiss.

He gently leaned his forehead against mine, eyes closed. I took his features one by one, his face seemingly at peace. I did the same.

“I like you, Yuri. I always liked you, up until now. And I’m not giving you any option to reject me. I won’t stop until you fully become mine.”

I was sure my face had its feverish red shade at the moment and by his words I couldn’t help but redden some more, “R-ryosuke-“

And I felt his lips against mine once again.


I blink a couple of times, memories of last night quite vague. All I could remember was the kiss… and my body kind of hurts… Then I noticed I was wearing a different set of pajamas. These are….

Ryosuke’s pajamas…
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