Fanfic: Through Seasons, Love Me

Feb 09, 2013 13:45

Title: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 1
Pairing: Yamada/Chinen
Authors: thedorabangs
Type: Chaptered
Summary: Behind all the fame and sparkles of an idol lies a pure-hearted Yamada Ryosuke Chinen Yuri came to love.
AN: Girl! Chinen. Cliché plot. Very cute YamaChii X3

Chapter 1:

I had always been amazed of idols. How, as the cameras start rolling, they turn into these seemingly unreachable and perfect creatures. They are able to make us smile, or cry, or laugh out loud; their emotions transferring to us through the TV’s screen. And to think that I, Chinen Yuri, can be part of such productions, I couldn’t be any happier!

I was just about to head out to the studio to do a favor from my dad to help with the production materials when I received a text. It was from Ryosuke.

From: Ryosuke

Good morning Yuri! You’d be present at the Photoshoot later, right? I can’t wait to see you. Well then, take care.

I can’t help but feel fluttery inside and smile. Ryosuke.

Yamada Ryosuke.

I couldn’t want to get to the studio as soon as possible!


“Ohayou Gozaimasu minna!” I greeted as I entered our studio where Hey! Say! JUMP, the top grossing boyband (next to my Ohno-kun’s Arashi that is and the other senpai groups in Johnny’s) in Japan as of the moment, will be having a photoshoot at for a magazine article.

Owning a company our family runs in ties with Johnny’s Entertainment has its perks and privileges; I get to see how the magazines and shows get made! Not to mention befriending the idols.

“Chii’s hereeeee!” Yabu, my self-proclaimed father and friend yelled, making the rest of the members turn to me with smiling faces.

I was opened up to our business and the entertainment industry at a young age, and so I can say that I practically grew up with JUMP. I knew them since they we’re juniors.

Yutti ran to me, giving me a glump, “We missed you, Chii! Where have you been?”

“I missed you guys, too! I was preoccupied with school as Keito was as well. But now I can finally hang-out with you guys!” I beamed, and Hikaru messed my hair up, “Heyyy. By the way, where’s Ryosuke?”

“Why am I not surprised you asked the question.” Inoo smirked, and as the thought sank in, I could feel my cheeks getting warmer.

“W-what? Is it wrong to ask?”

The members gave me a knowing look. For what? I didn’t know. Maybe I did. Was it because they know I l-l-like-

“He’s having his shoot. Speaking of which, you’re needed there.” Daiki spoke, giving my shoulder a pat.

I nodded and took my leave, going to the room where Ryosuke’s shots were being taken.

He was there on the kitchen set, playing with the cake batter. Those eyes, his smiles, those well-padded puffed cheeks; I could just feel my heart explode.

“Chinen-san? Chinen-san??” It was just then that I realized how long I was standing there and ogling Ryosuke. Gosh, how embarrassing!

“Ohayou, Chinen.” Ryosuke greeted with a smile, the photographer following.

I greeted back quietly, bowing my head in the process as I got to my position. I set the appropriate lights and fetched the other props needed for the shoot as the photographer clicked away, Ryosuke’s smiles melting me in return.

It wasn’t long enough till the shoot was done and it was my turn to tidy up the bowl and whisk Ryosuke used.

“Hello, Chinen. Long time no see,” Ryosuke said as he helped me clean up the place.

“It sure was. I missed you!”

“I know you did,” He responded, putting up that smug face which was so adorable and just plain cute and omigashithinkicoulddie asdfghjkl. I was too lost in my thoughts and inside flailing when I noticed Ryosuke scooping the cake batter with his finger and putting some on my nose.

“Kawaii,” His eyes were shaped like crescent moons as he looked at me, chin supported on his arm.

“Ehh? Ryosuke!”

“I missed you too, okay,” he wiped more icing on my cheeks and I could only purse my lips in return as he giggled away. I took the cake batter and wiped icing on his face as well which started a little game of who-can-put-more-icing-on-the-other’s-face and the next thing we knew, shots of us were being taken as well.

We stopped in embarrassment as the photographer grinned at us, “You two look together! I’m giving you both the copies to thank you guys for the amazing pictures you gave me.”

Ryosuke and I looked at each other and laughed, thanking the child-like photographer. I took the tissue to wipe the icing off my face when Ryosuke looked at me.


“You keep missing the spot right there,” He pointed at my cheek.

“Is it gone?”

“Not quite,” He took the tissue from my hand and held my chin, wiping the stain off, “there.”

“It’s your fault,” I pouted.

Just then, the other members cooed at us and we parted. I hadn’t realized he was still holding onto me the whole time.


As the work as done for the day, I prepared my things and was about to take me leave.

“You going now, Chii?” Keito asked as he helped me with my things.

“Yup. I’ll see you guys next time, I guess?” I replied, stuffing all my things in my bag.

Hikaru was making this really funny face in an attempt of puppy dog eyes, “You really have to go now?”

“Yeah, I still have homework to finish.” I giggled, imitating the weird face he was doing.

“How about I just send you home then?” Ryosuke initiated, appearing behind Hikaru.

“That would be great,” I smiled. I don’t know why, but I like it when Ryosuke spoils me. And I can never say no.

“Great, I’m heading out as well, let’s go together!” Keito cheered.

It was then that Ryosuke and I both gave Keito an unintentional glare. And I don’t know why we did so…. Maybe. :3

“Fine, you lovebirds go. Chii, take care, okay? Bye!” Yabupapa said, pushing us out as we giggled.

The sun was just about to set as we walked the familiar streets, the comfortable silence engulfing us. Soon we reached my house, we stayed at our porch for a while.

“Thanks for sending me home, Ryosuke. I really appreciate it. You want to go inside first?”

“It’s fine, I’d have to memorize the script for this new drama anyway. You’ll be fine, right? If something’s up, give me a call.”

I smiled at his concern, “I would, thanks. And uhh, have a safe way home. Take care.”

I turned to open the door when he held my arm and turned my around.

I tensed at first but titled my head as he faced me, “We’ll see each other tomorrow, right? Please say you’re dropping by our practice tomorrow.”

I couldn’t stop my heartbeats by now. ASFGHJKL HE’S HOLDING MY ARM. KEEP CALM YURI, KEEP CALM AND OMFG I JUST CAN’T BUT OMHHHHH, “I will.” I grinned at him, thankful I didn’t scream that moment.

I saw a sign of relief in his eyes before he waved and went out.

I swear I could see the tint of red that spread his white, flawless cheeks. It made me feel happy in a way. Maybe he likes- impossible. Despite having no one to welcome me home, the feeling was enough to accompany me through the rest of the day.


AN: I know, I know, I'm posting up another fic despite not having finished the rest of my unfinished fics lol but I was already able to finish this already and it;s quite a cliche plot and chii's a girl here but i just love this concept and i wanted to do this because this is actually my first fic but was afraid to post this heheh so enjoy and comments please :3

yamachii, fanfic: through seasons love me

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