Fanfic: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 5

Apr 02, 2013 21:03

Title: Through Seasons, Love Me Chapter 5
Pairing: Yamada/Chinen
Authors: thedorabangs
Type: Chaptered
Summary: Behind all the fame and sparkles of an idol lies a pure-hearted Yamada Ryosuke Chinen Yuri came to love.
AN: Girl! Chinen. Cliché plot. Very cute YamaChii X3

Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4

Chapter 5:

They walked the dimly lit streets beside each other, the night breeze enveloping them in a securing manner. She glanced at him, his lips tugged upwards as he gazed the starry sky. Yuri was about to speak up when her phone rang. She mentally palmed her face when his head snapped to look at her.

It was her Moonlight ringtone.

“What? Yes, Yes. Right, the yeah. Fine, okay. Bye. Yessss,” She sighed exasperatedly.


“Mm, yeah. He was asking for the pictures of our… date… today.”

He grinned, “I see. I had fun you know. I learned more about you yet again. Like the part where you have my song as your ring tone.”

She blushed a bright pink at this, “I’m a big fan, okay? Don’t let it get too you too much or your head might as well explode.”

The boy decided to tease her more, “Naah, I already know how much you idolize me. You don’t have to verbalize it.”

“You are not my idol!”

“Oh yeah?” He got her aback the wall, knowing it was her house already, his hands at either side of her flushed face, “Look into my eyes and tell me directly who you like the most then.”

Chinen bowed her head, “O-ohn-“

He held her chin to lift it lightly, “Aside from Ohno-kun.”

She could swear she knew he was making fun of her. He probably knew in that devilish mind of his how much she liked him. As an idol, at least. Yet when she gazed straight in his eyes, and those hazel brown orbs came into sight, Chinen knew how serious Yamada is about all this, “Fine. I l-l-like R-ryosuke the most.”

He smirked.

“AS AN IDOL OFCOURSE! I-“ She felt his warm palms atop her haid, messing her straight locks. He then pulled away, leaving her drowned in embarrassment, just in time for their door to open.

“Yuri,” The voice of her mother woke her up from her reverie, “Have you been waiting long?”

She shook her head as a sign of consolation; she knew her voice couldn’t be trusted at the moment. The girl was lucky enough the boy spoke for her, “We just arrived, Chinen-san. Hope we didn’t intrude on anything.”

“We were just about to have dinner, no worries. Thank you for taking my lovely home. Would you like to join us for dinner?” She averted her gaze at Yuri, sending her a signal of some sort, “Shuichi is home,” Yuri unintentionally jerked lightly at this, a sense of horror enveloping her.

Yamada taking in a sort of feel emanating from her, gave her a tap on the shoulder. He was to take the offer yet his phone rang, “Oh, sorry,” he recognized whom the call was from by his ringtone, “It’s my mom. I guess she’s looking from me. I guess I’d have to take that dinner some other time. I apologize.”

“Not at all,” Mrs. Chinen assured with a smile, “A friend of Yuri is very welcome in our home. Have a safe trip back home then, Ryosuke-kun.”

He bowed to her before turning to the girl beside him, “I’ll see you soon, Yuri. Feel free to give me a call if something’s up, okay?”

She gazed at his retreating back, thoughts running through her mind. She wished he didn’t have to go and take that securing warmth with him.


“Tadaima,” Yuri said in a soft whisper as Shuichi’s gaze averted at him.

“Yuri, join us,” He ordered with a stern voice.

She nodded and took a seat parallel to them.

“How are your studies? Are you acing all you tests?”

“Y-yes Shuichi-san.”

“That's good. But where were you earlier today? I thought it was only a party you attended at the Okamoto residence?”

This time, it was her mom who answered for her, “She had to sleep over at Keito-kun because of their project together, right, Yuri?” She was glad her mom was helping her on this. A nod came as her response.

“Are you sure it was homework that you did?”

I nodded… simply because I knew there would be more than reprimanding if I didn’t.

Shuichi seemed pleased with this, “Good. I'm worried by your frequent waste of time hanging out with your friends. For this week, you go straight to your school, go home and do your homework then attend cram school. Do you get me? This way you'll get to study more. Don't forget your violin lessons too.”

Yuri lowered my head. Great, more stress. Hanging out with Jump is her only stress reliever and now it gets taken away from her?

“I hope you get my point, Yuri. You do get that I know your every move, right?”

“Yes Shuichi-san. I'm finished eating. I'll go now. Thank you for the meal.”

She headed for her room as every bit of her appetite seemed to go numb at his words. When he’s not busy beating her up, he would surely make it a point to make her life miserable. Nothing was wrong with just academics but a little too much of it would drive her sanity away. She needed time to recuperate from all the pressure.

Her eyes closed for the night, her mind hoping things would get better anytime soon.


AN: Sorry it took forever to update, had been pretty much caught up with school so yeah... Enjoy and don't forget to comment? :) Hope you like it guys :D

yamachii, fanfic: through seasons love me

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