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Comments 143

overtheheadline October 23 2011, 23:50:02 UTC
"Lex Luthor and a fun house, sure Lois nothing says trap than Luthor luring you to your doom in a dark and creepy fun house. There better not be slides," Lois muttered to herself as she followed Lex. She was trying to be subtle about it but well, she was kind of obvious seeing as she was carrying a giant pile of stuffed toys.


capable_of October 24 2011, 00:10:20 UTC
Lex wasn't blind and the woman with the pile of toys was a little hard to miss. Especially since she was clearly following him. But he pretended not to notice as he entered the Fun House. Thankfully, the interior was dark and once he led her a ways in, it was easy to duck into a corner so she could walk by him.


overtheheadline October 24 2011, 01:39:02 UTC
"Next time Lois, maybe leave the toys at home." Lois whispered to herself, following Lex into the dark and creepy house. Walking past Lex in the dark Lois paused, looking around before sighing. Typical, he'd slithered off. "Great now you've lost the Diet Coke of evil. Son of a- okay, if you were Lex Luthor what would you do?"

Probably hide behind her and wait to go past.

...Oh, crap.

"I swear to god Lex if you're lurking behind me I'm going to kick you so hard you will be singing soprano."


capable_of October 24 2011, 01:41:59 UTC
"I like to think if it more as avoiding a tail then lurking but if you insist." Lex said as he moved back into sight a few fight behind her, arms crossed, not at all amused despite his tone of voice. "Which begs the question, why are you following me?"


not_so_smooth October 24 2011, 04:44:35 UTC
"Okay, someone needs to go try out some of the rides with their boyfriend," Sam said, moving up to Cassie and steering her away by her shoulders from the gentleman with the southern drawl and increasingly loud voice. It was a bit rude, but whatever the argument was about was probably stupid anyways and this way she got away from it and saved face.

"Also, I want you to win me a pony. Preferably a Pegasus one. Although wasn't Pegasus just the name of one flying horse? What's the species called?"


thethirdwonder October 26 2011, 04:51:36 UTC
“But…!” Cassie mocked glared at Sam as he dragged her away from her new friend. “Ugh fine….! Rematch, Mr. Tucker!” She called over his shoulder and grinned at the shouted affirmative.

Now she could give her full attention to Sam and showed this through a kiss on the cheek. “Aww Sam. I promise, not even handsome men with a sweet accent could turn my eye.” She teased with a grin while leading him over to a booth with milk bottles and plush Pegasus ponies as prizes. “Do you want the blue one or the yellow one?” She asked as she weighed the ball she had to throw in her hands, considering his question. “You know, I don’t know. I think the species got its name from that flying horse. But are they pegasuses, pegasui or is Pegasus plural too?”


not_so_smooth October 26 2011, 18:31:00 UTC
"Wait, I wasn't even thinking that I had to be worried," Sam said, making a bit of a face. It's not that he was worried that Cassie would do anything like that, he just didn't know he was supposed to pretend to. Or if he thought that Cassie thought he would.

"And the blue one, it looks cooler than the other one. Like... at least 20% cooler."


thethirdwonder October 29 2011, 01:30:07 UTC
The face just made her giggle and Cassie wrapped an arm around her neck so she could give him a proper kiss. She'd only been kidding, there was no need for Sam to be worried at all and she didn't expect him to be.

"The cooler one it is." She said as she tested the ball again before pitching it. Half the pyramid of milk bottles came tumbling down and she didn't even need the third ball to take it completely out.


VALKYRIE OPEN FOR WHOEVER prettywithawill October 24 2011, 05:16:36 UTC
She wasn't sure what to make of this amusement park that suddenly sprang up overnight. It was either the most incredible magic that she had ever seen or technology so advanced it was like science fiction. She bet Skulduggery would love it, so she hoped that he would show up soon.

Really though, it would have been more fun with friends. She couldn't even chalk it up completely to not having arrived here until lately. Valkyrie was not the most social person around and had kept to herself, mostly. Now she was regretting that. It would be nice to have someone win her an animal (or she could win an animal for) and scream with on the rides.

"I don't suppose you can recommend any especially good rides?" she asked, turning toward a passerby. Maybe she could convince them to let her tag along with them. Just for one ride.


Re: VALKYRIE OPEN FOR WHOEVER percy_jackson October 24 2011, 07:39:08 UTC
I had wet wipes and was scrubbing blue candy floss from my fingers when I saw Valkyrie. I smiled to see her, and then frowned to see her looking a little lost. I tossed the wipe in a trash can and came up beside her, making sure I wasn't sneaking. No need to repeat the judo throw moment.

"Hey, there," I said. "Just like the Island to provide us with a monorail after all our talk about exploring the place."


prettywithawill October 24 2011, 17:07:19 UTC

Valkyrie beamed a smile at him, genuinely glad to see one of the few people on the island she actually considered a friend. The fact that he was cute and funny and nice also might have a little something to do with how happy she was to see him.

"And I heard there's a ride through dinosaur through dinosaur territory. Also, those carnival games where you try and win stuffed animals."

Yes, that may have been a subtle hint that she would perhaps like someone to win her such an animal, but she was perfectly fine with being shameless at times.


percy_jackson October 24 2011, 17:47:27 UTC
It was good to see her smile, and especially good to have that smile directed at me, though I felt myself blush a little. "Have you tried anything out? Do you have your eye on anything particular?"


turnedoutfine October 24 2011, 06:04:26 UTC
"Jonas!" Alexis called with a wave, heading over once she spotted him. "Isn't all this awesome? I want to go on everything at least twice. Maybe not the Jurassic Park ride, though, that one probably just once."

She paused and swept wide eyes over the spread he'd collected. "...wow, that is a lot of food."


thinkimstrange October 26 2011, 04:28:16 UTC
“The rides do look like fun. I tried a few yesterday, though the one underground was a bit much for I think.” It had reminded him of too many close calls on SG-1. But Jonas could only grin bashfully and duck his head as he looked down at the food he’d manage to gather in front of him. “Yes well, Xander was just telling me about all of the food that is served at tradition amusement parks and somehow this ended up in my trying all of them.” Not that Jonas was complaining, but some of it was heavy even for his alien stomach.


turnedoutfine October 26 2011, 04:45:27 UTC
Alexis laughed. "Yeah, it's kind of a fair and amusement park tradition to deep fry just about everything you can think of," she said. "I think the food at places like this is pretty much just a convergence of all the unhealthiest and yet most delicious foods in existence."


thinkimstrange October 29 2011, 03:15:23 UTC
"It's definitely heavier then anything I've ever eaten but I'm enjoying it." As if to prove the point, Jonas took a bite of his favorite, a fried banana.


trytobegood October 24 2011, 06:35:44 UTC
So much of what was to be found on the island was completely foreign to me, things that most of the residents there seemed wholly familiar with. It had seemed to me my first days there had been spent attempting to familiarize myself with strange discoveries the likes of which I had never imagined, such as electricity and numerous other modern conveniences. It had been quite a learning experience so far, and it continued to be ( ... )


itellthetaleof October 26 2011, 04:24:49 UTC
“Where are you from then, if you don’t mind me asking? Are you from the past, like I am?” Gabrielle asked, not even missing a beat when she couldn’t ask him questions about the amusement park the island had turned into. While it of course was her main train of thought for the day, she would happily learn whatever she could about the quiet man.


trytobegood October 26 2011, 04:37:59 UTC
"I don't mind. I am from a country called Terre d'Ange," I replied, "and yes, I suppose I am from the past, as time is reckoned here." She had an innocence about her, but I had the sense also that she was perhaps not as naive as she seemed.


itellthetaleof October 29 2011, 03:48:53 UTC
"Terre d'Ange." Gabrielle tested out the word before cocking her head. "I've never heard of it. Where is it?" She asked curiously, hoping he didn't mind.


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