A dollop of nostalgia

Mar 19, 2014 01:02

You know what I miss? I miss 'the good old days' on LJ.

I joined back in 2005 for the express purpose of stalking erm, I mean *following* a couple of my favorite Spuffy writers. It took me about a year to get 'involved', but when I did it was with a vengeance. I started writing fanfic, got involved in fandoms and developed amazing friendships ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

dmacabre March 19 2014, 09:41:14 UTC
*sigh* Tell me about it. I used to check my flist several times a day (which was, okay, maybe a teensy bit obsessive) and now I could probably check it 2-3 times per WEEK without missing much.

I miss Nerds Anonymous!


tallulah99 March 20 2014, 02:51:16 UTC
I remember when I could refresh all day long and something new would pop up almost every time. And those 'conversations' that would happen in the comments section of some posts where it was like a party line and we'd be nested so deep that each comment would only be like one letter long. Lol. I think it was one of those on your page where I first met Kelly, actually.

Nerds Anonymous would be a much more compelling name than 'Live Journal', I think. I move that we petition the PTB to make the change!


dmacabre March 20 2014, 06:23:06 UTC
*sniffles* I miss comment sections full of hilarity and chatter, too. Fandom was really only the tip of the iceberg, it was the people and all their diverse interests that made LJ fun.


angel_witch March 19 2014, 10:56:09 UTC
My sentiments exactly. I only post silly inconsequential things on FB. Tumblr is for when I am at a loss for words and a picture speaks to me.

LJ is where I can state what I mean. I also no long keep a paper journal due to a nosy husband who didn't like what he read.

LJ is the sanctuary.


tallulah99 March 20 2014, 02:56:58 UTC
I use FB to keep in touch with distant family and local friends, but I try to keep a lid on the majority of the crazy (some would say I fail, but that's because they have no idea just *how much* crazy there is under the lid!) Tumblr is fun for silly/thoughtful posts and pictures of Benedict Cumberbatch, but not nearly interactive enough for me. LJ lets me be more myself than I am when I'm myself. It's nice to have a place to let the fangirl have some unfettered time with the wind in her hair and the sun on her face!

You have one of those nosy type husbands too, do you? Aren't we the lucky ones?


octobre09 March 19 2014, 15:03:47 UTC
I miss YOU!

LJ isn't the same anymore. Nobody from the CSI fandom is very active anymore. I've lost track of some of them completely and that makes me want to cry.

I think we should go back to emailing those long messages back and forth, remember?:) There's so much stuff going on sometimes but finding the time to actually put in coherent words on LJ seems impossible and mainly pointless since lj feels very much deserted.

I do think of you and miss you though so I'd be thrilled to read more lj entry from ms Tallulah.;)


tallulah99 March 20 2014, 03:04:23 UTC
*glomp ( ... )


enigmaticblues March 19 2014, 18:26:22 UTC
LJ is the best, I would agree. It's really opened up a whole new world for me, and I've made strong friendships that I never would have had. I'm so grateful for this space.


tallulah99 March 20 2014, 03:14:22 UTC
My inner nerd sort of exploded when I got into LJ back in the heyday. I used to keep all that 'silly' fangirling under tight lock and key until I found out that I wasn't quite as much of a whack job as I thought I was. It was liberating to finally embrace that obsessive, geeky side of myself and to finally just wallow in the enjoyment I get from all these fictional worlds. I remember the first time I heard something called a 'fandom' and I thought that sounded like such a fun and welcoming place - and it is! It's crazy and absurd and nonsensical sometimes, but also definitely fun and very much like being part of a vast and dysfunctional family ( ... )


slobber_neck March 20 2014, 00:36:04 UTC
I totally hear you. I actually know very few people from my LJ in "real life", as it were. I kind of like it that way. You all have very glamourous lives in my head. ;)


tallulah99 March 20 2014, 03:18:50 UTC
I guarantee that I am more interesting in your head than I am in reality, then. Lol. But I know what you mean! I actually have met quite a few of my LJ friends 'IRL', as it were, a few of them on multiple occasions, but it's always been in that order - LJ friend first, IRL friend once they already know too many bizarre things about me, and vice versa, for us to ever *stop* being friends!

This has always felt like a safe haven to me - I can be more myself here than I can in my own actual life, and it's such a liberating feeling to let my geek flag proudly wave for a change!

Life gets busy, and it's easy to let things pile up - in actuality and mentally. LJ was always my place to unburden, and I think I need that again. That's the plan anyway - start tormenting you guys with my inner most meanderings once more, so that the people who are stuck in the same house with me all the time don't have to put up with it! At least you guys can just scroll on by!


slobber_neck March 24 2014, 16:35:20 UTC
I'm glad to see I am not the only one who utilizes LJ in this way. ;) I haven't ranted and raved in a while. I should probably do that. Then I wouldn't have a continuous stream of heart palpitations and rage...


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