A dollop of nostalgia

Mar 19, 2014 01:02

You know what I miss? I miss 'the good old days' on LJ.

I joined back in 2005 for the express purpose of stalking erm, I mean *following* a couple of my favorite Spuffy writers. It took me about a year to get 'involved', but when I did it was with a vengeance. I started writing fanfic, got involved in fandoms and developed amazing friendships ( Read more... )

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tallulah99 March 20 2014, 03:04:23 UTC


You know what another one of the drawbacks of FB is? It makes me feel like I'm *connected* to everyone, when I'm really not. I don't keep up with *anybody* anymore! There are loads of people that I used to call, AIM and email, but I don't at all anymore, because we *sort of* stay in touch via FB, and I think everyone feels like that's enough, somehow. I know everyone is really busy, but I miss the simplicity that existed before FB, and *especially* that huge time suck, tumblr. God, i lose HOURS on that site, and it's just nonsense!

I'm going to try to be more active out here in LJland. If for no other reason than I need a place to spew mental flotsam and jetsam to keep it from exploding all over 'real life'. I've also just taken over the old Labyfic community and I'm going to be trying to revamp that as well. It's a *project*!

I'd love to start emailing again, but I am SUCH a slacker for stuff like that. I do that thing where I *mean* to reply, get caught up in all the regular crap (or 200 hours of tumblr scrolling) and then realize a month has gone by. *headdesk*


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