A dollop of nostalgia

Mar 19, 2014 01:02

You know what I miss? I miss 'the good old days' on LJ.

I joined back in 2005 for the express purpose of stalking erm, I mean *following* a couple of my favorite Spuffy writers. It took me about a year to get 'involved', but when I did it was with a vengeance. I started writing fanfic, got involved in fandoms and developed amazing friendships that have been stronger and longer-lasting than any other I've made in my entire adult life.

I used to spend HOURS on Lj, chatting, surfing, posting and reading. This place *was* my social life.

And then babies were born, life got busy and people moved on. But, dammit, I. MISS. IT.

I'm on Facebook, but it's too personal. I"m on tumblr, but it's not personal enough. LJ still seems to offer the best format that nudges in somewhere between the two - personal enough that actual relationships develop, but not so personal that your spouse/brother/parent/neighbor can follow your every move. LJ was *liberating* for someone like me who lives so completely inside my own head. I was always too embarrassed to 'be myself' in public, but unable to entirely squash the giddy fangirl inside, either. LJ was an outlet, a welcoming haven full of other fangirls who, while they might not be deep into the same fandom as I was, they still *understood*. It's like Nerds Anonymous here, really.

I guess I don't have to keep missing it if I come back, do I?
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