*blows dust off LJ*

Oct 22, 2013 01:34

Hey, look! It still works!

I'm really not sure what it is that makes me incapable of doing anything that even *remotely* smacks of socialization (even the online/email kind), but for the past several months I have been on self-imposed lockdown. Who even knows why; I CERTAINLY DON'T. I keep thinking of this old SNL skit about Greta Garbo and her notorious desire to maintain her privacy. At the end of the skit, she is hanging from a chandelier to prevent a determined delivery boy from seeing her, and she keeps repeating this mantra throughout -'I want to be *dramatic pause* alone!'. That is me.

I am fine. I am not depressed. I am not 'going through something' or at all unhappy. Overall, I feel pretty darn good, actually. It isn't even as though I have been spending more time out from behind my computer doing actual LIFE STUFF rather than futzing around online. If anything I am sitting here tapping away even MORE than I used to be. My mental state beggars description, even to me.

I am writing, and I am writing a LOT. I have put some minor effort into a bit of original fiction, but I got derailed quickly by the siren call of the fanfic world and am now 50,000 words into an epic BBC Sherlock fanfic (I ship Sherlolly - as if that's a surprise to ANYONE who knows me AT ALL). This really takes up far more of my time than it should.

I'm going to have surgery in a couple of weeks. I am bizarrely THRILLED about it, because it is something I've needed to have done for many years. I broke the cartilage between two of my ribs around ten years ago. I had surgery then to get the broken bits removed, but ultimately, it's still a pretty constant problem - lots of discomfort, almost complete inability to exercise etc - and I decided to go ahead and get it dealt with before our health care costs double next year. So yay for surgery, but boo for getting it done three days before Thor 2 hits the screen. Clearly, my first viewing of this cinematic masterpiece will be under the influences of some AWESOME painkillers.

So, that's pretty much me. I'm going to try to get out here more and keep up a little better. Maybe take some baby steps back into the world and stop hanging from quite so many chandeliers. We shall see!
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