round six prompt post - spoilers

Jun 14, 2012 17:44

THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR SEASON THREE IN THIS POST!!IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains them, it will be screened and you will be asked to re-write it with the appropriate warning. ( Read more... )

prompts, spoilers, round six

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Comments 2323

EXAMPLE: Mike/Trevor, forgiveness suitsmeme June 14 2012, 23:02:59 UTC
Even after everything he's done, Mike still can't help but forgive Trevor.


[Fill] The Company Misery Keeps, Trevor/Mike/Jenny themangomaureen June 15 2012, 08:22:34 UTC
Warnings: unhappy relationships, codependence ( ... )


Re: [Fill] The Company Misery Keeps, Trevor/Mike/Jenny suitsmeme June 19 2012, 10:17:00 UTC
A good start for round six <3


Mike/Harvey, "What the hell is going on here?" (slash or not, your choice) dietpunkfics June 15 2012, 03:58:23 UTC
After seeing the blood drain from Harvey's face when they walked in to see Hardman speaking to the firm, Mike wants to know exactly what's going on. Of course, Harvey doesn't want to tell him, but it's a good thing Mike knows how to get him to talk.


Mike/Harvey, running away kim47 June 15 2012, 05:22:42 UTC
Mike and Harvey actually do run away to Buenos Aries together. I really just fluff and silliness :D


Mini!Fill kim47 June 15 2012, 13:34:26 UTC
It's probably not as fluffy or silly as you were hoping for and it's rather short (apologies), but it's three in the morning and this needed to be written. Hope you like it! :D ( ... )


Re: Mini!Fill kim47 June 15 2012, 14:10:04 UTC

I was giggling madly from the first line, oh my god, the image of Mike sitting on a beach drinking a giant margarita is perfect. Eee and a tiny little bit of seriousness when Mike thanks him guh.

I don't even have words for how adorable and perfect this is, you have their absolutely banter down ♥♥♥♥


Re: Mini!Fill kim47 June 15 2012, 15:05:10 UTC
This is PERFECT. There totally needs to be more of this.


Harvey/Mike; living arrangements anonymous June 15 2012, 05:27:41 UTC
when Harvey tells Mike to leave, he ends up going to Harvey's apartment rather than his own


Fill: Untitled, 1/5 anonymous June 15 2012, 15:22:40 UTC

Sometimes beautiful things come into our lives out of nowhere.
We can't always understand them, but we have to trust in them. I know
you want to question everything, but sometimes it pays to just have a little faith.
Lauren Kate


"Go home, now. Don't come back."


Mike doesn't stop to talk to anyone, doesn't stop at all until he's in the elevator. Once he is, he's shaking, his skin feels weird and clammy and he kind of wants to throw up. The small space of the elevator isn't helping. The second the doors open, he bolts out, and he doesn't stop running until he's a good two blocks from the building.

Shit, shit, shit.

He collapses back against a wall, trying to get his breathing under control. It's been a hell of a few days, and just when he thought that maybe, maybe everything was going to be okay...


He remembers the look on Harvey's face when he said Mike wasn't getting fired on his watch, remembers the rush of relief that poured over him when he got Harvey's message. Everything's fine. I fixed it, now go fix ( ... )


Fill: Untitled, 2/5 anonymous June 15 2012, 15:24:35 UTC
Christ, what a day ( ... )


Fill: Untitled, 3/5 anonymous June 15 2012, 15:27:44 UTC
“Wha-” Mike opens his eyes and squints up at him. “Harvey?” Clearly not at his brightest when he’s just woken up ( ... )


Harvey/Mike The Consultant inkpixe June 15 2012, 07:19:32 UTC
Harvey never became a lawyer. Instead he went into another field and put Pearson & Hardman on retainer for his business ( ... )


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