round six prompt post - spoilers

Jun 14, 2012 17:44

THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR SEASON THREE IN THIS POST!!IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains them, it will be screened and you will be asked to re-write it with the appropriate warning. ( Read more... )

prompts, spoilers, round six

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Comments 2323

Mike/OFC Harvey/Mike Cougars? brokenballoons June 15 2012, 16:07:27 UTC
How has this not been prompted yet after last night?

Mike gets hit on by a/some cougars at a bar/club whatever. Does he go home with one of them, or maybe Harvey shows up and beats the older women away from his poor puppy?


Harvey's mother returns - Harvey/Mike anonymous June 15 2012, 20:25:57 UTC
(I'm gonna feel mighty stupid if this was mentioned in the 1st season or something, but hopefully it was new info tonight! But yay anonymity!)

Sooo, in last night's ep Donna mentioned Harvey's mother "somehow" coming back into his life as a possible reason for his being upset/out-of-sorts, and THEN, when Harvey's threatening Hardman, he mentions a childhood "friend" who found out his mother never loved his father, cheated for years, then left him.

Obviously Harvey is talking about his own parents here, right? Which means - we have a childhood trauma to exploit for dramatic purposes! *rubs hands together evilly*

On to the actual prompt, finally: Harvey's mom comes back into his life suddenly (maybe she needs his help with something, it's up to you) and he has to deal with it. Mike helps of course. Would prefer slash or pre-slash but I'm not too picky. Angst is, of course, essential!


Re: Harvey's mother returns - Harvey/Mike anonymous June 28 2012, 04:25:18 UTC
oooh I like this prompt. Someone please fill +111111111111


anonymous June 15 2012, 20:47:05 UTC
Mike is dazed. He can't talk right now. Harvey just told him he was proud of him. How could Mike NOT be hopelessly in love with him? AKA The one where we find out what Mike did right after he walked out.


rories June 16 2012, 00:23:39 UTC
Please be sure to put a heading on your prompt next time including any pairings and warnings as well as the kink. Thank you.


Harvey/Mike, Hardman targets Mike anonymous June 15 2012, 22:14:36 UTC
Hardman wants to mess with Harvey - get a little bit of revenge - he does it by overworking Mike, maybe giving him even more impossible deadlines than Louis does, deliberately making Mike uncomfortable? Nothing sexual, just generally crappy attitude and behaviour.

I could totally see Hardman saying to Harvey "It's not nice when people mess with your things, is it?" I'd just love to see protective Harvey gets and how easy it is to annoy him by targeting Mike. Louis and Jessica possibly getting irritated and protective too because they clearly don't like Hardman and they each have their own little soft spots for Mike, they'd just have better control and restraint.

Pre-slash (later becoming slash?) or gen preferred.


Re: Harvey/Mike, Hardman targets Mike cuppa_char June 16 2012, 17:49:23 UTC
I really want this! Seconded!


Harvey/Mike, movie night anonymous June 15 2012, 23:12:50 UTC
So you know how Harvey's always quoting movies and Mike answers in kind, I just want them on their day off watching an old movie on Harvey's huge couch and snarking at each other. And Mike being all snuggly.


Re: Harvey/Mike, movie night kim47 June 16 2012, 04:49:05 UTC
And Mike being all snuggly.

Yesssss :D


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