round six prompt post - spoilers

Jun 14, 2012 17:44

THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR SEASON THREE IN THIS POST!!IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains them, it will be screened and you will be asked to re-write it with the appropriate warning. ( Read more... )

prompts, spoilers, round six

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Comments 2323

Pre-Harvey/Mike, Mike's parents anonymous June 15 2012, 23:20:47 UTC
When Jessica lets slip that she knows how Mike's parents died, Harvey's shocked to find it actually hurts him that Mike told someone else instead of him. But then he'd never actually asked or shown an interest. I'd just like some Harvey introspection and then maybe him allowing himself to be openly curious and ask Mike about things about his childhood? I don't know, I just saw Jessica's reaction to the car crash story and wondered how Harvey would feel about Jessica knowing while he doesn't.


Re: Pre-Harvey/Mike, Mike's parents journalistic25 June 16 2012, 01:46:58 UTC
This is a great idea so I really hope that someone fills it for you because I would LOVE to read this! :)


re: fill: ill-fitting black suits (1/2) rorywayward June 16 2012, 07:39:12 UTC
(A/N: this wound up being completely retrospective and no mike/harvey face-to-face. sorry -- hope you enjoy it anyway! this is my first fill here on suits-meme ( ... )


Re: fill: ill-fitting black suits (2/2) rorywayward June 16 2012, 07:39:30 UTC
Instead he leans his head back, closing his eyes and focusing on the rise and fall of his own chest. But that only reminds him of Mike’s parents and how they took their last breath without even knowing it, and suddenly all Harvey can think of is Mike - Mike who must have felt so lost at such a young age. Who allowed himself to let the words, “he’s my oldest friend” mean more than they should have. Who could still smile so brilliantly when Harvey was looking his way. Who couldn’t find it himself to confide in Harvey about the two people he’d loved and lost - but had told Jessica instead, as she calculated his every word and prepared to squash him beneath her six-inch heels ( ... )


Harvey/Mike - possessive!Harvey anonymous June 16 2012, 02:19:37 UTC
"I'm protecting my own" "I'm not staying without Mike"

Need some possessive!Harvey/Mike right now. :o)


mini fill: You Are Mine and I Am Yours tattooedsiren June 17 2012, 06:27:16 UTC
"You're mine ( ... )


Re: mini fill: You Are Mine and I Am Yours flamyshine June 17 2012, 06:57:50 UTC
Perfect as always :) *in a happy place*


Re: mini fill: You Are Mine and I Am Yours tattooedsiren June 17 2012, 07:30:44 UTC
Thanks hun. :O)


Harvey/Mike, Fight and Angst anonymous June 16 2012, 02:58:42 UTC
Harvey and Mike get into a huge argument (they're a new couple or on verge of becoming one). Maybe Mike starts buying into Hardman being a decent guy or something. Point is, Mike ends up saying some pretty terrible things to Harvey and then storms out. Later he finds out from Donna or maybe even Jessica exactly what Harvey put on the line to keep him at Pearson Hardman. Cue lots of apologies and make up sex. :-)


Re: Harvey/Mike, Fight and Angst brokenballoons June 16 2012, 03:42:46 UTC
/makes needy whining noise


Louis and Harold 0justlisten0 June 16 2012, 04:54:06 UTC
So Louis and Harold were hilarious at the funeral, what with Louis being all ironic and not even noticing, and poor Harold being Harold, and Louis stealing Harold's ribbon. Give me more funny Louis and Harold moments?


Harvey/Mike, Tentacles anonymous June 16 2012, 15:22:50 UTC
Do we have tentacle porn yet?

It could be Harvey never having a relationship cause he has tentacles and now he wants to show Mike. Trust issues would be awesome!

Actually, it really doesn't matter. Just. Tentacles.


Re: Harvey/Mike, Tentacles chasing_pillows June 18 2012, 01:27:58 UTC
=0 YES!


Re: Harvey/Mike, Tentacles anonymous June 18 2012, 05:15:41 UTC
Which part of this prompt contains spoilers for the show?



Re: Harvey/Mike, Tentacles brokenballoons June 18 2012, 05:36:08 UTC
Wow way to be a rude asshole. Just because this is the spoilers area doesn't mean we can't post prompts that are spoiler free as well, as it doesn't say that in the rules at all. So kindly go take your trolling hate to 4chan where they might appreciate this sort of rude behavior.


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