round six prompt post - spoilers

Jun 14, 2012 17:44

THERE WILL BE SPOILERS FOR SEASON THREE IN THIS POST!!IMPORTANT: Please don't forget to warn for any triggers (these can be found in the Rules post), better to warn when in doubt. If a prompt is not warned for triggers and contains them, it will be screened and you will be asked to re-write it with the appropriate warning. ( Read more... )

prompts, spoilers, round six

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Fill: Untitled, 3/5 anonymous June 15 2012, 15:27:44 UTC
“Wha-” Mike opens his eyes and squints up at him. “Harvey?” Clearly not at his brightest when he’s just woken up.

“The one and only.”

Mike sits up and, Jesus Christ, he’s rubbing his eyes and this is the most adorable thing Harvey Specter has ever seen. And that’s the first time he’s ever used the word adorable, even in the privacy of his own brain. Harvey sits down next to him.

“You’ve gotta get your ass to the office,” he says, when it seems like Mike’s able to process words. Mike groans and buries his face in his hands.

“Oh god, is Jessica going to ream me out? Is she going to kill me? Will they ever find the body?” His vocal register is bordering on hysterical. Harvey lays a hand on his thigh and pats it comfortingly.

“I promise to look after your grandmother.”

Mike punches him on the arm.

“It’s not funny, Harvey.” He scowls, but at least no longer seems like he’s about to hyperventilate. Progress.

“She’s not going to fire you.”

Mike’s head snaps up. “What?”

Harvey sighs and rolls his eyes.

“I find your lack of faith disturbing,” he intones, but it barely gets a twitch out of Mike. “I said you wouldn’t get fired on my watch, and you won’t.” He thinks about relaying the whole conversation between himself and Jessica to Mike, but something inside him squirms away from the idea of admitting to Mike that he was willing to quit and walk away from everything he’s worked for for more than fifteen years for him. Sure, he knew he probably wouldn’t have to follow through, that Jessica needed him and he just had to make her see that, but there’s always that chance, that one bullet in the chamber, that one variable that you can’t quite predict.

In her position, he thinks he would have fired him anyway.

God, he needs a drink.

Mike’s frowning at him like he doesn’t quite believe the words coming out of his mouth.

“So if I’m not going to be fired...” he says slowly. “Why do I need to go to the office?”

“Jessica wants to see you.” It has the effect he thought it would, Mike’s eyes widen and he looks on the verge of panic again. This really can’t be good for his heart. Harvey rubs a comforting hand up and down Mike’s thigh. “It’ll be a hell of a conversation, and I’m not sure you’ll survive with your dignity intact, but once we’ve got Jessica Pearson on your side? We’ll be unstoppable.”

Harvey’s not as confident as he’s making himself sound; given the way Mike looks like he’s about to cry, he’s a little worried that Jessica will take one look at Mike’s face and fire him on the spot. But he can’t afford to let Mike see that.

“What - what do I tell her?” Mike asks desperately. He’s staring at Harvey, stupidly-blue eyes begging Harvey to tell him what to do, how to make sure he doesn’t screw this up.

“Everything,” Harvey says firmly. “You remember when we met? You’re going to blow her away with that ridiculous mind of yours, just like you did me. Okay?”

Mike looks anything but okay, but after a minute he nods. A moment later, he nods again, more confidently this time.

“Good boy.”

Mike smiles and ducks his head. He doesn’t look as shell-shocked as when Harvey told him he was proud of him (and shit, is the kid that desperate for his approval that he needs to go lie down for five minutes when Harvey compliments his work?) but he definitely looks pleased, and in the soft light flooding the living room from the kitchen, it looks a little like he’s blushing.

Harvey’s suddenly aware of his hand stroking Mike’s leg. Huh. That’s probably not entirely appropriate boss-employee behaviour.

They sit in silence for a minute; Harvey thinks Mike is probably steeling himself for the task ahead, sorting and cataloguing all the tricks Harvey’s taught him to complement his perfect memory, wondering how best to impress Jessica. Harvey wants to ask him to come back here when he’s done, to let Harvey make him a drink and calm him down and re-convince him everything’s going to be okay.

“I should - ” Mike starts, and Harvey nods, removing his hand from Mike’s leg. It’s more of an effort than he would have liked.

“Go get her.”

Mike doesn’t move. Clearly Harvey has more work to do.


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