trips, random, apartment, work, bulleted list, wedding, friends

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  • Things I'm Diggin

    stacirico Aug 03, 2007 19:25

  • Wedding RSVPs are coming in! People actually want to come! *squee*
  • Kidwiches. Like regular ice cream sandwiches, only... mini. (said like Dr. Evil, haha) Seriously, you gotta try them. Normally I keep my willpower in check and only eat one. But I just ate 2. *gasp* hehe. I figure that extra Kidwich is my reward for working from 8:00 to 6:30 ( Read more... )

    trips, work, bulleted list, wedding, friends, food

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  • Wow... I, like, posted

    stacirico May 22, 2007 19:29

    So yeah, it's been over a month since I last posted. Whoops, my bad.

    Here's some headlines from the Recent Life of Stacey to help combat that.

    Probably the biggest news is that midnightcoder is moving in to my apartment next weekend. JIGGA-WOOT! As long as we can fit all of our stuff in this little apartment, we'll be in good shape :) He and I have both been ( Read more... )

    trips, apartment, work, wedding, vacation, shopping, friends

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  • 27

    stacirico Mar 01, 2007 23:32

    Today didn't particularly feel like my birthday.

    Although, being in this time zone and in my home state was a plus.

    And having DJ and Megan bake me a yummy birthday cake was definitely a plus.

    But the day was capped off for me when, at the D&D game tonight, 
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    holiday, friends, food, dungeons & dragons

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  • The Fun Post

    stacirico Dec 11, 2006 20:16

    I was sitting in the living room the other day, eating breakfast and minding my own business, when I saw this.

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    holiday, apartment, photos, friends

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  • Chomp, chomp...

    stacirico Sep 22, 2006 21:15

    This is the second funniest picture known to man: I like to call it "Spontaneous Human Consumption, Revisited." This is
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    family, apartment, work, photos, games, friends

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