Some quick words about the wedding and honeymoon

Oct 14, 2007 11:27

Our wedding day was everything I hoped for and more. Everything went absolutely perfectly. Even the weather cooperated... much to my relief.

I was not nervous at all... but I think everyone around me was nervous for me.

A lot of the day is like one big blur to me. But it was fun and I didn't want it to end. No question, it was the best and happiest day of my life so far. I now have the bestest husband on the face of the planet!!!

Almost all of my LJ friends were there: blufish2004, cinquefoil, drakin769 (best man), etoilepb, hazelyze (bridesmaid), kb1eet, ladybugus, melancon (groomsman), polgara_3000 (bridesmaid), poxyd, scoobydee2379 (bridesmaid), sunniski (maid of honor), and topaz3in6. And midnightcoder, of course. He kind of had to be there. :)

We took a day off between the wedding and leaving for the honeymoon, to pack and straighten things out at home. I would highly recommend this to anyone planning to honeymoon anytime soon - made things much less stressful.

Our travel itinerary was to go from Boston to Greensboro, NC to Orlando. It ends up that both legs of this trip were on the same plane - a smallish commuter jet. We were taxi-ing and about to take off for Orlando when the pilot found some electrical problems, so he brought the plane back to the terminal, where we sat for 3 hours while they fixed the issue. So we got to Disney much later in the day than we had planned. THEN we got to our room and the keys didn't work (hence the "Duckie is Stuckie" picture). So we were very tired and worn out by the time we finally got in to the room.

As a childless couple in Disney World at an off-peak season, we made it through the parks a LOT quicker than we had anticipated. We blew through all of Epcot and Magic Kingdom in just two days. We ended up going back to some our favorite attractions (Space Mountain, Pirates, etc) for a second ride later in the week - including the wonderful "Food and Wine Festival" at Epcot. We also spent about a day and a half at MGM and, begrudgingly, half a day at Animal Kingdom (just to kill time on our last day before we were picked up to go to the airport). Our flight home was direct and uneventful (except for some bumpy turbulence in the Southeast that made me grab on to Brian's arm tightly).

Now we are home and enjoying married life. Well, it's only been 3 weeks so far, but you know what I mean. One of Brian's friends said about getting married, "Nothing changes, yet everything is different," and it is so true. Sometimes we look at each other and have an OMG moment. "Holy crap, we're married!! You're my husband!! I'm your wife!!" LOL.

trips, wedding, vacation, friends

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