Costume Ball - OPEN for ALL

Oct 27, 2010 03:23

WHO: Ciel Phantomhive, open to everyone
LOCATION: The Grand Room on the 4th Floor
WEEK: 69
TIME: Wednesday, 6pm-Onward
WHAT: Costume Ball!
RATING: Nothing too bad.
NOTES: Feel free to specify where the threads are taking place in the subject line of your comments. Threads can also be set earlier or later than the specified time frame. Everybody have fun ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, hikaru shidou, washu kobayashi, mulan fa, ritsuka aoyagi, quistis trepe, botan wakahisa, seifer almasy, szayel aporro granz, oc - brietta sullivan, ❧nanao ise, akira maeda, chourou hunter, sebastian michaelis, kaoru hitachiin, ❧demyx arpeggio, asch grants, massie block, ataru moroboshi, yuiko hawatari, eagle vision, rikku malik-howell, yoichi hiruma, ❧xerxes break, zell dincht, claude faustus, belle desrosiers, lucy heartphilia, ciel phantomhive, ❧orihime inoue, jack vessalius, leoben conoy

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Comments 487

Break; Open sweetyking October 27 2010, 16:58:13 UTC
Break only came to the party because someone else asked him to, they even had ended up wearing a sort of matching theme costume. He was the mouse and she was the cat, it was an odd combo, but on that worked very well given the people. Break sighed as he tugged at the tail of his outfit slightly, pouting as he did. Break's outfit that he had sorted himself consist of a shirt, trousers, pink gloves to represent mouse hands,ankle high boots and of course the ears.He nibbled on a piece of cheese that he had gotten before hand, mainly for a joke, but mainly at the time he was slightly hungry and there was no candy where he was before. He looked around at everyone else as he sighed, he could spot the person he was meant to meet, and he didn't want to look since he had just gotten comfortable and the heels could use a break from doing all that walking before to get there. He kept a slightly smile as Emily, his doll was on his shoulder, also in a little costume herself that Break put her in. He just kept an eye out just to see if she ( ... )


Belle; Open and About beautifulreader October 27 2010, 17:32:19 UTC
As she had planned to attend the Ball any way, Belle had no problem in assisting with the chaperone duties. When she had heard of the Ball, she was quite excited to attend, yet a pang had hit her heart. It had been a while since she had last attended a party, and was looking forward to having some fun with her fellow staff and the students. At the same time, the last one she had attended was with her fiancè who was not here to attend with her, at the moment. Pushing the sadness out of her mind and heart, Belle instead focused on the intentions of her happiness that Adam had in mind when setting up this job at Hogwarts for her.

She had immediately set about to finding a suitable costume and narrowed it down between historical figures and literary ones. Eventually, Belle came to settle upon Athena, the Greek Goddess of Wisdom. Her outfit wasn't too revealing or too outlandish and fit her perfectly - at least, Cherry, Nurse Joy's Chansey, seemed to like it. She had transfigured the heeled shoes that had been suggested with it down to a ( ... )


Belle; Open and About unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 22:40:09 UTC
The social butterfly that Eagle seems to have turned into today, hovers closer to Belle before speaking in a cheerful respectful tone.

“Another Greek inspired costume! Those seem to be fairly popular. Professor Trepe also seems to have taken inspiration from that period of time for her outfit.”

A smile, “Have you seen her yet? I think she was hiding on the far side of the room.”


Re: Belle; Open and About beautifulreader October 28 2010, 22:44:16 UTC
"Ah, bonjour, Eagle!",Belle greeted. She had turned around as soon as she heard his voice and smiled. It was nice to know, in her knowledge loving mind, that many others found the Ancient Greeks to be an enjoyable subject. Hearing that another staff member was dressed in a similar fashion, Belle let her eyes wander about the crowd, trying to spot Professor Trepe.

"No, not yet.",she replied, still glancing about towards the opposite end. "I will have to find her later." Turning her eyes back towards Eagle, she smiled at his costume, taking his appearance in. "That's a fantastic outfit! You are that music talent, no?"


Belle; Open and About unyieldingwill October 29 2010, 05:04:18 UTC
“I thought I would try for something different!” Eagle said as a way of answering her question.

He usually dressed far more conservatively than this, either in the school uniform or in a black turtle neck shirt… but Halloween was a time to be a bit more flamboyant.

“Are you enjoying the party so far? I have been told the Witches Finger cookies are really good… but I haven’t tried them myself yet.”


Open - On your sofa, drinking your punch unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 19:18:28 UTC
Eagle finally took a break from wandering around the elegantly decorated room. He found himself a seat on one of the red velvet sofas and sipped from a glass of punch he had procured from one of the buffet coffins. Ciel had really thought of everything for this event hadn’t he…? There seemed to be something set up for everyone to enjoy and every inch of the room was decorated. Not even the space under the sofas had been neglected… as creepily realistic looking cobwebs hung from the furniture to the floor.
It was so perfect… it was almost ominous.

Setting those reservations aside for the moment, Eagle looked out at the rest of the ballroom. So many people had shown up for this event. He watched them now, dancing and talking, learning about them from simple observation. Most of them appeared to be having a good time though a few wallflowers lines the outer walls, not mingling much with the more bubbly people in the center of the room. Or maybe they too were just taking a break before joining the party once again.


duelking October 28 2010, 00:11:15 UTC
Zell spotted Eagle as he was meandering through the crowd and couldn't help but go over to say "Hey," and flaunt his frickin' awesome costume. He gave a wave as he approached, grinning a bit. "Tryin' to keep outta the excitement?" he prompted.

Eagle didn't really strike him as a Squall-type, but parties weren't everyone's forte. He got to looking at Eagle's own costume and tilted his head curiously.


unyieldingwill October 28 2010, 00:36:02 UTC
“Hello Zell,” Eagle beamed before answering the question posed to him, “Just for a bit.”

He tilted the glass he held in his hand slightly indicating this was the reason for his relaxed position on the couch.

“I thought I would try some of the punch.”

Eagle was bold enough to wear an outlandish fur trimmed outfit with zero sign of embarrassment.

After a sip of said punch and a glance at your own outfit of choice he asked, “What about you? Are you enjoying the party?”


Open patternprophet October 27 2010, 21:04:50 UTC
Leoben usually wasn't one for parties, being a quiet sort of person, but he figured he'd been anti-social for far too long, and was trying to fix that. It did mean going outside his comfort zone, but he was starting to get used to it. Frequent prayer seemed to help.

He hadn't dressed up for the ball all that much, forgoing a costume for his dress robes, which were rather worn. He didn't wear them all that often, so they were a bit older. He a fleeting thought of trying to pass himself off as a vampire, but decided against it.

Casually, Leoben watched the dance floor, considering he was being a chaperon at this time. There was one eye exploring the buffet as well.


bookish_nanao October 29 2010, 11:04:01 UTC
After the last costume party had gone awry, Nanao had also forgone a costume. Instead she was wearing her second most formal kimono and a serious expression. Parties really were not her thing.

Having circuted the room once keeping an eye out for troublemakers, she joined Leoben watching the dancefloor. He seemed as uncomfortable as she felt. "Professor Conoy," she inclined her head in greeting.


patternprophet October 29 2010, 23:42:25 UTC
It took Leoben a moment to respond, having been lost in thought.

"Nanao," He replied. "Enjoying the party?"

Leoben had never been one for honorifics or addressing people formally. he preferred to use names.


namaste_jagat November 1 2010, 23:33:52 UTC
Spying the fellow chaperon off by himself, Agni approached him and made an effort at small talk. He was curious as to why Mr. Conoy came in only dress robes, but he didn't inquiry upon it. "Good evening Mr. Conoy". Agni dressed as Dr. Watson bowed his head slightly in a polite greeting.

"We haven't had the occasion to speak previously".


Her Office, just before going to the party, Open aka_catherine October 27 2010, 22:35:46 UTC
Glancing at herself one more time in the mirror she'd borrowed, a sweatdrop ran swiftly down her face. Why had she decided to dress like Pretty Sammy again? Washu wondered briefly if Sasami ever felt.... uncomfortable in this costume. The length of the skirt alone was-- "It's a bit short isn't it..." She said to know one in-particular. She debated using a spell to lengthen it as she waited for her... prince to come. He had said that he would meet her here before they went to the party.

Butterflies began welling up in her stomach. Washu hoped the mirror was lying, and she didn't look as strange as she was feeling, her long temporary pigtails cascading down on either side.


herowatchmaker October 28 2010, 17:19:02 UTC
Jack had looked in the mirror, adjusting his outfit slightly. He felt as if he should at least tried to do something with his hair, but with so much of it, being so long there wasn't really anything he could do unless he cut it in a dramatic moment. He tugged on it for a moment, pausing as he shook his head and choose to just go before he thought about it again.

Walking down the corridor, he tried to remember just where about her office was, thinking along the way as he where to go from there to where they were meant to be going to. Once he got to the door he knocked lightly, standing there and waited.


aka_catherine November 1 2010, 22:49:10 UTC
No matter what her misgivings might be the knock at the door promptly told it it was SHOW TIME. With a nod, she turned the mirror away and walked over to the door. That was undoubtedly her dat-- Jack waiting on the other side. Taking one last solid breath she placed a hand on the door lever and pulled it open.

"Hey, is it time to go already?" She sounded casual, as if she hadn't been well aware of the time ticking by. "You look great!". It was true, he did. The hair wasn't really an issue to her and the little sash was adorable. Like he was wrapped up and delivered like an early christmas present. Cough. Okay.. it;s not quite like that........

Giving a little spin so he could see her outfit fully, she spun to a halt and struck a pose.


herowatchmaker November 3 2010, 14:04:34 UTC
He smiled as she answered the door "Thank you, you look lovely yourself might I add, very good costume." He made sure that he bowed slightly to her before holding out his arm for her to take. "Well now shall we get going?" He said with a charming princely smile, while his arm was ready to escort her to the ball, much like a prince would.


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