Costume Ball - OPEN for ALL

Oct 27, 2010 03:23

WHO: Ciel Phantomhive, open to everyone
LOCATION: The Grand Room on the 4th Floor
WEEK: 69
TIME: Wednesday, 6pm-Onward
WHAT: Costume Ball!
RATING: Nothing too bad.
NOTES: Feel free to specify where the threads are taking place in the subject line of your comments. Threads can also be set earlier or later than the specified time frame. Everybody have fun ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, hikaru shidou, washu kobayashi, mulan fa, ritsuka aoyagi, quistis trepe, botan wakahisa, seifer almasy, szayel aporro granz, oc - brietta sullivan, ❧nanao ise, akira maeda, chourou hunter, sebastian michaelis, kaoru hitachiin, ❧demyx arpeggio, asch grants, massie block, ataru moroboshi, yuiko hawatari, eagle vision, rikku malik-howell, yoichi hiruma, ❧xerxes break, zell dincht, claude faustus, belle desrosiers, lucy heartphilia, ciel phantomhive, ❧orihime inoue, jack vessalius, leoben conoy

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Comments 487

Claude, Open spinningtheweb October 27 2010, 10:29:19 UTC
Alois had been so kind as to volunteer Claude's service to the other nobleman. During that time period Claude had been serving under another head butler, a fact that irritated him to no end. Did his duties really include dressing up in this fashion? Why had he allowed Sebastian to talk him into this Rocky Horror Picture Show theme anyway..? Having no prior knowledge of the film or stage show in question he couldn't really tell anyone about the character he was dressed as.

Magenta was it? And apparently she had something to do with dancing? Either way, he was dressed like a maid and not enjoying the prospect of spending the evening this way.

He'll be standing near a corner, linefacing.


Claude, Open unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 18:43:11 UTC
Yea… sorry guy… When Eagle walks past you he can’t help but giggle slightly at your wig or maybe it was your ‘I just smelled something horrible’ expression!

“This maybe the most out of character costume I have seen today…” A pause before adding, “It isn’t something you picked out for yourself, is it?”

Maybe it was something the counselor chose… Eagle didn’t know Claude well at all, but his demeanor and attitude seemed to say otherwise.


spinningtheweb October 27 2010, 21:57:54 UTC
The reaction is irritating but not all that surprising. This had been an error in judgment for sure. He originally had planned on not dressing up at all. That would have been the wise decision.

You have no idea how pleased Claude was to hear that first statement. "No, it is not. I would never choose something this.. ludicrous for myself". With one hand Claude pulled some of the wigs curls out off his face.


unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 22:22:27 UTC
The maid outfit was… unique… the curls… priceless.
It is very hard, no impossible, not to laugh at the sight of such an imposing grim-faced lady.

“When the outfit suggestion was made you could have politely declined?”

Eagle, wondering why if you didn’t choose this outfit and didn’t find the situation the least bit funny you then decided to wear something like this.


Brietta; Open! l33t_magician October 27 2010, 11:21:57 UTC
Brietta had considered not bothering to attend at all, what with everything that had been going on recently. There was still so much uncertainty in her life, and tonight she was looking to escape. All of it. At least for one evening. Tempted though she may have been to swipe the more expensive looking utensils, she refrained. Tonight she would neither be a thief nor a pureblood-in-hiding.

A pair of wings fluttered out behind her. Why had she decided on an angel costume anyway? Angels were everything that she felt she was not. Pure, honest, and true. She bet they never felt trapped either. With their brilliant wings, they could merely fly away on a whim.

Shaking her head sh tried to clear her thoughts and engross herself in something else. She'd finally come to, next to the buffet ..coffin and was eyeing it suspiciously like something may leap out of it at any moment.


Re: Brietta; Open! devilishkaoru October 27 2010, 16:04:20 UTC
Kaoru had gone to the buffet coffin as he peered at it, expecting something to pop out, it would at least be something scary and he was sorely tempted to find his brother and suggest it, but for now Kaoru was just hungry and was going to have at least one bite to eat.

He adjusted the bow that was on his head slightly as he spotted someone from the corner of his eye, a smile going across his face as he went over "Hello, Brietta."


l33t_magician October 27 2010, 22:18:41 UTC
When nothing did pop out of the coffin, she debated which of the treats to sample. Whatever those things were that were shaped like eyeballs-- didn't look the least bit appealing to her. Then maybe one of those spider-web shaped cookies instead.

The familiar voice cause her to look up, a smile crossing her face when she saw who it was. "Hello!" What was he wearing?


devilishkaoru October 28 2010, 14:33:35 UTC
"How are you?" He asked before tilting his head slightly answering what was most likely her question. "If you're wondering what I am wearing, yes I am wearing a dress. I'm Alice from Alice's adventures in wonderland... If you are wondering why, my mother sent it to me."

He picked up a eyeball thing as he popped it in his mouth after saying that as he looked at her for the moment. "I don't know what costume Hikaru was sent himself, so I have no idea what he might be coming here as, if he comes."


Quistis; open bluemagics October 27 2010, 11:49:18 UTC
Quistis, unlike most of the other professors, had willingly volunteered herself as a chaperon for the night. It wasn't as though she had anything better to do that evening, and guessing that it wasn't most professors top priority to put themselves in such a position, she offered her help. Hopefully she wouldn't regret her decision by the end of the night.

At first, she had been against wearing a costume to the ball; she had never been one to dress up for such events in the past, finding it a bit awkward to do so. But seeing as she didn't want to dampen the night by refusing to attend the ball in costume, she had made a quick trip to Hogsmeade and managed to find a simple costume that didn't make her feel like a sore thumb sticking out. So Quistis stood off to the side wearing a grecian gown (with a simpler braided gold belt), her blond hair gathered at the top of her head in a loose chignon with a braid running around the crown of her head, acting as a sort of headband. Her wand was concealed in a hidden pocket as she was never one ( ... )


Quistis; open unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 19:26:56 UTC
Finding it his personal mission to speak to as many people as possible… but more so those people who chose to stand on the sidelines instead of engage more directly in the festivities, Eagle walked up to the elegantly dressed Professor.

“That is a very beautiful costume you are wearing, Professor.” Smile, “Are you dressed as anyone in particular?”


Re: Quistis; open bluemagics October 29 2010, 01:55:16 UTC
Quistis was a bit surprised to be addressed seeing as she was still relatively new to the staff and had yet to become familiar with any of the staff. The students, however, were another situation; her young age let her recognize some of the older students from her years in Hogwarts, especially those who were in her House. It was still a bit unnerving to be addressed as 'professor' by these students who were only a year or two younger than her, but it was something that she would grow accustomed to in due time.

Recognizing Eagle due to their shared house despite the gap in years between them, Quistis gave a small nod and smile in greeting before answering.

"Thank you. It's not anything in particular-- I hadn't really planned on chaperoning in costume, but changed my mind at the last minute." Her blue eyes swept over Eagle's attire and she took a moment to try and recognize his costume before failing. "Are you dressed as anyone in particular?"


Quistis; open unyieldingwill October 29 2010, 04:57:30 UTC
If it was weird to be speaking to a Professor who was only a little older than he was, Eagle sure didn’t seem to notice it.

“That was a last minute costume? How lucky that you could find something like that on such short notice! Usually the costumes left behind are the more… unusual ones.”

Meaning the ugly outfits that no one in their right mind wants to wear, but he was a little too polite to say that.

“I wasn’t intending to dress any anything other than an Idol, but apparently I bear a resemblance to a Japanese star… so many people seem to believe that is who I came as.”

A situation he of course finds funny.


pinkhairedkitty October 27 2010, 13:00:58 UTC
Yuiko had come to the ball all in her Red Riding Hood costume, complete with red ribbon in her hair which some let her borrow for the night and a basket in which to carry around with her tonight.

She looked around, amazed at the sight of it all, it did look wonderful. She had to wonder how long it had taken to be able to do anything like this, all that time and effort was at least worth it she hoped. Looking around she had hoped Ritsuka might of been here, but she couldn't see him. Looking down she guessed he might have decided not to come after all and she was here all by herself.

She went over to the seats and looked at them, as she put her basket down on the table and went to sat down, for now she will watch the others before going to do something herself, after all she did just skip all the way here swinging her basket which had goodies in, thanks to the moogles help, to make the costume more like the story.


notaferry October 27 2010, 16:55:20 UTC
"What a lovely costume, Yuiko!",Botan exclaimed, phasing right through a near by chair and taking a seat next to the young girl of her own house. She had spied her from across the room and had immediately made her way over for conversation. The younger girl was just too cute! "You're absolutely adorable!"

Magically appearing in her old student uniform, from when she had attended Hogwarts, in lieu of her usual kimono clad appearance Botan was dressed up for the Ball herself and quite enjoying the experience. She hoped Yuiko was, as well!


pinkhairedkitty October 28 2010, 12:53:26 UTC
Yuiko turned her head as she heard someone compliment her costume as she smiled "Thanks. I worked really hard getting it all together." She watched who had said it as she saw someone sitting there. She hadn't noticed they were there before, so she guessed they must of appeared not long ago after she had sat down.

"I like what you are wearing as well." Yuiko said, smile still on her face as she sat in the chair swinging her legs, enjoying the conversation so far and watching what other people were up to while they talked.


notaferry October 30 2010, 01:01:53 UTC
"It shows, dear.",Botan cheerfully noted, her eyes moving from Yuiko to her matching basket atop the near by table. She didn't skimp on any of the details and it all looked great together. "The colours fit you so well and that basket is a perfect accessory! Did you fill it up like in the story book?"

At the notice of her own costume, Botan laughed lightly. Her eyes began to follow Yuiko's own vision and she too began to people watch. "Oh, thank you. It's what my old school uniform looked like."


Kaoru; Open [Third times a charm] devilishkaoru October 27 2010, 16:09:20 UTC
Kaoru wasn't exactly happy with his mothers choice of outfit for him, sure she use to do it in the past, but at fifteen you have to wonder just why she thought a dress would be a perfect costume for a boy. Either way Kaoru wore the complete outfit, including the wig and everything. It seemed to him this was an excuse to play dress up with at least one of the twins and not both of them this time, or there was a similar outfit for Hikaru to and he just wasn't told about it.

She had sent another costume, but Kaoru choose to only change to that when he though this one got to boring. So until then he'd smile and bare it for the meantime. Smiling he seems to make his way to a table, making a face at just how not scary most of this way, then again there's a difference between a party and a fright night of all things. Poking at one of the Halloween decorations he pouted, seemingly bored again and felt it, as he got out his wand from his thigh high socks that he was wearing as he charmed the plastic spider to move around a bit.


ahmazing_alpha October 28 2010, 06:39:48 UTC
Surveying the room for familiar faces she couldn't help but notice yet another cross-dresser. Seriously, these boys needed to learn that cross-dressing was nawt a good look. She was about to tell this latest fashion infringement that very thing before she noticed who it was. Then everything made sense. It was perfectly fine for Kaoru to cross-dress. Being gay, this was probably one of the few opportunities he had to express himself openly.

Drawing out her own wand she decided to play a trick on him for nawt bothering to rate her outfit yet. She spelled the plastic spider leap onto the original caster's face, then she laughed about it behind her pitchfork.


devilishkaoru October 28 2010, 14:38:41 UTC
When the spider hit him on the face, he was surprised, but not enough to show as he picked it up from it''s legs and flicked it behind him, finding it boring now after it did that as he sighed, pretty bored at the meantime, before turning his head and spotting someone out of the corner of his eye.

It had been a while since they last spoke, he had to wonder how long since he usually wasn't one for keeping track, but he knew it had been a while. He stood up from his seat as he smiled, tilting his head, deciding on what to say first.

"The outfit you wear looks extremely nice and well made." Hopefully that was a compliment enough to make her happy for the meantime.


ahmazing_alpha November 2 2010, 00:17:58 UTC
Kaoru's reaction had been a little lackluster but that didn't bother her a bit. It had still been amusing to her, and he didn't react like a total LBR either reaffirming just why she liked him so much. Not long after he fin-ahlly noticed her.

Too long, really.

Oh, to be greeted with a compliment did bring a half-smile to her face, her button nose raised higher into the air with the ego boost. "I know," Massie replied without hesitation, "What would you rate it? 1 out of 10?". Then it would be Kaoru's turn to be rated.


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