Costume Ball - OPEN for ALL

Oct 27, 2010 03:23

WHO: Ciel Phantomhive, open to everyone
LOCATION: The Grand Room on the 4th Floor
WEEK: 69
TIME: Wednesday, 6pm-Onward
WHAT: Costume Ball!
RATING: Nothing too bad.
NOTES: Feel free to specify where the threads are taking place in the subject line of your comments. Threads can also be set earlier or later than the specified time frame. Everybody have fun! <3!:

The Grand Room has been decorated to the hilt. When guests arrive they are transported into a macombe menagerie. They first must pass through an archway constructed almost entirely of spiderwebs, and spanish moss. The lightning has been dimmed, the main light sources being an array of candelabras, and pumpkins with a variety of grotesque and sinister faces carved into them, situated on an assortment of long and round tables. Overhead lighting was provided for the dance floor, it's been filtered casting flickers of light all around, a grand piano borrowed from the music rooms is situated nearby should anyone feel the urge to add their own soundtrack.

Music is filtering through the air, the playlist is a variety of traditional Halloween tunes with a few modern songs mixed in. [If you so desire you may listen to it here]

Seating is available, rich red velvet upholstered sofas and chairs of a Gothic design are arranged throughout. A few coffins have been dedicated for refreshments and finger food - some of which were actually designed to look like fingers. The Halloween theme continues though all the refreshments. A punch is provided dyed a deep red to simulate blood, served in decorative fluted glasses.

The decorations and food are all thanks to the diligent efforts of Sebastian Michaelis, and Claude Faustus. Special gift bags have been provided for those members of staff that volunteered to chaperone to thank them for sacrificing their time. Tomoyo will also be receiving a gift bag for assisting the other guests in procuring costumes. The bags consist of a variety of Funtom candy, and an ornate mask. Other gift bags are waiting to be dealt out to the person or persons wearing the best costume, or winning any of the games.

Short list of activities and attractions if you need ideas of where to start:
- The Dance Floor; For all your dancing, singing needs. Includes a piano
- Food; The buffet coffins are fully stocked and everything tastes exquisite
- Party games (mostly for younger students but all may participate, Staff too if so inclined); Bobbing for apples, Create your own scary story (each participant takes turns adding a line), Ghoul toss (bean bean toss, but the bean bags are ghost-shaped)
- Everyone else's costumes! And Costume contest.
- Gothic style seating; Perfekt for resting your bones or just hanging out

For those of you that received a special invitation to "special" game, The log is over here. It will occur later in the evening so you will have time to meet and mingle in the party if you would like.

grell sutcliffe, hikaru shidou, washu kobayashi, mulan fa, ritsuka aoyagi, quistis trepe, botan wakahisa, seifer almasy, szayel aporro granz, oc - brietta sullivan, ❧nanao ise, akira maeda, chourou hunter, sebastian michaelis, kaoru hitachiin, ❧demyx arpeggio, asch grants, massie block, ataru moroboshi, yuiko hawatari, eagle vision, rikku malik-howell, yoichi hiruma, ❧xerxes break, zell dincht, claude faustus, belle desrosiers, lucy heartphilia, ciel phantomhive, ❧orihime inoue, jack vessalius, leoben conoy

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