Costume Ball - OPEN for ALL

Oct 27, 2010 03:23

WHO: Ciel Phantomhive, open to everyone
LOCATION: The Grand Room on the 4th Floor
WEEK: 69
TIME: Wednesday, 6pm-Onward
WHAT: Costume Ball!
RATING: Nothing too bad.
NOTES: Feel free to specify where the threads are taking place in the subject line of your comments. Threads can also be set earlier or later than the specified time frame. Everybody have fun ( Read more... )

grell sutcliffe, hikaru shidou, washu kobayashi, mulan fa, ritsuka aoyagi, quistis trepe, botan wakahisa, seifer almasy, szayel aporro granz, oc - brietta sullivan, ❧nanao ise, akira maeda, chourou hunter, sebastian michaelis, kaoru hitachiin, ❧demyx arpeggio, asch grants, massie block, ataru moroboshi, yuiko hawatari, eagle vision, rikku malik-howell, yoichi hiruma, ❧xerxes break, zell dincht, claude faustus, belle desrosiers, lucy heartphilia, ciel phantomhive, ❧orihime inoue, jack vessalius, leoben conoy

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Claude, Open spinningtheweb October 27 2010, 10:29:19 UTC
Alois had been so kind as to volunteer Claude's service to the other nobleman. During that time period Claude had been serving under another head butler, a fact that irritated him to no end. Did his duties really include dressing up in this fashion? Why had he allowed Sebastian to talk him into this Rocky Horror Picture Show theme anyway..? Having no prior knowledge of the film or stage show in question he couldn't really tell anyone about the character he was dressed as.

Magenta was it? And apparently she had something to do with dancing? Either way, he was dressed like a maid and not enjoying the prospect of spending the evening this way.

He'll be standing near a corner, linefacing.


Claude, Open unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 18:43:11 UTC
Yea… sorry guy… When Eagle walks past you he can’t help but giggle slightly at your wig or maybe it was your ‘I just smelled something horrible’ expression!

“This maybe the most out of character costume I have seen today…” A pause before adding, “It isn’t something you picked out for yourself, is it?”

Maybe it was something the counselor chose… Eagle didn’t know Claude well at all, but his demeanor and attitude seemed to say otherwise.


spinningtheweb October 27 2010, 21:57:54 UTC
The reaction is irritating but not all that surprising. This had been an error in judgment for sure. He originally had planned on not dressing up at all. That would have been the wise decision.

You have no idea how pleased Claude was to hear that first statement. "No, it is not. I would never choose something this.. ludicrous for myself". With one hand Claude pulled some of the wigs curls out off his face.


unyieldingwill October 27 2010, 22:22:27 UTC
The maid outfit was… unique… the curls… priceless.
It is very hard, no impossible, not to laugh at the sight of such an imposing grim-faced lady.

“When the outfit suggestion was made you could have politely declined?”

Eagle, wondering why if you didn’t choose this outfit and didn’t find the situation the least bit funny you then decided to wear something like this.


spinningtheweb October 28 2010, 02:57:10 UTC
Keep it up Mr. Vision and he'll sign you up for counseling sessions you do not actually need out of spite.

"I could have," Claude was not going to lie. It would have been far too difficult to explain the circumstances that led up to this moment. "It was part of a theme". That was all the explanation the student deserved.

What's your excuse? Eagle's costume was fairly ridiculous in itself.


unyieldingwill October 28 2010, 03:26:26 UTC
While true something like that would not be the most enjoyable outcome… Eagle having a secretive other side that he liked to keep hidden, since your threats had not been verbalized he was unaware of the danger. Though he did have an odd creeping sensation while speaking to Claude… sort of like the discomfort felt after accidentally stepping through a spider web.

“You are another fan of the Rocky Horror Picture Show?” A pause, “It is surprising to hear something like that!”

Alright… Claude clearly did not look like a fan of a peculiar movie like that… Eagle was tempting fate and yet again teasing the counselor.


spinningtheweb October 29 2010, 18:10:44 UTC
A spider web? Claude would have enjoyed the irony of that statement, had he been aware of it. He seemed to make several of the students take pause with his standoffish personality.

"No. I am not," He was quick to correct the student. This had all been Sebastian's idea... another fact he did not intend to share. He should never listen to the Phantomhive butler..

The student was becoming a bit of a pest.


unyieldingwill October 29 2010, 21:09:03 UTC

Conversation = Fail

“I’m sure you had a good reason for choosing an outfit you don’t like, from a movie you aren’t a fan of…” A pause for a cheeky smile, “I won’t ask you about it anymore.”

More pleasantly and with a good deal more sincerity than any of the previous conversation had been, “I hope you can find time to enjoy the party.”


spinningtheweb November 2 2010, 00:37:24 UTC
It so totally does. Conversation = FAIL.

The audacity of those words-- yet that is exactly what he had done. "No, actually... I did not have a good reason for it". It was highly unusual for Claude to admit a MISTAKE. It must be all the hairspray in this wig talking.

The last statement was unusual. Why should anyone be concerned with whether or not he was having a good time? "You-- as well". The words were halting, like Claude had to think what a suitable response would have been.


unyieldingwill November 2 2010, 01:32:48 UTC
No good reason for it at all…?
Eagle was still curious but he had already said he wouldn’t ask Claude about that anymore, so while the question is considered, it is just as quickly dismissed unsaid.

Claude’s last statement was also something Eagle found confusing… It was as if the counselor was having trouble finding something nice to say? How weird!
Fortunately Eagle himself had no trouble coming up with pleasantries, so to Claude’s parting statement he simply replied, “Thank you! I'm sure it will be an interesting party.”


urpersonaldemon October 27 2010, 18:46:21 UTC
.. spying Claude from across the room, Sebastian turned aside and snickered almost uncontrollably. He, honestly, hadn't thought that he would go through with the costume that had been suggested to him, because it was (one) a woman and (two) a maid. Sebastian had ❝accidentally❞ mixed up a pair of characters, Columbia and Magenta, so that Claude would still have to play subordinate. oops, Silly him. He had banked on Claude's lack of knowledge about the show, and it had certainly paid off.

He strode over and smiled, brightly, at the other, who looked absolutely miserable. "Don't you look cute." Chuckling, Sebastian stepped back and leant against the nearby wall. He hadn't revealed his costume, but instead wore a darkly colored coat to cover it. His boots, however, still showed from beneath it. The other Demon would probably recognize them. "Smile, Claude, it's a party."


spinningtheweb October 27 2010, 22:08:47 UTC
Let it never be said that Claude ever backed down from a challenge. This would just be one of the several trials he would face in order to best the other demon. Though at the moment, he couldn't help but think that he was missing something. Something important. Something about this whole thing, was.. off. Thankfully, none of the other Trancy servants were here to witness this.

Claude looked toward Sebastian as he approached. A coat? Is Sebastian chickening out of his own costume..?. The prospect was slightly amusing for at least Claude had, had the guts to go through with it. "Cute is not the word for it". Asinine, ridiculous, and foolish would be more suitable. The other demon was enjoying this far too much. Giving Sebastian a once over with his eyes, Claude did notice those boots. The delicious irony that the foolish humans would miss entirely.

"I would rather not. Is that all there is to your costume?".


urpersonaldemon October 28 2010, 16:42:04 UTC
.. as they say, Claude, better late than never. It's a shame, though, that he had only just realized that something wasn't right. Sebastian hadn't suggested the costume as a challenge, but, instead, as a mere suggestion. He couldn't possibly have known that Claude would assume it to be the former. I mean, Sebastian thoroughly enjoys the Rocky Horror Show and thought that Claude might, too. It was certainly different from other Muggle Films as it had, not only an expanding fan base, but monthly showings across the country.

That aside, Claude could have easily argued with him, and decided upon another costume. "No? Hn, I suppose that you are right. I don't think curls suite you at all." He chuckled shamelessly. "I prefer you as is, after all." He purred, tilting his head off to the side as Claude started looking him up and down. ".. like what you see, Claude?" Shaking his head, Sebastian, idly, began playing with the string of pearls locked around his neck. "No, of course not." His tone grew softer. "Want to see more? Go ahead."


spinningtheweb October 29 2010, 18:27:15 UTC
Claude had in part, wanted to select the path that would not have been expected. This had clearly been that. It was only one evening, and then everything would be back to normal. No more following Sebastian's instructions, and no more frustrating wigs, or childish costumes. He was going to be all business once this whole mess was over. That however, would not be surprising.

Don't try to further exacerbate this situation with logic. Yes, he could have selected something different but he'd really had no idea what to dress as to begin with. The suggestion had meant that he did not require to waste time thinking of another option. Go on, laugh it up Michaelis... next time will be entirely different. What Sebastian said next caused the other demon pause. Taken out of context his mannerisms and words could be seen as shameless flirting. "There isn't much to see. Your attire doesn't reveal much about your character as it stands now". But as for whether he liked it or not that was left up in the air. So missed the point"Then there is more to ( ... )


Re: Claude, Open pokutechef October 31 2010, 01:54:48 UTC
Chourou did not know the counselor very well, but he noticed the Magenta costume. The man did not seem pleased about it.

"I think you'd make a better Stan," he remarked casually. It might have sounded odd coming from something with the appearance of a fanged beast from a video game .


spinningtheweb November 2 2010, 00:45:42 UTC
He certainly was not pleased about it.

The statement would have sounded odd no matter what Chourou was wearing though granted the costume wasn't helping. Looking towards the professor he simply answered, "Pardon me?". Who is Stan anyway.... His total lack of knowledge was a hindrance.


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