So after January nearly not hitting my goal of one book a week (5 books for the month), I kind of went bananas this month and managed to read over twice my goal.
As usual, if anyone wants to read a synopsis of the book and my review, just click hereTotal read for year: 14/52
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I'm reading the newest Robert Crais book, Suspect, and when I read this description: "Dominick Leland was a tall, bony African-American with thirty-two years on the job as a K-9 handler, first in the United States Army, then the L. A. County Sheriffs, and finally the LAPD. He was a living legend in the LAPD K-9 corps."Immediately in my mind popped
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I have Penguin Classics 'liked' on Facebook, and today they posted about Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northrup, a free black man from New York who was lured to Washington, D.C. in 1841 where he was drugged, kidnapped, and sold into slavery. In going to Amazon to see if there was a free download for Kindle of this book, I found this review:
Please do not use the word 'brooding' when describing your main male character. When you do, all I can think about is Angel, and it totally takes me out of the book.