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Comments 358

ERRY DAY ALL THE TIME pedaltothemetal December 3 2010, 03:49:46 UTC


The first snow of the season was one of those things that instantly made Falcon revert into more of a ten-year-old than usual. There was just something so great and refreshing about watching those first flakes fall from the sky and then turning those flakes into snowballs and pelting people in the back of the head.

This particular flurry hadn't quite gotten there yet, but rest-assured Falcon would be ready when it did, yellow earmuffs and all.



Oh and also scraping the snow off his car, that was also important.


icequeen_aran December 3 2010, 05:01:34 UTC
IN A STRANGE TURN OF EVENTS... Samus was first to engage in snowball fighting this time.

There wasn't a lot of snow, so it was a tiny, pathetic little ball but she threw it at his butt and looked quite pleased with herself.


pedaltothemetal December 3 2010, 08:15:21 UTC
Falcon felt what was sure to be the tiniest, most pathetic little snowball doink off his butt. He turned around sllooooooowly, knowing exactly who threw it and trying not to snort at the patheticness of the pathetic little snowball, which had fallen to the ground with a tiny splat.

"That was pathetic." He said, folding his arms and cocking an eyebrow at the culprit. Sure, it wasn't her fault there really wasn't much snow yet, but that didn't matter to him.


icequeen_aran December 3 2010, 14:21:25 UTC
"But I hit my target." She was crouched down, already scraping up another pathetically tiny, but notably more compact ball of snow.

"Or should I try aiming for that same area again?" Since he was, you know, turned around now.


whitedeviljack December 3 2010, 04:24:29 UTC
RAIN. SUN. SNOW. Raiden still had to do the dirty work of a janitor if he hoped to earn a paycheck, so today he could be easily found anywhere on campus per usual, bundled up and probably grumbling about the weather when it made his life more difficult.

...And quietly enjoying the weather when it didn't make his life difficult.


umbreon_blacky December 3 2010, 04:42:12 UTC

... )


whitedeviljack December 3 2010, 04:51:51 UTC
Raiden knew she was having a rough time. Seriously, who wouldn't after all that? Which is precisely why he was JUST ON HIS WAY OVER TO HER DORM to deliver that bitch slap I mean with a little basket of poffins in hand. They weren't brownies but they were pink okay.

He didn't immediately notice as Blacky had a habit of being a sneaky sneak when she wanted, but eventually he could of sworn he heard a pair of shoes crunching the snow that were not of his own.

Somewhere between point A and point B... HE TURNED AROUND...


umbreon_blacky December 3 2010, 04:57:49 UTC

... )


icequeen_aran December 3 2010, 04:24:45 UTC
Ah, first snowfall. Years past Samus had spent days like this somewhere in the forest where she used to hide her gunship, scraping the snow off with an almost obsessive compulsive fervor.

But these days she had since acquired a better hiding spot for her space ship, one that kept it free from pesky snow. That didn't mean her motorcycle was free from a small, thin layer from just the time she had left it in the parking lot, however.

She wasn't terribly fond of the cold but armed with turtle necks and fluffy-lined jackets a light snow fall wasn't going to stop her from ensuring that her bike was completely snow-free anyway.


hope you don't mind one ice queen to another I MEAN midnitepsych December 3 2010, 20:33:14 UTC
Snow. Weavile had been looking forward to it. As soon as Arceus had announced the first snowfall, the counselor had made sure to clear his schedule for the day. There was nothing like breathing in the cold, brisk air after the first snow. Not to mention, the heating had been turned on so his office was becoming too warm for his own tastes.

Stepping outside, he marveled at the layer of white. It was already thick, and sticking to the ground. How comfortable. Walking aimlessly through the campus, he passed the parking lot and noticed Samus.

He approached her, "Need help uncovering something?"


Don't MIND AT ALL ♥ icequeen_aran December 4 2010, 06:09:51 UTC
"Hm? Oh, Weavile." She turned around at the voice, slightly jarred from her cleaning mission. Not unwanted company. "No I was..." With the bike seat clean, Samus had taken to needlessly picking snow out of the top part of the bike tire... knowing full well that it would get covered in snow again the moment she actually drove the bike. ...Or she could be clever and switch it to hovering g-diffuser mode for the ride home. ...No, she was cleaning it unnecessarily anyway so it probably looked very much like she was trying to uncover something.

"Just cleaning the snow out of my bike."


midnitepsych December 4 2010, 18:18:01 UTC
"I see," he peered over to stare at the bike. He had seen it in the parking lot a few times, both with and without its driver. Weavile didn't know much about vehicles, but he could tell it was a nice ride. Then again, Weavile didn't even have a license. Such things just seemed useless to Pokemon.

She seemed to have everything in control. Far be it for him to force help onto someone who didn't need it. "Somehow I doubt a motorcycle is winter-friendly. Will you still use it later in the season?"


[dec. 3rd.] punchtheocean December 3 2010, 04:29:00 UTC
Snow? ...Snow. Marie didn't particularly like snow. And by default, he didn't particularly like the first snow day of the year either. However, that didn't stop him from spending the next afternoon brooding about on the snowy campus. He wore the school's new winter uniform and, because the jacket lacked a hood, a dark grey hat pulled over his ears.

He had his iPod with him and his headphones around his neck, but he wasn't listening to anything. Instead, he was busy furiously texting on his phone. Fascinating! Who was he texting? That is a ~mystery~.


Re: [dec. 3rd.] green_arachnid December 4 2010, 07:58:25 UTC

... )


punchtheocean December 4 2010, 08:27:24 UTC
Marie had spotted Spinarak prior to her slipping and falling. Now, if Marie were a complete jerk, he probably would have laughed at her. Fortunately, Marie was only kind of a jerk, and so he only snickered quietly before marching over to help the poor girl.

"Hey," he started quietly. He slid on the ice a little before steadying himself and offering a mittened hand to Spinarak. "Need some help?" Awkward smile!


I thought this icon was fitting woops green_arachnid December 4 2010, 08:48:46 UTC

... )


will_be_god December 3 2010, 04:29:17 UTC
Cyrus was walking around campus staring up at the sky, steps unhundered despite him paying no attention to where he was going. It was his typical route that he had walked many times, and he knew it well.

Despite the cold, his outfit hadn't changed, and steam blew from his mouth as he spoke softly under his breath. "...the world, born anew, seeming much the same. But it is not the same, simply a screen to mask the travails of the hidden world...No, simply a symbol..."


betterthanawiki December 3 2010, 05:09:30 UTC
Not paying attention to your surroundings, Cyrus? For shame. You know there are impish-natured Pokemon about. Impish-natured Pokemon who happen to be quite happy in snowy environments. This little dusting hardly held a candle to Snowpoint's average snowfall, admittedly, but it was certainly enough to have a little fun with. Perhaps he could even shake Cyrus out of his oh-so-predictable serious mood.

Thus, Uxie gathered up as much snow as he could carry and darted quietly through the air, approaching Cyrus' back until he was close enough to yank back Cyrus' shirt and attempt to dump that payload of snow down his back. Truly an act befitting a being of wisdom.


will_be_god December 3 2010, 05:21:43 UTC
Well, Cyrus was a big enough man to admit he didn't see that coming.

However, he was planning on performing some incredibly painful science on Uxie anyway, so the thought of that kept him deadpan as he continued walking. Slowing down, though, to shake the snow out from under his shirt.


betterthanawiki December 3 2010, 05:28:34 UTC
Incredible! What a dullard. What a fun-sucker. What an utter spoilsport. Uxie settled rudely on Cyrus' head and immediately impales himself on those hairspikes, mussing the poor man's hair as he sought to get comfortable.

"You're an awfully boring creature, Cyrus. I am going to open my eyes for you," Uxie announced, though he had no intention of doing anything of the sort. "And when your mind is emptied of these peculiar inhibitions of yours, I am going to tell you that you're a circus clown with amnesia. I imagine you'll be much happier."


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