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whitedeviljack December 3 2010, 04:24:29 UTC
RAIN. SUN. SNOW. Raiden still had to do the dirty work of a janitor if he hoped to earn a paycheck, so today he could be easily found anywhere on campus per usual, bundled up and probably grumbling about the weather when it made his life more difficult.

...And quietly enjoying the weather when it didn't make his life difficult.


umbreon_blacky December 3 2010, 04:42:12 UTC

... )


whitedeviljack December 3 2010, 04:51:51 UTC
Raiden knew she was having a rough time. Seriously, who wouldn't after all that? Which is precisely why he was JUST ON HIS WAY OVER TO HER DORM to deliver that bitch slap I mean with a little basket of poffins in hand. They weren't brownies but they were pink okay.

He didn't immediately notice as Blacky had a habit of being a sneaky sneak when she wanted, but eventually he could of sworn he heard a pair of shoes crunching the snow that were not of his own.

Somewhere between point A and point B... HE TURNED AROUND...


umbreon_blacky December 3 2010, 04:57:49 UTC

... )


whitedeviljack December 3 2010, 05:09:01 UTC
Yes, Blacky was a big bad wolf that Raiden was currently looking down upon.

"Oh, it is, is it?" HE DIDN'T APPRECIATE BEING CALLED A GIRL but it was acceptable if Blacky was the one doing teasing. Because he still held the poffins she was eying very intently, you see.

"I guess I'd better go run inside now, and take these poffins where it's safe." He started walking for his dorm. Very swiftly.


umbreon_blacky December 3 2010, 16:55:00 UTC
OH NO BACKFIRED. Oh no abandonment. She had to practically jog after him to keep up.

"I'd better go with you. Just in case!"


whitedeviljack December 3 2010, 17:17:40 UTC
"Just in case what?" He made it to the door but had to fish out his keys... amongst all the other keys a janitor would have.


umbreon_blacky December 3 2010, 17:49:08 UTC

... )


whitedeviljack December 3 2010, 18:49:35 UTC
That. That just made. Finding his keys a hell of a whole lot harder, but Raiden did finally procure it and congratulated himself on not shuddering too much at her predatory intentions.

"Who would do that?"

He fumbled for a moment to slide it's length into the keyhole.


umbreon_blacky December 3 2010, 18:59:28 UTC

... )


whitedeviljack December 4 2010, 07:03:52 UTC
"Ah..." And then Raiden pulled out. The door opened a crack, and he completely distracted from noticing she had THEIFED A POFFIN. "No, not yet."

Perhaps Blacky would be too distracted to notice Gamera sneaking the entire basket out of Raiden's hand and running back in the dorm with it.


umbreon_blacky December 4 2010, 13:46:49 UTC
"Hmm. I wonder if it should wait until there's more than half an inch..."

She was very much distracted. Distracted by pushing the door open a little more and looking around the room. The last time she'd been in here was because of a very unfortunate April Fool's prank, and at that time she'd been too confused and angry to notice the decor. Or lack thereof. It was as bare and depressing as her own dorm, but that was because she'd so recently gotten rid of everything reminding her of the past. What was Raiden's reason?

Since the door was open anyway, she invited herself right on in. It was at this point she noticed a familiar Squirtle with a familiar basket. "Hey!"


whitedeviljack December 4 2010, 22:25:20 UTC
Raiden stumbled in after her, and closed the door. It was around then he noticed the basket of goodies was missing from his hand, and also exclaimed, probably in unison with Blacky, "Hey!"

Gamera was... already stuffing his face and GIVING THEM BOTH THE CUTEST, MOST INNOCENT EYES HE COULD MUSTER as he was caught in the act.


umbreon_blacky December 4 2010, 22:31:39 UTC
OH NO. How could she stay mad at a face like that? He was lucky he was so cute, or else there would be words. Words and... not much else. At least she got to have one before they were all gone. Was this one of the many trials and tribulations of having a younger brother?! Oh oops she probably did the same kind of thing when she was younger. Not that it mattered anymore.

"Hmmmph. At least I'm not the one getting fat." She shrugged her coat off and dropped it on top of Gamera before flopping backwards over the arm of the couch. "Good night."


whitedeviljack December 5 2010, 01:53:11 UTC
Well wasn't someone making herself comforatble. Raiden kind of just STARED for a moment at her semi-dramatic flopping over the arm of the couch.

Gamera's tail dropped and he stopped eating instantly, looking not unlike a kicked... well, turtle. He was... so not fat he was just a little chubby.

"I think you hurt his feelings."


umbreon_blacky December 5 2010, 01:56:38 UTC

... )


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