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Comments 358

hunter_ghor December 3 2010, 04:32:34 UTC
What? A planet that had actual seasons instead of set areas that were always sunny or snowy? MADNESS.

Ghor wasn't particularly fond of snow, as his "feet" were tiny and ill-suited to keeping balance on slippery surfaces. At least there wasn't enough snow to worry about... yet. But when there was, he'd be clearing paths for himself with some good old fashioned plasma beams.


boxingmidget December 3 2010, 05:14:00 UTC
Saying that Mac was excited about the snow was an understatement. The boy was practically taking it all in by running around in the snow in his thick boots and winter coat. Mac didn't mind the cold too much, he actually kind of enjoyed it.


pedaltothemetal December 3 2010, 06:20:47 UTC
Aw, it was Mac. Just look at Mac being adorable. With those big boots and coat and running around in the snow. Falcon had taken the time to watch his boxing match over the weekend, and found it only fitting to approach the student and offer some congratulations.

He raised a hand in greeting. "Caught your match on TV. Good fight."


boxingmidget December 3 2010, 21:04:01 UTC
Mac turned around at the familiar voice. Falcon! "Hey, Mr. Falcon!" He went into a halt and grinned while waving at the captain.

Falcon did ask if Mac's fight was on TV but that didn't stop Mac from still being surprised he actually watched. He felt honored that Falcon took the time to do so, as much as anyone else close to him here. Considering these two duked it out last year themselves and Falcon was a very respected fighter in Mac's eyes.

"Heh, thanks, sir. Bald Bull looked like a tough guy, didn't he?"


pedaltothemetal December 4 2010, 01:44:56 UTC
"Hey, Mac." He took a few moments to catch up to the student. It was easier than shouting at each other across the campus.

"Tough? I dunno." Falcon was hard-pressed to be intimidated by anyone, though the name Bald Bull gave him associations he could probably do without. "You seemed to take care of him just fine. Maybe a little eccentric though." He figured the boxing circuit was a bit like F-Zero racing--you had to be at lest a little eccentric (or kind of crazy) to get yourself into something like that.


rocketambition December 3 2010, 05:40:36 UTC
Among the things he hates, snow is near the top of the list. Archer never has done well in cold weather, and even now he's not looking pleased, despite the fact that everything has gone right for him since setting foot on campus.

He's currently inside, staring out at the snow. Houndoom is out of his Pokeball, paws on the window and wagging his tail. Despite being a Fire-type Pokemon, he seems eager to go out and play. In fact, he's giving Archer puppy-dog eyes. They don't work since he is a dog and he's trying to use them on Archer who totally doesn't realize it.

Archer will just remain inside and watch you throw snowballs at each others' heads. That's slightly entertaining, at least.


hawkhearsyou December 3 2010, 06:16:41 UTC
People... were making such a big deal about snow here, Ulki noticed. Tellius was a relatively cold place, especially in the northern parts, and snow came dumping in fall and persisted for months. Daein was a perfect example, being further from the ocean in comparison to Crimea, but no matter. Snow was snow, and...

It was sort of refreshing to see people so excited over the smallest dusting of it. At first, he almost anticipated annoyance, but that wasn't the case. They were excited over it, but he didn't get to see that often. Weather was weather to him, but to some, it was a spectacle.

He could deal with that, somehow. On the rooftop, he tried to view the world in a different way, appreciating the snow as much as he did other things. It, too, was refreshing.


rockinmelody December 3 2010, 07:33:54 UTC
It was snowing! There was snow! Everywhere! Not a whole lot of it, but still! He had missed Bob's message about it, so it was a surprise to see when he looked out his window. A very nice surprise. He wasted no time in running out the door in his pajamas his coat and scarf.

He took a deep breath, letting the cold air fill his lungs. How completely refreshing.

Ness pulled his gloves out of his pockets and slipped them on. As far as he could tell, there were no snowmen in his immediate vicinity. This was a tragedy that needed to be rectified. Sure there wasn't a whole lot of snow yet, but there was certainly enough there to make a little one! And so he began to scoop snow up and roll.


maaaaaaaaassive December 3 2010, 11:07:44 UTC
Falco had three words for this kind of weather, and they weren't appropriate for a school environment plus, the warnings did not cover cursing. If it wasn't clear by the way he was looking at the film of snow like it just spit in his soup, he hated the cold.

Conveniently, his familiar form had something that the other didn't: nice, cozy feathers to keep warmth in place. With his trusty grey long-sleeved jacket, he was good to venture outside. Because hell if a little snow was going to keep him cooped up indoors. At least it wasn't anywhere near as snowy as Fichina. Now there was a frozen hellhole.

And what's this, some kid he's never seen before trying to build a lame excuse of a snowman. Oh right, his dorm room was listed for a new roommate, wasn't it? This could be the guy. He should...probably go introduce himself, or something. Hope it's not the wrong kid.

He walked up casually, hands buried into his pockets.

"Hey. Ya wouldn't happen to be Ness, would ya?"


rockinmelody December 3 2010, 15:48:36 UTC
Rolling, rolling, rolling.

Ness nearly missed Falco's approach. There wasn't a whole lot of snow to go crunching around on yet and he was very absorbed in this careful art of Snowman butt crafting. Luckily the light prickly feeling he got whenever something was creeping up from behind was still around, so he didn't completely drop his butt-to-be when his new room mate greeted him.

That's when things became magnified in Ness' mind's eye. Things were moving in real time, but in Ness' minds things had come to standstill. He turned ssssllllowwwwllly (that's at a normal speed for you, Falco), saying the words, "Yeah, I'm…"


rockinmelody December 3 2010, 15:49:31 UTC
And then he set eyes upon Falco's visage.

... )


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