
Nov 16, 2010 23:21


♡ around the gardens

Name of Place: Gaius Baltar's House
Location: Toward the southern part of the Gardens
Description: Gaius Baltar's house before it was destroyed; a two-story luxury home built on a bluff over a lake, surrounded by hills and woods.
Pictures: Exterior 1, Exterior 2, Living Room 1, Living Room 2, Kitchen/Dining Room, Bedroom
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM aunomdedieu | E-mail

Name of Place: Yukari's House
Location: Relocates constantly. Yukari is capable of entering it with her gaps wherever it is.
Description: Although it appears small, it is bigger on the inside than on the outside. There are two main rooms, three guest bedrooms, a dining area, a kitchen, and a few other assorted places with furniture. Additionally, there are some odd spatial distortions where leaving a room may send you into a different room entirely. It's that kind of place.
Pictures: N/A
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM border_phantasm | AIM Unvrslprsn

Name of Place: Creche Alpha
Location: The Gardens
Description: A military barracks in roughly this shape. It's made of concrete, with fire slits on the sides. There are two beds with a shared bathroom - but most importantly, it houses an incomplete ANIMa cradle.
Pictures: None so far.
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM hotshot_momma | AIM

Name of Place: The Clock Tower
Location: The Gardens. Closer to the edge bordering the dunes.
Description: the structure consists of the clock tower and station building at its base. The front doors are glass. Inside is...kind of eerily empty. No furniture, no signboards, just the ticket booths and the train platforms and bare tracks that stop at the edge of the buildings. The train tunnels go straight out into open air, letting a lot of sunlight in through them as well at the windows.
The tower itself has stairs all the way up, and a locked door leading to the innards of the clock. Just above the clock face is a ledge that runs all the way around the tower, with a lip of about two to three feet high. It's accessible by all from the stairs. (or feel free to fly up/climb the outside, if that's what floats your boat.)
Pictures: FYI it's huge.
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM mnementomori | AIM Terra in Pyjamas

Name of Place: Alice Margatroid's house.
Location: In the Autumn part of the Gardens, barely visible from the Library.
Description: A white house, with a blue roof of origin I'm not entirely sure of. A balcony, chimney and side tower are visible clearly on the outside. Inside would have a kitchen area, small library, living area, workshop, and a bedroom. Tables, chairs, beds and shelves for dolls are about.
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Here.
Contact: AIM Stahn Dunamis

Name of Place: Basketball Court
Location: The Gardens
Description: It's your standard basketball court, at first glance. A high, elaborate gate leads in to it. The court itself, the gate and the backboards are emblazoned with this symbol.
The court will randomly...change dimensions. The baskets will appear higher at times, and the court itself will seem much larger. In addition, random rose petals will appear, in just about any color of the rainbow, depending on who's on the court at the time.
Oh, and the Shadow Play Girls are there, but they won't say much, they'll just randomly appear on the trees, in the bleachers, etc. They're literally just shadows, no solid shape. Sometimes there will only be two. Occasionally three. Think of them as the fans in the bleachers. Yeah...I know it's weird...
Pictures: here, here.
Creation: here!
Contact: PM synergizing | AIM limitsbreaking

Name of Place: the Fortress
Location: a clear area near the center of the gardens
Description: A fortified castle with four windowed lookout towers, a reasonably-sized keep, and a circular wall with four entrances. Also a clear roof between the wall and the castle keep.
Creation: Here
Contact: PM notvitiligo

Name of Place: Minette's Treehouse
Location: Around the Gardens
Description: Cute little place on top of the trees. Great view of the Gardens. Modestly decorated inside, with minimal things to survive. Especially tea. Minette is British, after all.
Pictures: Exterior | Interior 1 | Interior 2 | Interior 3 | Bedroom
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM candlejack/athirdplace

Name of Place: The Monsigny Apartments
Location: Near the Northern part of the Gardens.
Description: Your typical Manhattan-like apartment complex (entirely grey, the very front is all gold - with two golden columns). Fourteen floors (not counting the lobby).
Pictures: one bedroom apartment, two bedroom apartment
Creation: here.
Contact: human simulation on AIM, or PM aureation.

Name of Place: Hell
Location: The Gardens, towards the Jungle
Description: Despite any misgivings the name might conjure, Hell is actually very beautiful. Canon says: “The cliffs all around it are spectacular, hundreds of metres high in places. There's a series of small cliffs called Satan's Steps that drip into it, but believe me, if these are steps, the Great Wall of China is our back fence.” It's a pretty intimidating place, and all you can see in there from the clifftop is dense forest and scrub.

To get in, you have to get down these massive steps, fight your way through undergrowth, crawl through a log and slide down a path which gets covered by a creek repeatedly, and then you come to an ancient, handmade wooden bridge that's covered in moss. It's a difficult path to navigate, but once you get in there's a clearing about the size of a hockey field, a beautiful creek, rock overhangs, although there's still a lot of blackberries. Past the clearing is Australian bushland, which will lead you into the jungle if you venture in too far.

Very recent human additions to the area are some tents, although those look pretty filthy, deliberately covered in mud, with tarps erected and covered in leaves and then more mud to keep anything from being seen from above, even with the dense trees. There's also a chicken pen, sadly with no chickens, a coolhouse made from stones right by the creek.
Pictures: Here
Creation: Offscreen
Contact: PM thinkbrave

Name of Place:Johanna Cabal's Home and Laboratory
Location: The Gardens
Description: A two story Victorian home, as could be found in early 20th century England. There is a laboratory located in the basement.
Contact: Aim: YukiKamaki1

Name of Place: Warehouse
Location: Within the Gardens, in the direction of the Rapids..
Description: A sturdy old red brick warehouse that Jill has converted to her home. One level, and it has windows along the two long sides.
Pictures: This, but with more windows along the sides.
Creation: Offscreen.
Contact: PM lady_saru365 AIM: opposingsaints37

Name of Place: Mami's Gazebo
Location: Near the Northern part of the Gardens (within sight of the Monsigny apartments.)
Description: A large, roofed gazebo with ironworked flower designs curling around the roof and overhang; within, past the surrounding cross-hatch screen of wood, is a small table and several polished chairs.
Pictures: Something like this
Creation: Here!
Contact: PM overhop or IM flutterjake

Name of Place:Concert Hall
Location: Around the Gardens
Description: Placed near a grove of large flowering trees, the concert hall is a grandiose building done in a style similar to the great concert halls and opera houses of Vienna. Inside is a main stage, along with several smaller rooms intended to be practice rooms and dressing rooms. The main stage and practice rooms all have pianos in them, and all of the rooms have perfect acoustics. Austria conducts music lessons here.
Pictures:1, 2, 3
Creation: Discussed here, actual creation handwaved
Contact: PM @ pluckmygstring, AIM @ bringingsexybach

♡ the orchards

Name of Place: Ai's House
Location: Beside a cherry blossom tree tucked away in the orchard. Fairly close to the lake.
Description: A small one room, wooden, old fashioned Japanese style house. It has paper screens.
Pictures: One. Two.
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM themadmaiden

Name of Place: Yagyu-Ryu
Location: In the Orchard, fairly close to the lake.
Description: Yagyu-Ryu is a sword technique, but Kyubei has named a dojo after it in honour of her being away from her family. In essence, it is a samurai dojo, complete with bedding, training areas, an outside arena, storage units, a large wall surrounding the area, and even dining and recreational areas. It's all wooden and paper, and there is no real technology inside of it. If you choose to become a student, you may reside there - or if you are in need of shelter, perhaps. Many rooms are built the same way, and designed in the same manner.
Pictures: Outside. Inside.
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM monta

Name of Place: Fela's Home + Mahalia's Room
Location: Near the Orchard
Description: A very simple mudbrick house with a wooden roof, a brightly colored cloth covers the entrance way. From the structure of the house outwards a few feet there is clay instead of grass. Fela keeps it covered in flowers. There's a single room attached to the back, built out of wood and looking rather out of place next to the mudbrick of the little house. The room has several large windows and a door leading outside, but the latter is hard to spot in the lines of the wood. Inside is a large bed heaped high with pillows, a desk with piles of notebooks and a wall covered in simple paintings of many different faces.
Pictures: here and here (minus the door and porch)
Creation: here, and added to here.
Contact: PM c-zacatechichi or PM mellifluently

Name of Place: Choir Room
Location: Orchard
Description: A small building with a single room, that room being a replica of the choir room at William McKinley High School. There's a piano, instruments and sheet music everywhere, chairs, and plenty of room to dance.
Creation: n/a
Contact: PM this journal or AIM: augustinehiver

Name of Place: Garden of the Sun
Location: Down a narrow walking path from the Orchard
Description: A sizeable clearing, filled with towering sunflowers. Other things grow here and there, mostly other flowers, but sunflowers dominate the area, some of them as high as eight feet.
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Offscreen.
Contact: AIM ZebulonCrispi | Plurk ProfessorProf

Name of Place: Sae's House
Location: Near the orchard
Description: Just an ordinary looking round house but with an obvious big pink sign stating that it is her house.
Pictures: None ;_; sorry
Creation: here (see comments)
Contact: PM timid_saenakata or poke me on empressdonna on plurk

Name of Place: The Phantomhive Manor
Location: The Orchards, a fair distance from the lake.
Description: This is a small house. In fact, it's almost doll-like in the fact that it's grandeur and size don't quite match. It's quite similar to Ciel's London house, with it's three stories and and fenced-in yard. Inside, it is almost a direct copy of Grell's Beaumont, save for the size of the rooms. It would be difficult for someone over 5'7" to enter without knocking their head on the door-frames.
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Off-screen.
Contact: PM toys_with or helbindi at plurk!

Name of Place: Paopu Grove
Location: Just on the edge of the orchard
Description: a small grove of a few paopu trees in the middle of a very small pond to provide water for the trees.
Pictures: Paopu 1 Paopu 2 Paopu Tree
Creation: Offscreen
Contact: anakhathesilver @ AIM, anakha @ plurk, PM

Name of Place: Sephiroth's Headquarters
Location: Near the Orchards
Description: A miniature version of Shinra Headquarters from FFVII. While the architecture is distinctive enough that it is clearly based on Shinra HQ, and it rises above the trees, it is large without being towering. The building has been damaged since its creation. There is a deep, horizontal cut across its middle, made by Sephiroth herself, as well as some smaller pits and craters from robot fire during the robot invasion. The surrounding area is barren, largely due to Sephiroth sometimes practicing outside in the early mornings. A dystopian air hangs about the place. The building has only three accessible floors: the Lobby, SOLDIER Headquarters (floor 49 in the original building), and Science Department Headquarters (floor 67 in the original building). It cannot be entered without Sephiroth's permission under ordinary circumstances, but if someone has a reason and a way to break in, just ask first.
Pictures: Here, but it is much, much shorter.
Creation: Here
Contact: PM no_hometown

Name of Place: Spain's house
Location: Near the Orchard, quite a distance from the Necessities
Description: A simple two-story home, a replica of one of Spain's houses, namely the one in Barcelona. White-walled with a red roof, the interior is homely and warm, as expected of Spain.
Pictures: Here
Creation: This post
Contact: AIM: tomateamor or PM latomatetas

Name of Place: Sayaka's house
Location: Around the Orchard
Description: Blue walls and roof on the outside, with some windows around. On the inside, right in front of where you enter there is a square glass table, surround by two couches. The floor is of a wooden variety. To the right is a kitchen area connected to the rest of the room, a counter separating it from the rest. Modern appliances such as a fridge, stoveoven, microwave and toaster are here. To the left is a door that leads to a bedroom, with a single bed for two (with blue blanket with bunny printing on it) with a dresser and small table with lamp. Another door connects from the bedroom leading to a restroom, with bath and shower.
Pictures: None
Contact: AIM: Stahn Dunamis

Name of Place: Tohno Mansion
Location: On the outside edge of the Orchard, within walking distance of Lake Sanguine
Description: See this post
Pictures: 3d model of the outside entrance hall
Creation: here
Contact: PM middaysdream AIM marbledoll

Name of Place: Fionna's Tree Fort!
Location: The Orchard
Description: To save time, its all here. The only thing added are two rooms for Marceline and Princess Bubblegum for them to decide on their own, and they are separated by Japanese sliding doors.
Pictures: Also on the same page. There are tons.
Creation: Here
Contact: elpedrososama on AIM, PLURK and gmail

♡ lakefront buildings

Name of Place: Small celestial island
Location: Near the lake
Description: It is a floating island with keystone stairs leading down to the ground. The main features of the island - other than a small grass covered floating island itself being a feature on its own - are several peach trees and a sakura tree to the side. Next to it, taking up the main part of the island, is a shrine resembling, say, the Ise shrine in Japan. Left of that is a small lake, which never seems to run out of water, despite a waterfall going down the side of the island.
In front of the "shrine", finally, is a Torii. The Torii is a bit odd, however, it's filled with ever shifting mist and odd images of faraway places (mountains, a lake, a river, a Japanese-y looking village...). There is a small plaque on the torii, reading: "I shall arise in the heavenly world, which is possessed of the state of bliss."
Pictures: Overall layout.
Creation: Here.
Contact: AIM FennelCardi

Name of Place: Beaumont
Location: Close to a lake in the northwestern part of the Gardens
Description: A brick house in the style of the Victorian times, close to Ciel Phantomhive's townhouse but with more red and white on the inside, as well as being slightly smaller.
Pictures: A little collage.
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM lady_saru365 | AIM opposingsaints37.

Name of Place: Sora's Treehouse
Location: Summer area of the Gardens, near the lake
Description: A quaint treehouse sitting high off the ground where Sora and friends can call home. It comes equipped like a normal house, but the two bedrooms each contains two triple bunk for maximum capacity for sleepovers and plenty of switching up for the regular residents.
Pictures: Exterior and Interior floor plans
Creation: Offscreen
Contact: PM namedforthesky | AIM anakhathesilver

Name of Place: Dejana's house
Location: In walking distance of the lake.
Description: A mishmash of different kinds of houses all jumbled together. It looks like it shouldn't hold up, but the structures are all balanced off of one another. There's a zen garden in the front, with a stone path up to the front door, which belongs to a log cabin. To the left it morphs into a more modern-looking house with a window or two, then at the corner is a massive tree trunk with glass and metal thrust into it at the top where the branches would split, creating an enclosed overhanging balcony of sorts. The roof is again the log cabin's, with long grass growing on it, and it sports a brick chimney. Around back is an open Roman-ish atrium with marble columns and a small fountain, facing the lake. Circling the house clockwise, the next corner (opposite from the tree) is made up of a round stone medieval tower with small windows and a pointed roof.

The inside is a little less chaotic, with the differences being only from room to room. On the first floor, the entrance hall has a worn wooden floor, with rough-cut stairs made of logs leading up. To the left is a modern living room with couches and a fireplace, to the right a small library with a desk and oil lamps. Straight towards the back is a somewhat ordinary kitchen with an electric stove and small refrigerator, and cabinets stocked with canned food and spices. The drawers are full of plain metal utensils and cooking implements. There's a table and chairs by a bay window at the back, and double French doors to the left leading to the atrium.

The second floor is a hallway that becomes the glass room, giving a clear view of the garden and the surrounding scenery. There are a few chairs here and a small coffee table. Closer to the top of the stairs are three doors along the wall: one leading to a closet, the second to the tower, and the third to a plain bedroom with attached bathroom. There's also a small bathroom under the stairs on the first floor.
Pictures: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Creation: here.
Contact: PM sageofthewest | AIM: Terra in Pyjamas

Name of Place: 7th Heaven
Location: The Gardens, near the lakefront.
Description: Tifa Lockhart's bar/restaurant, 7th Heaven. The first floor is the bar and kitchen, as well as the area for customers. The second floor is a living area, with bedrooms and a bathroom, etc. The whole place has a very industrial look to it. It's neater than it was in Edge; Cloud's room looks brand new instead of abandoned.

Pictures: Exterior, Exterior II, Bar/Customer Area, Bar/Customer Area II, Staircase, Bedroom/Cloud's Room, Bedroom/Marlene and Denzel's Room
Creation: Here!
Contact: PM synergizing or IM me: limits breaking

Name of Place: Vanille (and Fang)'s House
Location: Lakefront
Description: An oval-shaped metal structure on stilts, with an open area underneath and stairs leading up. It looks simultaneously industrial and tribal, and has a bedroom with several bunk beds, a modest kitchen, and a small living area.
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Here, eventually.
Contact: PM ravaging or AIM: heartstomping

Name of Place:Ferris Wheel
Location: Near the lake.
Description: It's a Ferris wheel! With cars like Poké Balls!
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Off-screen
Contact: PM antiplasma, AIM - sunbrokedown

Name of Place: Lady Oscar's Chateau
Location: On the eastern side of the lake
Description: An understated french chateau, that looks larger from the outside than it actually is. It has a small attached stable, but no horses (yet) and a fountain in the front courtyard
Pictures:Manga image
The real-life Jarjays chateau
Creation: HERE
Contact: PM thefemaleson

♡ near the library

Name of Place: Cafe Alpha
Location: Next to the Library
Description: A simple white building with a porch fit for maybe two tables and a few chairs. Inside is a bar like counter, but only coffee and tea are made there, with about three stools. There is a window opposite of the bar with two tables nestled neatly next to it, two chairs per table. It's also connected to a small house, same color.
Pictures: Layout, Wide shot, Overhead, Close up/Entrance
Creation: N/A
Contact: PM fish_and_coffee | AIM LineandColor

Name of Place: Stephanie's House
Location: Near the lake.
Description: An old looking brick house, painted in a faded, cracking shade of blue, based on a slightly more compact version of her residence back home. It contains two bedrooms, one bathroom, a reasonably sized living room and a slightly larger kitchen.
Pictures: Kitchen, 2, bathroom, bedroom.
Creation: Off-screen.
Contact: PM gravityfists, AIM - sunbrokedown.

Name of Place: Vitalia's Greenhouse & Quarters
Location: Southern bank of the lake
Description: A fancy greenhouse, generally populated with plant-type monstrosities and oddities, and attached cottage full of Mad Scientist equipment, as well as an enclosed run to the lake itself.
Pictures: The Greenhouse
Creation: Aquí
Contact: PM made_of_science

♡ near the ruins

Name of Place: The Bat-Signal
Location: The Ruins
Description: A large, steel platform, bolted down onto part of the ruins, with a specially modified Klieg searchlight in the centre. There's a stylized symbol of a bat covering it, and when switched on, it projects the Batfamily emblem onto the sky.
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Offscreen.
Contact: AIM - sunbrokedown

Name of Place: The Bat-Cave
Location: The Ruins
Description: From the outside, it looks like nothing more than a giant, misplaced rock. On one side, however, is a sturdy iron door that only opens if the right combination is entered in the keypad to the right of it. Failure to put in the correct code results in the door dispensing heart-shaped cookies. (This part definitely wasn't in Batgirl's original plan.) Inside, it's-well, it's a spacious cave. There's a set of monitors against one wall, hooked up to a computer, but it isn't particularly useful. Batgirl can use it to upload data, video, and audio from her suit, and keep track of things in a format as complicated as .txt, but trying to do anything technical on the machines results in computer blaring a copy of “All Time Greatest Love Songs.” Batgirl still can't find where the files are hidden away to delete them, and there's no volume control. There are a handful of training droids in there that will non-lethally deal with any potential intruders, but every so often they will be overcome by the urge to hug each other.
Pictures: Inside the cave, inside again, training droids in action.
Creation: Off-screen!
Contact: AIM - sunbrokedown, or PM gravityfists.

Name of Place: the Altar
Location: Near the ruins.
Description: A collection of flowers and other flora, candles, has been blessed according to warden law. Standing within its, admittedly small, circle of influence should give one a sense of calm and fresh air. There's a worn place in the dirt from where Paderau sits when she prays.
Pictures: here
Creation: Off-screen, but first appeared here
Contact: PM mellifluently

Name of Place: Training Arena
Location: Around the Ruins
Description: A large, paved over training area, based on the Throne Room, only lacking any walls or ceilings. Around the edge, there are rows of seats for spectators, like that of an amphitheatre. There are also racks of weapons, mostly wooden, and cellars scattered around the sides, containing training equipment.
Pictures: Throne Room, seats.
Creation: Off-screen.
Contact: PM restlesswaters or AIM: sunbrokedown

Name of Place: Shinto Shrine
Location: On a hill near the ruins
Description: A full shinto shrine, near the ruins on a hill that wasn't flattened before. It is clearly built after the Hakurei Shrine from Gensokyo (which residents of Gensokyo would notice), except it is in a much better state, and is not begging for donations.
Pictures: Here
Creation: Here
Contact: PM Peachhat or AIM: FennelCardi

Name of Place: The Ice Rink
Location: near the ruins
Description: A medium-sized arena with an Olympic hockey standard ice surface, the rink comes complete with skating and hockey equipment, off-ice boxes, bleachers, changing rooms, pink ice, and a never-ending playlist of cheesy romantic music.
Pictures: 1.
Creation: here
Contact: PM welljustwatchme or plurk @ eflat

♡ near the necessities

Name of Place: Gunsmith Cats Gun Shop
Location: Off to the side of the Necessities.
Description: Outwardly, it looks like the gun shop and house part of Larry's shop back home - she hasn't made the shooting range yet, though it's soon to come. Inside, she's only furnished it minimally for now, not really having any reason to put extra work into it until she has particular cause.
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Offscreen.
Contact: AIM XCAltoona

Name of Place: Temple of Zephyr
Location: Near the Arena
Description: Wild, chaotic multicolored architecture with random stairs and such. Two ceremonial halls, one clearly private, and scattered small bedrooms, storerooms, and communal facilities such as the kitchens. More details at the creation link.
Pictures: N/A
Creation: Here.
Contact: PM mutationisgreat | AIM: kajarainbow

Name of Place: Homura's Apartment Building
Location: Between the Orchard and the Necessities, though closer to the latter
Description: An older European-style apartment building built at a Y-shaped intersection and surrounded with ornate electric street lights that resemble old gas lamps. Only one centralized entrance exists for the building. Inside, the hallways are lined with floor-to-ceiling fluorescent lights. One apartment has a name plate with "Homura Akemi" next to the door. The interior of this apartment is fairly modern and fully furnished, including a full kitchen. Although the building has a few other interior doors, they will not open, as the corresponding apartments currently do not exist.
Pictures: Exterior Hallway (fisheye perspective) Apartment interior
Creation: Here
Contact: heartovertime or [AIM] charmoeleon

♡ edge of the gardens

Name of Place: Quattro's Haunted House
Location: Within sight and earshot of where The Rapids open wide, but anywhere it is possible for your characters to find themselves lost in mist or fog until they wander to the open gates of the mansion.
Description: In a haze of mist, a gothic manor rests, visible through a sparse forest of cherry blossoms that grow and bloom during the early morning, shed all day, and go bare as skeletons during the night. The manor is large and well furnished (organ, clocks, art pieces), but seems off, unsettling, for no one seems to be around, and yet candles flicker, melted three quarters way down, door hinges creek, echoing in doorless chambers. Soup lies on the table of the dining room, unfinished, and cold.
In actuality, the house has a bit of life of its own. The rooms (even the lay out of the house) will change (therefore, it may seem familiar on a repeat visit but will never always been exactly the same), trying to unsettle the people within it, setting them up for a grand cresecndo of fright. But the house is not malicious; it will not hurt your characters, it just wishes to scare them. Like a frightening movie, it tries to scare for the pleasure of the audience (it, however, is a little over eager to assume anyone around wants its excellent experience). It has a special penchant for trying to frighten girls into clinging to one another.
The sub-basement contains Quattro's science laboratory. The way to this area is well locked, but said lock can be picked. Quattro may elect to use her scientific illusion powers to mess with you even more than the house.
Pictures: Here.
Creation: Offscreen.
Contact: PM airgeargaigar | AIM: lichifruit

Name of Place: Ruins Reconstruction
Location: Near one edge of the Gardens
Description: Pretty much what it sounds like: a reconstruction of some of the buildings in the ruins.
Pictures: Picture
Creation: Here
Contact: PM notvitiligo

Name of Place: Epsilon's Memorial Garden
Location: Edge of the Garden
Description: Fields of flowers might be not be an uncommon sight in the gardens, but these flowers are close and tall, and there is something about the way they are gathered here that seems deliberate and meaningful. Flowers of all kinds and colors stand together, waist-high, and narrow paths thread their way through the dense, bright foliage. Along the paths, there are places to sit, benches that one comes across unexpectedly, as they are designed to blend in with the landscape. There are statues, too, here and there, created by Epsilon, rather accurate representations of people she knows. Some of them appear to be humans, but others are clearly robots. The air of the place is tranquil and reflective. This is a place for remembering those who are lost or left behind, or anyone you miss. Because it is relatively close to the edge of the Gardens, it's a simple matter to bring soil from the Wilds there, to build personal monuments to honor particular loved ones. Anyone is welcome to add an object to the memorial garden at any time, without permission.
Pictures: here
Creation: here
Contact: PM lovelikelight

Name of Place: Zombie Box
Location: Edge of the Gardens
Description: An angular white house, surrounded by a sturdy and concealing wall, closed off by a swinging gate. The inside is mainly barren, all white except for wooden floors. Despite not being the bedroom, Zinc keeps her mattress on the first floor near the sliding doors which lead behind the house to a a very grey and humble rock garden. There isn't much other furniture, but there are jigsaw puzzles spread everywhere. The upstairs goes mainly unused.
Pictures: House Alta, wall, gate, bedroom, rock garden
Creation: Off screen.
Contact: jemerite

♡ near the viridian pavilion

Name of Place: Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Location: Near the Viridian Pavilion
Description: A two-story building, mostly white stucco, but the ground floor is painted a very comely lavender. A wrought iron balcony is affixed to the second floor where Momoko lives.
Pictures: Store front, Interior 1, Interior 2, Momoko's room
Creation: Here
Contact: PM madaboutbaby | AIM: Rookie Eyes

Name of Place: Austria's house
Location: Near the Viridian Pavilion
Description:A 2 story home styled in German architecture where Austria lives. It has a master bedroom, three guest rooms, a kitchen, two bathrooms, a living room, and a music room, as well as a few miscellaneous empty rooms that she hasn't decided what to do with yet. The yard has a small rose garden.
Pictures: 1,
Creation: Here
Contact: PM @ pluckmygstring, AIM @ bringingsexybach

♡ near the arcade

Name of Place: Otomiya Mansion
Location: Near the arcade!
Description: It's a large house, western style, based on something like what the Otomiya's lived in previously, which was never described in real detail. It's large enough to house up to 10 people. It has three floors, the first floor consisting of dining, living, and sitting rooms and a kitchen. The upper floors hold bathrooms, bedrooms, and dens. The third floor has several unused rooms to fill with whatever guests wish.
Pictures: Here!
Creation: Here!
Contact: the love of lives @ aim | soviets @ plurk | @ email


Want to add a place to the list? Fill out the following form (leaving the "textarea" tag in):
Name of Place: The name of the new addition to the Gardens or surrounding realms.
Location: What realm or part of the Gardens is it in or near?
Description: As detailed as you want.
Pictures: Optional links to pictures of the new place.
Creation: Optional link to the thread or post where the new place was created. If it was done "offscreen," you can just mark this part as not applicable.
Contact: A way of contacting the player responsible for making this place--a journal to PM or an email or IM screen name.