Boredom strikes. Constructive? Who the heck knows.

Mar 19, 2011 21:51

[Action, prolonged]
Tenshi had been bored. Very bored. Sure, there had been a DDR-session, as well as a spar with a giant robot, but it just wasn't enough. She then figured, hey, there WAS something she could to do distract her. Maybe that worked.
And so she set to work, near the ruins. A hill was found, and promptly de-forested and flattened by using her powers. Nodding to herself, the celestial flew off.
When she returned, she was carrying imagination mud. And so were a lot of keystones floating behind her. After a large pile of the strange substance was dumped on the flattened hill, Tenshi got to work...

Near the ruins, a hill had been. It had been an innocent hill, peaceful and happy, if slightly tree-covered. Now, it was changed forever. A full Shinto Shrine was visible on top of the hill, several buildings, as well as a narrow path leading up to the hill, passing through several
torii, each painted red.

The shrine clearly resembled the Hakurei Shrine from Gensokyo, although it looked much less, well, desolate.
Tenshi was standing in front of it, nodding to herself. That had gone well! Only one thing was odd: Tenshi looked different. In fact, she was completely monochrome. Why? Who knew.

[The mirror showed an odd image - a monochrome Tenshi, in all her 20-year-ish-seeming-glory, standing in front of a japanese shrine in a pretty forest. The ruins were visible in the distance, but clearly weren't the focus.]

You know what this place was lacking? A shrine and a shrine maiden! Who else is gonna solve incidents when they happen? And since we have no shrine maiden, and I'm by far the most holy person here, I'll do that duty for now, since there's really noone else who is qualified.

So, if there's giant ants eating your house, if murderplants keep trying to bite you, or if someone steals the moon, don't worry, just call the temporary substitute shrine maiden, me!

tenshi hinanai, souji seta, yukari yakumo, xion (kingdom hearts), kazumi hagino

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