♥ 002

Dec 07, 2010 20:42

[ Outside. Inside.

It seems like she wasn't settling in to this new place. For someone as strong as she, she misses her home. Kyubei feels so incredibly out of place here. Sometimes, if she thinks hard enough, she can see the Gothic Lolita flyers Tojo would leave in her rooms.

But that was only one small comfort. She'd often be found sitting at the base of a tree, trying to perform her meditation exercises. No good. This wasn't home, and it didn't feel right. The samurai feeling - it was just gone.

That is until she began imagining herself far away from where she was. If Kyubei pictured her old home long enough, it almost felt as if it were really there. The trees would fold into walls, the grass would darken into carpeting, the leaves would recreate the Yagyu banners and -

... Well that was strange. Normally, when Kyubei lost concentration and opened her eyes, the illusion would fade away.

This time, it felt very much like she was actually sitting cross legged in her old bedroom. Time to close her eyes again.

Nope. It was still there. She got up, checked he entire place over - it really was there. The Yagyu dojo. The whole manor. She was certain that she wasn't imagining things. You may find her walking around the edges of it, running her hands along the wooden walls. ]

What is this place...?

kyubei yagyu, tenshi hinanai

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