Brooke's Musical Emporium Free For All

Sep 19, 2010 03:43

Who: Everyone... and I mean everyone.
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Brooke's Musical Emporium
Summary: Brooke has a million little things he wanted to do with people.  He has a date with Alice, He has violin lessons with Rikku, he has a re-match duel with Mitsuru, He wanted to chat with Sanji about dating, he was going to have tea with Sookie, he was ( Read more... )

sunako nakahara, roronoa zoro, rikku, claudio kilgannon, †: brooke, laughing beauty, alice nonomura, sanji, iron-tail fratley

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Comments 74

10:00 AM thecrowingtobe September 19 2010, 09:05:26 UTC
[Order: Claudio/Claire/Brooke. What: Claire asked Claudio to come with her while Brooke tries to... give her a maids outfit?]He had been out for some time now, looking over everywhere for the missing people. Jinx's boyfriend, that Sora kid, others. He had been out when he got the call from Claire about coming with her to... something. She seemed a little worried, and he didn't mind. It gave him excuse to go clean up and get his mind off the inevitable fact that people were... as always, just gone ( ... )


(The comment has been removed)

10:00 AM tapdancinskelly September 20 2010, 07:02:59 UTC
Brooke heard the door ring as two potential customer walked in to his store. Brooke glanced over his piano and noticed that he recognized the young lady as the young lady who he had mean to give some clothes to. Who the man beside her was, was beyond him, but he figured he'd likely find out. He finished his musical piece and waltzed over to the front door with a package behind his back ( ... )


thecrowingtobe September 20 2010, 07:45:52 UTC
He actually chuckled to her comment about running. "Well... there is that too." He offered, opening the door for her. As they entered a... wow, okay so a very tall skeleton just approached them, didn't he?

He blinked, hearing the conversation spill from the polite seeming ... skeleton. He raised a thick brow, only just now realizing that he was asked who he was. "Ah... Claudio." He said a bit distracted by the living dead before him. So it was true. This guy was real--

He nearly choked though, a hand covering his mouth as if to cover a cough. "B-boyfriend? Ah, no, no... just a friend." He said without thinking, shaking his head.

The guy was handing Claire a box of uniforms? He raised a brow, glancing from the... was it -really- a skeleton!? He stayed near her, watching the guy's interactions. "Uniforms?"


4:45 PM nurserabbit September 19 2010, 13:34:36 UTC
"Hey, Brooke... about that date I promised you. I think I'll have time off from work soon. Are you free?"

Alice sent her friend the text message as she waited for the thermometer to take her patient's temperature. She felt rather bad that work had to eat up most of her time once again, but she guessed that if she could find a way to spend time with the people she liked whenever she could... then perhaps she wouldn't feel so bad about always being in the hospital anymore.

She pocketed her cellphone-type NV and got back to her work. If Brooke sends a message back, she'd make sure to check it.


4:50 PM tapdancinskelly September 19 2010, 15:20:53 UTC
Brooke had silenced his NV while he was playing his piano and as such did not notice the text message until his song had finished. Brooke's nonexistent blood raced at the message that was left there and he quickly responded as fast as his flanges could type.

"I sure am! Come by my shop in sector 3 any time, and I'll be waiting there for you."

Brooke hurried off to make more preparations for his date, making sure his violin was tuned, his menus were straight, and his roses were ready. He had been really nervous about this date and had asked many of his friends for advise, and almost all of them said flowers, which is something Brooke would have already done. So he had grown flowers just for this occasion, and they had just bloomed yesterday. As an afterthought, Brooke hurried back to his NV and put in the coordinates for his store.


6:12 PM... s-sob! nurserabbit September 21 2010, 04:16:00 UTC
Alice's bike rushed down almost recklessly down a street, driving passers-by out of her way. She told Brooke she was going to be there soon! She was sure her work would have ended by five at the latest, but no. Of all the days to be stationed at the emergency room. It wasn't that she hated how well timed that patient came-- but perhaps she never let herself become selfish enough. Instead of asking another nurse to work in her stead, she devoted her time to taking care of that child who carelessly swallowed something toxic.

Tears stung the corners of her eyes. She didn't have the time to change into something more appropriate for a date. So she biked all the way from the hospital to the Emporium in Sector 3. In any case, if the sirens went off, Alice was sure she'd be alright. She had dealt with evening darkness before. What mattered most now was that she could get to Brooke for the date she promised him.

Quickly, she got off her bike, chained it up and rushed into the store.


4:50-6:12 PM... let the sobbing commence! tapdancinskelly September 21 2010, 11:53:55 UTC
Brooke had been waiting nearly an hour and a half for Alice to come by for their date and had, had a table he kept intentionally open just for them. Brooke sighed as the minutes had ticked by, and eventually started feeling a little... sad. He was rather certain at this point he had been stood up, and he worried that it most likely was the fact that he was a skeleton. Or perhaps it was the whole panties thing, or perhaps she just came to her senses and realized that he wasn't good enough for her.

He had looked up every time someone had entered the door hoping it was her, but when it wasn't he simply got more worried. Finally reaching the end of his excuses to himself, he did what he did when he felt deep emotion, he played his violin. Brooke recorded himself on the violin with one of the devices in his store, and then played it back as he played the piano, creating a duet with himself. He played a song to match his mood and the song that he played with himself, went like thisBrooke had stopped looking up from his piano when ( ... )


~1:30 PM by_your_leave September 19 2010, 16:16:38 UTC
"Right now," Brooke had said, and Fratley was always one to take things literally. Locating the store on his NV was the matter of a few minutes of inquiry, mostly trying to convince the recalcitrant plush Moogle to cooperate. Eventually, "Moggie" yielded the information, and it wasn't too long before Fratley was making his way to the musical emporium Brooke had spoken of ( ... )


~1:31 PM tapdancinskelly September 19 2010, 17:00:44 UTC
Brooke had only recently finished his conversation with Sir Fratley to play some piano, and as such had not expected him to pop up so quickly. He quickly finished his piano piece with the last lingering notes and made his way to the front of the store where his new student was waiting. "I must say, I'm rather surprised you arrived so soon, it's rather impressive. Were you just around the corner? Well anyways, we may as well start now, if you'll please follow me ( ... )


~1:32-34 PM by_your_leave September 20 2010, 02:26:09 UTC
"Not as such," Fratley admitted. He simply had little else to do.

Obediently, he trailed after Brooke. Though the skeleton wouldn't be able to see the expression on his face with that hat in the way (really, how did he even manage to see) the knight was lively enough, head turning and ears twitching as he took in the sight and smell of the back rooms of the emporium. It was impressive, at least, to someone whose limited memory of civilization involved crowded villages or barren wastelands.

Up the stairs and into the back room. The knight had all of a moment to wonder at the purpose of the stage before Brooke lobbed a ball at him. Out of instinct rather than conscious intent, Fratley reached out and caught the ball before it could hit him, blinking in surprise.

"Ah." He looked down at the ball in his hand, then back at Brooke, inquisitively. The prominent claws didn't seem to pose him a difficulty in holding the ball, but... what now?


tapdancinskelly September 20 2010, 08:28:52 UTC
When Fratley caught the ball his reaction was as he had expected it to be, now they could start with their training. "Juggling is not only about dexterity, but also timing, and hand eye coordination. To start off with I want you to throw the ball from one of your hands to the other in a circular motion. Like so." Brooke put down the handkerchiefs and started to spin the one ball. He was essentially juggling with only one ball but doing it very slowly so that it was easy to follow as a demonstration.

"This will help you get a hold of the very basics of juggling. Depending on how good you are at doing that, will determine if you are completely ready for the next step." Brook sat down on one of the crates in the room with his cup of tea, and watched to see how well Fratley could handle it.


breakfast-time! notadartboard September 19 2010, 16:36:16 UTC
Sanji came over to the piano and deposited a cup of tea on a saucer, carrying a second one himself. He had fallen straight into his usual routine that week, making meals for the crew like they were all back on the Sunny as it should be. He was finally nearing the end of his recovery, too, having slept away good portions of his first week in Siren's Port. Oh well. He still made dinner and breakfast, and here he was, serving Brooke as usual.

"Interesting piece," he commented casually. "Picking up a lot of new songs, here?"


tapdancinskelly September 20 2010, 07:12:08 UTC
Brooke was absolutely delighted. It had been so long since he had, had the chef do anything for him that the things he had taken for granted on the Thousand Sunny, now seemed like a gift from the gods. He took his cup of tea and bowed his head gratefully in acknowledgment.

"There are a lot of fascinating little musical pieces here I've never seen or heard before. It's positively remarkable! Selling music has been the perfect opportunity to find all sorts of hidden musical treasures." Brooke sipped his tea, and then entered a state of bliss. "And anymore of this tea, and I'll die a happy man. Although I'm already dead. Yohohoho!"

Brooke turned in his piano bench so he was now talking face to face with Sanji. "So how do you like our kitchen facilities at the musical Emporium? I managed to snag this place from a very elitist musician and from what I can tell, everything in this building is top of the line."


notadartboard September 20 2010, 16:54:27 UTC
"Ah, yeah, it's really nice," Sanji agreed with a sincere smile. Brooke was one of few he could talk to like an adult. "Whoever you got it from really had good taste. There's a couple of appliances I don't recognize, but I'll figure them out. Or I don't need them."

He likewise took a sip of his tea - a good, strong black tea to get the day going. Just the way he liked it. "So. Were you serious about having me cook for the cafe? I can do a hell of a lot besides just bake pastries - but you know that."


tapdancinskelly September 21 2010, 10:57:23 UTC
Brooke paused to think about Sanji's question for a while, not really sure he had much of an answer. "Well, this is mostly supposed to be a musical store, and the tea corner I put in to attract customers. The only things I really see as a potential problem is one, I already do have a young lady who works here, and two, it's a tea corner, not a restaurant... I feel like you'd almost be wasting your talents in working for me." Brooke said with a sigh ( ... )


late afternoon/early evening-ish as_a_lady September 19 2010, 21:16:40 UTC
Sookie had been invited over for tea and after a quick stop by her place to freshen up a bit, she located the shop she was told to visit and stepped inside. She fidgeted idly with her dress, peering around.

This was the first time she'd ever met an actual skeleton, but she was used to meeting her fair share of abnormal beings--vampires, weres, shifters. What was a skeleton added to the mix?

"Uhm... Brooke?"


tapdancinskelly September 20 2010, 07:49:44 UTC
The skeleton bard finished up his piece with a shave and a haircut, and made his way over to the front door where he had heard someone calling for him. Brooke saw the young lady in a dress, and bowed with a tip of his top hat. "Ah, lady Sookie! So good of you to come, I've been waiting for you. Allow me to welcome you to my store, Brooke's Musical Emporium!"

Instruments lined the walls and there were aisles of musical sheets, instrument polish, cds, metronomes, and pretty much anything else you could picture a musical store to have. To the left of the door were several tables with fancy lace table cloths, flowers in the center of the table, with a tea pot next to it. Brooke led her to one such table and offered her a fresh tea menu. "Since today you are my guest, you are welcome to your choice of tea from our menu. We have many kinds of teas, and some delightful pastries and sandwiches for you to dine on. What would you like?"


as_a_lady September 21 2010, 22:29:33 UTC
Oh, wow. Okay, yeah, it was still weird meeting a Skeleton in person, but she managed a smile, looking around the store curiously. "Thank you for havin' me." She smiled. "This is a real nice place you got here."

When led to the table, she took a seat, looking over the menu. "Ah, someone told me about a Lemon Myrtle tea that's good for... relaxin' you. Do y'all have that here?"


tapdancinskelly September 23 2010, 17:08:01 UTC
Brooke smiled in return. "Thank you, I received it from a nice chap named Mr. Erik, and have since re-made it in my image. I don't know whatever did happen to Mr. Erik though... maybe he went into singing, he had a very nice voice." Mr. Erik was the former owner of the store who screamed, gave Brooke the deed to the store and went screaming into the night.

"Yohohoho! Do we have Lemon Myrtle tea here? If we didn't you could call me a drunken emu! My tea corner has almost every tea you could possibly imagine!" Brooke made his way into the kitchen and after a few minutes of clamoring and curses such as 'Well call me a drunken Emu! Where are you, you blasted...' Brooke finally found the specific tea he was looking for. He came out of the kitchen with a tea pot and an apology, as he poured her, her tea.

"Sorry about all that, I seemed to have misfiled it, and accidentally put it behind the Jasmine tea."


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