Brooke's Musical Emporium Free For All

Sep 19, 2010 03:43

Who: Everyone... and I mean everyone.
When: Sunday Afternoon
Where: Brooke's Musical Emporium
Summary: Brooke has a million little things he wanted to do with people.  He has a date with Alice, He has violin lessons with Rikku, he has a re-match duel with Mitsuru, He wanted to chat with Sanji about dating, he was going to have tea with Sookie, he was ( Read more... )

sunako nakahara, roronoa zoro, rikku, claudio kilgannon, †: brooke, laughing beauty, alice nonomura, sanji, iron-tail fratley

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breakfast-time! notadartboard September 19 2010, 16:36:16 UTC
Sanji came over to the piano and deposited a cup of tea on a saucer, carrying a second one himself. He had fallen straight into his usual routine that week, making meals for the crew like they were all back on the Sunny as it should be. He was finally nearing the end of his recovery, too, having slept away good portions of his first week in Siren's Port. Oh well. He still made dinner and breakfast, and here he was, serving Brooke as usual.

"Interesting piece," he commented casually. "Picking up a lot of new songs, here?"


tapdancinskelly September 20 2010, 07:12:08 UTC
Brooke was absolutely delighted. It had been so long since he had, had the chef do anything for him that the things he had taken for granted on the Thousand Sunny, now seemed like a gift from the gods. He took his cup of tea and bowed his head gratefully in acknowledgment.

"There are a lot of fascinating little musical pieces here I've never seen or heard before. It's positively remarkable! Selling music has been the perfect opportunity to find all sorts of hidden musical treasures." Brooke sipped his tea, and then entered a state of bliss. "And anymore of this tea, and I'll die a happy man. Although I'm already dead. Yohohoho!"

Brooke turned in his piano bench so he was now talking face to face with Sanji. "So how do you like our kitchen facilities at the musical Emporium? I managed to snag this place from a very elitist musician and from what I can tell, everything in this building is top of the line."


notadartboard September 20 2010, 16:54:27 UTC
"Ah, yeah, it's really nice," Sanji agreed with a sincere smile. Brooke was one of few he could talk to like an adult. "Whoever you got it from really had good taste. There's a couple of appliances I don't recognize, but I'll figure them out. Or I don't need them."

He likewise took a sip of his tea - a good, strong black tea to get the day going. Just the way he liked it. "So. Were you serious about having me cook for the cafe? I can do a hell of a lot besides just bake pastries - but you know that."


tapdancinskelly September 21 2010, 10:57:23 UTC
Brooke paused to think about Sanji's question for a while, not really sure he had much of an answer. "Well, this is mostly supposed to be a musical store, and the tea corner I put in to attract customers. The only things I really see as a potential problem is one, I already do have a young lady who works here, and two, it's a tea corner, not a restaurant... I feel like you'd almost be wasting your talents in working for me." Brooke said with a sigh ( ... )


notadartboard September 21 2010, 17:23:44 UTC
Sanji shrugged a little. "I don't intend to take a job away from a lady, no. It's your place, by all rights. If you want me, I won't say no, but if there's no place for that here, I can look around. I thought about going out tomorrow and having a look at area restaurants." Not just for jobs, he was also very curious about the culture and cuisine, if there was anything he could learn. New recipes to try. "I'll still make meals for the crew. That's not even a question."

Only then did he notice that the store was in pristine condition. Sanji had a look around, wondering if he missed out on a cleaning extravaganza. "Expecting a big crowd, today?"


tapdancinskelly September 21 2010, 17:35:42 UTC
Brooke shrugged. Sanji seemed content in doing other things as it was, so changing his store seemed like a bit of an unnecessary change. Sanji could after all find a job at any place in the city, and Brooke wanted to keep his store mostly the way it was. Although he was thinking of a bit of a uniform change.

At Sanji's question Brooke smiled. "Well yes actually! I'm meeting with a lot of my new friends I've made on this island. I'm always amazed by how wonderful people can be." Brooke's cheekbones then turned a slight shade of pink and he turned away slightly in the hopes that it was unnoticeable. "And... well you see... my umm... date... is today."


notadartboard September 21 2010, 17:47:13 UTC
"Ohhhhh that's right..." Sanji grinned knowingly. "A date with a nurse, you said. You're sure she's not just using you to study anatomy?" He laughed to assure Brooke he was just teasing, although after a moment he realized just how suggestive that statement could be taken. Oops.

"Well, then. The love-cook is here to answer all your questions about dealing with the fair lady. What do you want to know~?"


tapdancinskelly September 23 2010, 16:56:08 UTC
Brooke took a deep breath with his lungs that weren't there, and asked as many questions as he could think of. "What is a good place for a first date? What's the difference between the etiquette on a first date and a second or third date? Should I be giving her a certain kind of flowers, or are roses fine? Is music on a first date too fast? When is it an appropriate time to ask to see a lady's panties? On the first date is a goodnight kiss involved? Do peanut butter and jelly really belong together? Should you hold her hand? What kind of food should be served on a first date? Is a candle lit dinner overdoing it? Should someone try to be funny on a date, or seductive?" These questions sort of just tumbled out of Brooke's mouth before he realized he should most likely ask these questions one at a time.

"Umm... yeah... so those are my questions."


notadartboard September 23 2010, 17:09:59 UTC
Sanji just stared for a long moment, surprised and confused. He hoped he really caught all of that.

"Uh, well..." He blinked himself back to normal and had a sip of tea before composing an answer. Or several answers. "Let's see. First date...there are a lot of options. If you're just testing the waters to see whether you and the lady have any chemistry, something casual is probably better. Tea or coffee, lunch instead of dinner, a walk or something. But if you're serious, then by all means, go for the candlelight dinner." He looked away absently toward an upper corner of the ceiling while he thought about his experience and his extensive daydreams of romance. "Roses and music are never bad, and as to the rest, just be yourself. I mean - be kind, be gentle and charming and listen to everything she says, but they can tell when you're trying too hard. It's better to just relax and let things happen as they will."

He rubbed his scruffy chin, then. "I wish I knew the answer about the panties. I've had a hard time figuring that one out


tapdancinskelly September 23 2010, 18:16:43 UTC
Brooke sighed in relief. "So if you are really serious, a candle lit dinner is still okay for a first date then? Because I really do like this girl, and I think she likes me. Although I don't even know if I can actually kiss with a face like mind... I think the best I could manage would be a soft nibble." Brooke sipped some more tea, not even sure if this was an appropriate conversation topic, but not really caring. He was after all talking to another member of his crew, and as such wasn't too worried about such things.

This made Brooke really want to roll over and sigh. Instead he simply settled for slumping his head against the table sadly. "I think there are some questions men, will just never know the answer to. Why do women have to be so beautiful and yet so very, very complicated?"


notadartboard September 23 2010, 19:33:55 UTC
Sanji did his best not to think too hard about the mechanics of kissing a skeleton. His crewmate's feelings were more important. "Wow. It's really that serious, eh? Yeah, in that case, I wouldn't recommend anything else. Dinner is usually where I get started just getting to know a lady, but if you already got to that state, your feelings on this one."

He shook his head slowly. "It's one of the great mysteries of the world, or any world. It's part of why they're so irresistible, really." Sanji grinned slyly. "I wouldn't have it any other way."


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