So, I got to work and redid the oberon's credits reel, although I think I might redo it again and remove the candid shots at the beginning, or maybe just change the order.... we'll see
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Shoes. So much can be written on this subject, but I'm going to keep this short and simple, to just go over some few interesting points
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Jaime Kennedy IS Philip J. Fry. Like, for REAL. We were watching that silly coma movie of his, whatever it's called, and right after he drinks the red bull in the club, he says, "Tastes like a LASER." It's scary - for a moment, he simply IS Fry lol.
I keep seeing the new Windows commercial, and wow, I'm impressed. Not that it's some fabulous commercial, but for a long while now, Mac's main selling point seems to be not that they are so great, but that they aren't PC's
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