If I were a Mac, I'd be ashamed.

Oct 05, 2008 19:46

I keep seeing the new Windows commercial, and wow, I'm impressed. Not that it's some fabulous commercial, but for a long while now, Mac's main selling point seems to be not that they are so great, but that they aren't PC's.

Um... yeah.

They've been running a long series of commercials in which a man says "I'm a PC... " followed by some sort of exchange in which he supposedly has all sorts of problems, but the "I'm a Mac..." guy runs perfectly.

Wow - a world in which ANY computer runs perfectly? What a world - only in commercials!

The new Windows commercial has a long series of people saying "I'm a PC, and I..." followed by a comment on their life. (I wear a suit, I don't wear a suit, this is my office - points to the ocean or space stuff like that). I'm impressed. This is why - they didn't feel the ned to bad mouth or bash Macs - they just sort of stood up and said "We're PC people... and we're just people. I admire that they responded not with more of the same, but with a simple statement of LOTS of regular people use PC's (which, by the way, means Personal Computer, which I THOUGHT was what Macs were, but that's another issue).

Mac should be ashamed (and I hate to say it, but so should Justin Long - which irks me, cuz I LIKE him). When a company's main selling point is "our competitors suck" it's worse than your average politically campaign!

NO company should promote itself that way. Way back when, I used to work for a company that SUCKED. BUT - they did do one thing I admired. When company representatives came in to tell us about their products, they were NOT allowed to bash their competitors. If they wanted to tell us ALL about how great they were, awesome, we were happy to listen. Once, a Hewlett-Packard rep came in, and his whole pitch was "canon and epson suck". We asked him to leave. Told him we'd be happy to listen if he wanted to come back later and talk about HP, but we weren't interested in hearing him bad-mouth anyone else. We sold ALL the products, equally, based on customer needs, and bad-mouthing someone else's products was unproductive and downright shameful.

On that note, I'm pretty impressed that Microsoft came back with this simple commercial, showing people from all over the world, all walks of life, saying "We use PCs, and we're fine."

Well, I'm a PC, and I'm a girl geek.

Macs are fine computers, but I find it VERY interesting to note that while I Was a computer salesperson, I found that all PC people say "Macs are fine computers, but I just like PCs better, for ."

Mac people - almost without exception - would say "PCs SUCK. Macs are the only good computers!" It's interesting to note that apparently, Apple as a company says the same thing. How wierd is that?
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