So, I got to work and redid the oberon's credits reel, although I think I might redo it again and remove the candid shots at the beginning, or maybe just change the order.... we'll see.
Sallie didn't have one, so I tossed this together. They've never decided on a theme song, so I used the one I initially suggested, and I LOVE the results. The music almost seems to konw just when to shift, as the characters on the screen change.
You can watch this video on
The Oberon Credits Reel (5/3/09) from
Shadesiren on
You can watch this video on
The Salvation Credits Reel (5/3/09) from
Shadesiren on
comments? suggestions?
I'm certainly a noob at this video thing - these are pretty much the only real videos I've made, and they're technically just cartoon style (a string of images)