Not so perfect porn

May 03, 2011 22:13

Hunh. So I discovered last night that one thing that can make me completely bored with porn is if it's too perfect. Like ... when every single sex scene leads to the most mind-blowing and amazing orgasms EVER, and the participants never take a wrong step but read each other's bodies perfectly at all times (D/S scenes seem particularly prone to this ( Read more... )

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Comments 40

aubade_saudade May 4 2011, 02:23:27 UTC
yeah, that's why a lot of people --if they watch it-- don't go for professional porn and stick to amateur.

i don't like perfect anything. if the romance is too perfect, their understanding too perfect, it's damned boring. because people are interesting, and people are never perfect. then again, my fantasies are less about fulfillment and more about curiosity and interest (wait-- maybe that's exactly what you meant *head-desk*).

which is why a lot of the fics i think i'll like are actually not that satisfying, while those that hold back and make me earn my keep (make me interpret, don't deliver all of the goods at the same time, have emotional restraint) are the ones that i actually go back to reread and become my favorites.

by the way, do you read original fic?


secretsolitaire May 4 2011, 03:07:47 UTC
i don't like perfect anything. if the romance is too perfect, their understanding too perfect, it's damned boring. because people are interesting, and people are never perfect.

Yes, this. I had a rant a few years back about happy endings that are too happy, which was sort of along the same lines. They're boring and they make my teeth hurt from the sap. I like characters and relationships that feel real to me, and that means flaws and problems I can relate to in some form or fashion. (And, alas, I can't relate to perfect sex all the time, LOL.)

which is why a lot of the fics i think i'll like are actually not that satisfying, while those that hold back and make me earn my keep (make me interpret, don't deliver all of the goods at the same time, have emotional restraint) are the ones that i actually go back to reread and become my favorites.*ponders* Now I'm thinking about the stories I read over and over again, what it is about them that makes them so appealing. I am with you in that many of them are rich and layered, and reward ( ... )


aubade_saudade May 5 2011, 00:17:46 UTC
I will have to think about this more when I'm not so tired.

write meta on it. for real. i'd read the hell out of it.

There are an awful lot of 80-billion-word vampire/werewolf/etc.

lmao yes, i give those a wide berth. like, i walk on the other side of the internet just so i don't have to encounter them head on.

you should read "Captive Prince." i really think you'd love it. this from someone who tends to hate slavefic because of how the characters are usually types, how badly authors tend to deal with the issue of slavery and-- yeah, plenty of other reasons. CP though is REALLY GOOD.


secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:48:44 UTC
write meta on it. for real. i'd read the hell out of it.

I'll see what I can do. :-)

I can go either way on slave fic -- I have a massive hurt/comfort kink, which some slave fic hits nicely, but you're right, it can go very badly in the wrong hands. I'll give Captive Prince a try -- got a link?


thistlerose May 4 2011, 02:29:16 UTC
I agree. Sex scenes are much more interesting and fun and real when they're imperfect.


secretsolitaire May 4 2011, 03:09:16 UTC
It can still be really good sex! Just give me a flaw somewhere. :-D

I never get tired of that icon, btw.


thistlerose May 4 2011, 03:21:46 UTC
They're totally Jim and Bones!

Especially in stories where one or both had never been with a man before, you'd think it would be a little awkward. Not even bad, just - maybe having to try a few different positions before they find one that's comfortable.


secretsolitaire May 4 2011, 03:33:27 UTC
They so are! The way Bones is caressing Jim's face reduces me to a puddle. ♥

Especially in stories where one or both had never been with a man before, you'd think it would be a little awkward. Not even bad, just - maybe having to try a few different positions before they find one that's comfortable.

Yes! Or, you know, communicating in some form or fashion instead of reading each other's minds. "Is this good?" or "How do you want it?"


china_shop May 4 2011, 03:40:07 UTC
Yes! Plus I think sometimes part of the appeal is seeing the characters correct their mis-assumptions or resolve their misunderstandings, and compromise over what they want, or discover that what they thought they wanted wasn't what they really wanted -- in their relationships and in their sex lives. If it's all too easy and perfect, then it can give the impression that it'll be derailed as soon as they hit the first bump.


secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:22:31 UTC
Plus I think sometimes part of the appeal is seeing the characters correct their mis-assumptions or resolve their misunderstandings, and compromise over what they want, or discover that what they thought they wanted wasn't what they really wanted -- in their relationships and in their sex lives.

YES! I mean, all of that stuff is what being in a relationship and, hell, being human, is all about.


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secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:23:51 UTC
Hahaha, yes! A little physical comedy never goes amiss. Or some come in the eye, perhaps? :-P


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secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 01:37:49 UTC
LOL, it would totally kill the mood! I'm pretty sure I've read it in a fic at some point, maybe a Sulu/Chekov awkward first time? *looks for 20 minutes* Aha!

This whole discussion reminds me of this fic by thistlerose. Talk about awkward sex. ;-)


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secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:26:22 UTC
This fic I was reading used the word "perfect" so many times, not just in the sex scenes but in each characters thoughts about the other -- and they'd been together several years at that point. I'm sorry, but that's long enough to know that your partner isn't perfect, but you love him or her anyway. *still a little cranky*


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