Not so perfect porn

May 03, 2011 22:13

Hunh. So I discovered last night that one thing that can make me completely bored with porn is if it's too perfect. Like ... when every single sex scene leads to the most mind-blowing and amazing orgasms EVER, and the participants never take a wrong step but read each other's bodies perfectly at all times (D/S scenes seem particularly prone to this ( Read more... )

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Comments 40

merkuria May 4 2011, 07:08:16 UTC
Are they even human?

Lol, they don't appear to be, do they? I know the feeling you're describing - it comes to a point where I start skipping sex scenes, and that's just, well, unthinkable. When the non-sex part of the relationship is just a perfect and fuelled by silent communication at the level of clairvoyance I hit the x, because while I respect someone else's right to have such a fantastic view of how human relations work, I refuse to be thus bored stiff.


secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:28:17 UTC
it comes to a point where I start skipping sex scenes, and that's just, well, unthinkable.

I know, right?? That's exactly what I was doing the other night, which was bad because it was reasonably well written sex, but man. I just couldn't take it.

When the non-sex part of the relationship is just a perfect and fuelled by silent communication at the level of clairvoyance I hit the x

Yesssss. God, characters just reading each other's minds really starts to piss me off. We mere mortals have to actually, you know, communicate once in a while.


tigbit May 4 2011, 12:53:50 UTC
Aw, I understand and completely agree. Perfect porn has its place and whatnot, but it's so much more exciting to see a couple grappling with finding what they like, snarking at each other for always doing ____, falling off the bed, breaking a chair, being in a bad mood, etc. It makes it so much more honest and so when they do have a mind-blowing orgasm, it's something extra special.


secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:29:23 UTC
It makes it so much more honest and so when they do have a mind-blowing orgasm, it's something extra special.


And I do so love a little snark in my porn. :-D


gryffindorj May 4 2011, 18:49:46 UTC
I totally get what you're saying. It's erotica so I want hot sex but I don't want it unbelievable and icky. There is a line and it has to be done right. There is an author who often ends their fics with a sex scene and by the end of the fic I so don't care for sex at that point and I'm happy with everything else that I am turned off/annoyed by the sex scene. It's screwing with the ending and I hate that!

I don't want anyone to feel paranoid here -- the fic that sparked this realization wasn't written by anyone on my flist. ♥
Yeah, sure whatever. I know it was me! :p


secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:34:41 UTC
There is an author who often ends their fics with a sex scene and by the end of the fic I so don't care for sex at that point and I'm happy with everything else that I am turned off/annoyed by the sex scene.

This seems to be really common in fandom! I sometimes feel like authors don't think a story is finished until the relationship has been consummated, LOL. I think there is a time and place for it -- if the author manages to communicate new things about the relationship through the sex, or if the whole thing has been a huge spiral of UST building up to it, then I think the porn is warranted. But you're right, sometimes it feels tacked on and gratuitous to the main arc of the story. (I can't believe I'm saying this, since I will click on an NC-17 story much more eagerly than, say, a PG-13 one. But it's true that occasionally the sex is not necessary. *g*)


gryffindorj May 5 2011, 17:55:56 UTC
Yes I agree with all of this. Sometimes even with UST I'm yelling at the screen "JUST FUCK ALREADY!!!!".


secretsolitaire May 6 2011, 02:50:30 UTC
LOL, yes, been there!

Deleted/reposted to add that your icon is awesome. :-D


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secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:46:11 UTC
Sometimes I think the most common place "Mary Sue/Marty Sue" appears is in sex (or any 'make-out') scenes.

Ooh, this is really true. There are some sex scenes where you could plug in absolutely any names and it would read the same way. The better authors maintain their characterization throughout a sex scene, through the dialogue and reactions. And ideally the porn serves a purpose in the fic, either by advancing the characterization or having the participants communicating something, rather than just getting off for the sake of getting off. (Not that I don't enjoy a good PWP. *g*)


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secretsolitaire May 5 2011, 00:46:42 UTC
Awkward, playful, messy, filthy...ALL GOOD THINGS! \o/


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