Not so perfect porn

May 03, 2011 22:13

Hunh. So I discovered last night that one thing that can make me completely bored with porn is if it's too perfect. Like ... when every single sex scene leads to the most mind-blowing and amazing orgasms EVER, and the participants never take a wrong step but read each other's bodies perfectly at all times (D/S scenes seem particularly prone to this ( Read more... )

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secretsolitaire May 6 2011, 02:47:09 UTC


orphica May 5 2011, 14:37:39 UTC
Awkward sex is my favorite, especially between two new lovers learning each other and negotiating. Ties in nicely with my losing of virginity kink too.

I also don't mind when writers are fairly technical and all that jazz, for some reason, if it works with fhe story, really clinical, over descriptive of bodily reactions really works for me.


secretsolitaire May 6 2011, 02:48:22 UTC
Awkward sex is my favorite, especially between two new lovers learning each other and negotiating.

Yes, so much yes! I love communication and negotiation in a sex scene. And I love communication and compromise in other aspects of relationships too.


gaeln May 6 2011, 00:44:47 UTC
I've kind of gotten bored with porn, perfect or imperfect. The writer has got to really bring something different to it, like a beautiful writing style, to keep me from just skip skip skip along until the narrative kicks in again, should it, which it usually doesn't, at least not in one-shots. Jaded much? Sadly, yes. So, as to your point, I absolutely agree, keeping it a little real can help.


secretsolitaire May 6 2011, 02:49:40 UTC
I am rarely one to skip porn, but I do on occasion when it's done in a bland or formulaic way. It makes me sad. :-P


flashfly May 8 2011, 02:51:57 UTC
It's like the Stepford Wives, all glossy and perfect and plastic and boring and run, run!


secretsolitaire May 9 2011, 12:45:31 UTC
And I thought the bad porn was scary! *runs*


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