Moving Target

Apr 12, 2005 10:19

Chapter 13 )

tycho, sw fanfic

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Comments 17

Thank you! anonymous April 13 2005, 00:59:53 UTC
Great chapter! Particularly liked the tension-maintenance throughout - lots of stories start with lots of tension which just stutters out over the chapters because its hard to maintain interest and just plain easier to write without complications. Kudos to you for avoiding the easy route!

I hope you have a better couple of days tomorrow. Using public computers is always such a barrel of laughs.

Oh, and by the way... this fic has the first original characters I have ever read without wanting to scream / throw up / laugh hysterically. *Ever.* Especially Anlia. Seriously, this is a compliment. I actually like the girl, and she's getting some from my favourite pilot. There must be something wrong with me!

Thanks again!
And now, I will go get a life.. or some sleep.. or something


Re: Thank you! sea_wren April 13 2005, 11:36:51 UTC
No, thank YOU. Seriously. I think writing believable action is one of my weakest points (notice everything happens GROUNDSIDE so I don't have to attempt a space battle!), so I try to keep in mind occupied France during WWII. Just going to the market was incredibly dangerous for a member of the Resistance, and they must have lived with incredible tension & fear ( ... )


Sue?! What Sue! anonymous April 14 2005, 00:43:40 UTC
>writing believable action is one of my weakest points ( ... )


Re: Sue?! What Sue! sea_wren April 15 2005, 00:33:36 UTC
I have a theory about that. Writing is inherently an artistic verbal activity. To write huge complex space battles a la Mike Stackpole takes excellent visual skills, which you'd tend to find in scientific types. You don't often find individuals who are really talented in both fields, so don't be too hard on yourself there.

That's a very good point. And it's reminded me that I am not a real visual person-- big example, when I'm assembling something I follow the written instructions, even if poorly worded, rather than the diagram.

snipped Sue description
This had me laughing like crazy!

When the girl is as bad as you describe, then slap her with a Sue label for sure! But I get just as bothered by the people who as soon as they see a female original character start squawking, "Mary Sue! Mary Sue!"

Besides, lots of detailed diagrammatic writing interrupts the flow of a story - there are times in the novels where I have to stop and draw mental diagrams to work out who's where and how they did whatever, at which point I lose the plot ( ... )


guinastasia April 15 2005, 18:46:28 UTC
*claps* Well done-very well done!


sea_wren April 16 2005, 17:39:03 UTC
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :)


prophetkristy April 16 2005, 23:01:36 UTC

aaaand I don't have time to read this right now. But I will be back, oh yes!


sea_wren April 17 2005, 12:52:59 UTC
Take your time, it'll be here :)


YEAH!! An update! anonymous April 22 2005, 00:56:46 UTC
I love spending the evenings with Tycho. ;) Great chapter as always.

And I'm really enjoying the Mary Sue thread.

Looking forward to more.
Gwen (Banshee)


Re: YEAH!! An update! sea_wren April 23 2005, 16:21:15 UTC
I love spending the evenings with Tycho. ;)

Me, too! Waaaay too much... :D

Great chapter as always.

Aww, thnaks!

And I'm really enjoying the Mary Sue thread.

It's fun to hash things out like that! I used to do that with a former friend of mine & I really miss it. She used to love to listen to me snark on Corran, and then she'd say "He's such a bastard, but he's a hot bastard!"

Well, I disagree on the "hot" part, anyway!


prophetkristy June 25 2005, 05:47:48 UTC
metal advertising boards, carbon-scored by potshots

yup, that's the edge of the farmland, all right *is momentarily homesick*

a caf-and-pastry house.
Standing outside the last was a pair of stormtroopers.

...getting donuts...

A gracefully curved building gleamed in the sunshine, the pink-veined snow marble creamy pale against bright blue sky. Circles within circles, spreading up and out-- its design was meant to resemble the ripples on a still pond when a drop of water falls to the surface. It was a place both peaceful and inspiring for knowledge to be stored and shared.

ooooh. nice! Very Alderaanian.

I don't even know who they are and I miss them.

Aww *sniffle*

Selkin leaned past her and began to key in commands.

Let the man drive; he knows how to Google! *giggle*

...thirteen's my lucky number, y'know!

Yay! You rock, as usual! *hugs*


sea_wren June 25 2005, 15:20:49 UTC
metal advertising boards, carbon-scored by potshots

yup, that's the edge of the farmland, all right *is momentarily homesick*

When I was growing up, all the roadsigns on the "back roads" were full of pellet holes. People don't think of NJ as being rural, but parts of it were, back then... My elementary school backed up to a dairy farm & I spent a lot of time in third grade staring out the window watching the cows. I knew down to the minute when they'd start drifting one-by-one out of the barn after milking, and trail through the barnyard to the pasture on their own. (It was a rough year-- hated my third grade teacher.)

In my case, it was the farmland that went away from me-- I'm still here (different town, same county), but the ruralness got eaten up by suburban developments. /trip down memory lane.

...getting donuts...*g* But it's true ( ... )


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