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Comments 52

stillscape March 19 2013, 00:26:49 UTC
I'm so excited about this, because, I mean, I ship you and shenanigans. Obviously. And you/getting some if you want it. And I think people do change, at least a little bit (goodness knows 14-year-old stillscape" thought boys were completely pointless, whereas adult stillscape finds them useful at least some of the time). Who knows? All you can do is roll the dice.

The addition of Mr. Surprise Chemistry is a delightful complication. You're going to be my favorite romantic comedy.


saucydiva March 19 2013, 00:49:01 UTC
It was just one of those things where I was like, really, you couldn't have shown up in February? Either of them, really.


throwingpens March 19 2013, 01:20:20 UTC
[bad username stillscape] NEW BAND NAME I CALL IT

I am so into this story.

Maybe I'll have to like, follow them around and report back? That wouldn't be weird, would it?


stillscape March 19 2013, 01:22:46 UTC
You absolutely will have to do that. We'll need to get you a fedora, of course, for the sneaking-around outfit.


throwingpens March 19 2013, 00:28:31 UTC
When you do break up, please invite me. I'll take pictures of the plate throwing secretively.

Also I'm reading this in the form of a Carrie Bradshaw voiceover.

Also P&R roadtrip TELL ME MORE


saucydiva March 19 2013, 00:42:39 UTC
That would be totally normal and oh my god yes of course you can be there.

The roadtrip involves turning Muncie into Pawnee, with various places representing Pawnee stops. There's a strip club, and a candy shop aka Sweetums, and a restaurant for that dino place they ate at in the second season, and I don't know.

But he also thinks Leslie's not the most perfect character ever, so. Does he still get a pass as a Parks fan?


throwingpens March 19 2013, 01:13:53 UTC
I really like that. (The restaurant was called Jurassic Fork and Jerry ate there frequently.)

He gets a pass because Leslie is flawed. But. Whatever, I might just have to tell him that he's an idiot if I meet him. (WWLD? Assault should be legal if the person is a jerk/doesn't love Leslie.)


saucydiva March 19 2013, 01:26:47 UTC
Yes let me introduce you you apparent lunatic (no, but that'll be awesome. You can stalk whoever I'm kissing.)


rikyl March 19 2013, 00:30:23 UTC
YOU WERE BRAVE. You led us to believe you were not, and then you were after all. That's so awesome, and I'm glad it turned out well for you. You will need to come up with a different name for him, however, because you/Mr. Perfect Text Message isn't a ship name that rolls off the tongue as pleasingly as one would like.

P.S.: I promise not to read anything into the fact that you recently hung out with Amber and subsequently these things have started happening. Nuh-uh, doesn't mean anything at all.


saucydiva March 19 2013, 00:38:53 UTC
Oh my god.

Even Amber can't get me to get married.

I swear it.



sullen_aquarian March 19 2013, 00:47:10 UTC
You know, questioning magic will just make it even stronger.


saucydiva March 19 2013, 00:47:58 UTC
Oh no


emilyla March 19 2013, 00:33:45 UTC
That is brave of you! Shenanigans are fun!


saucydiva March 19 2013, 00:44:20 UTC
Shenanigans are always fun lbr. As is talking about boys. Just in general.


whimsical_irony March 19 2013, 00:35:35 UTC
Your life is a rom-com saucydiva. And you were totally brave! And good at flirting. You should teach me how to flirt sometime.

P.S. Also maybe don't let Amber near you when the guys are present or you might wake up engaged to two different guys.


saucydiva March 19 2013, 01:07:03 UTC
I would be willing to be engaged if I was engaged to two people, if only because that'd be amazing. My hand would be visible from space.

Flirting. So much to cover. Briefly, here are the things I was doing last night.

*Leaning in way more than necessary to hear better. It was loud- it wasn't THAT loud
*Unnecessary touching- arm, chest, thigh twice. I grabbed his hand at least once.
*Ok, this is sort of insane, but here goes: When I'm sitting, I tend to shred things, and I did that to the coaster- mine, his, another one I snagged from a nearby table. He told me his bad habit was to chew a straw into a square at the top, so I handed him my straw, and let him do that. Then- and this is the gross part- I drank out of the straw. But seriously, dude, how did you not figure that out?

My friend C, the one with the baby, says the secret is to lean in to whisper something and "accidentally" palm the penis with the other hand, but I could never without blushing to death.

I should post a longer post about flirting one of these days.


throwingpens March 19 2013, 01:15:57 UTC


saucydiva March 19 2013, 01:30:39 UTC
How many band names do you need, Andy?


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