Master Post: Soul Bound (Hermione/Spock - R)

Jun 11, 2011 20:24

Title:  Soul Bound
Author(s): sarhea
Artist: Janni vengefuldemon69 
Categories: Harry Potter, Star Trek Reboot/AOS, Crossover, xover
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and co, JK Rowling does. I don’t own Trekverse and associated characters, Paramount and various other holding companies do.
Type: Gen, Het, action, romance, drama, scifi, supernatural
Rating: R
Word Count: 50K+
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/nu!Spock, Harry/Christine, Luna/OMC, Sarek/Amanda, T'Pau, Kirk, McCoy, Uhura
Warnings: violence, some language, some intimacy nothing explicit.
Spoilers: The movie
Summary: Hermione Granger had a special not-so-imaginary friend long before Minerva McGonagall ever visited and informed her that she was a witch. Unfortunately he makes a choice that sets him on a different path leaving her behind. Then one day an omnipotent being called Q informs her that he and his world were in grave danger. But -if she chose- she had a small chance at saving Vulcan from what Would/Could happen. Hermione doesn’t have to think very hard; she makes the choice to leave her entire world behind, to save His world. But she does not make the trip alone since Harry and Luna follow her on this one-way trip. Q gives them enough time to pack and plan for the journey, to make the right contacts, the necessary preparations, to create a means of preventing Vulcan’s destruction. And along the way they find friends, family and lovers.
Author’s Notes:

- AU after B7 Deathly Hallows; ignore the epilogue. Hermione and Ron do not get together. They Do Not Work in my universe.
- Consider this as AU to the Star Trek Reboot movie. The Narada destroys the Kelvin but the subsequent events are slightly different.  Then very different because Spock’s motivation, character, and history have changed. Butterfly Effect.
Acknowledgments: Written for the 2011 Crossover Big Bang. crossbigbang  
- Thank you Janni crossbigbang  for the extra feedback. I wrote a lot of additional scenes to include secondary pairing/character POV and young Spock/Hermione interactions based on specific ideas and suggestions from Janni.   
- And my beta reader Kit who is still working with me on this fic pointing out things that make me go Doh!  I don't want to disappoint so I'm posting it but be warned it is going to be re-edited and re-posted in the next couple of weeks.

Links: 01 | 02 | 03 | 04 | 05 | 06 | 07 | 08 | 09Art | Vulcan/Star Trek Glossary

char.hp luna, fdom. harrypotter, fdom. st-aos, nu!chapel, char.hp harry, nu!kirk, nu!spock, fdom. startrek, xover-hp-st, ffic.mpost, char.hp hermione, ffic soul bound, pair. hermione/spock, chal. bigbang

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