Soul Bound 05/? (Hermione/Spock - R)

Jun 11, 2011 16:17

Title: Soul Bound - 05
Categories: Harry Potter, Star Trek AOS/Reboot/IX/2009
Type: gen, het, romance, drama, scifi, supernatural
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/nu!Spock
For: crossbigbang 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and co, JK Rowling does. I don’t know Trekverse and associated characters, Paramount and various other holding companies do.
Author Notes: See the Master Post for full notes.
AU after B7 Deathly Hallows; ignore the epilogue. AU to Star Trek Reboot the movie. The Narada destroys the Kelvin but the events in the movie have changed because Spock’s motivation, character, and history have changed since he met a particular little girl. Butterfly Effect.
Acknowledgments: Janni, for the art created and my beta Kit.
Last Edited: June 11, 2011,  Please note this may be revised & updated.
Summary: A courtship, a confession, a bonding, a betrothal.

AN: Pre the core events of ST Reboot (Academy, Battle of Vulcan, Narada). Will be AU from here on out.

~ooO 05 Making Choices, Reaching Out Ooo~

Spock watched from his seat on Amanda's planter-bench. Several dozen feet away Hermione, no, N'jvn S'rvyn T'Mia, daughter of T'Pol, lay stomach down atop a cushioned camping pad. Her feet were crossed at the ankles, torso propped up on her elbows as she reviewed the contents of her PADD. Her curly dark brown hair was twisted into a coronet of braids that revealed the slant of her eyebrows and the pointed tips of her ears. Her skin was very fair, but tinted green. Darker green veins showed under the still tender new skin.

Of all three mages, T'Mia had undergone the most dramatic changes. She had the power, knowledge, and will to guide the energies of the blood adoption ritual into fulfilling specific changes easily verified by a competent Healer and medical tricorder. Her biochemistry had been altered on the molecular level and almost simultaneously her cellular DNA rearranged using source material from the adopter to fill in the gaps to create a new genetic profile, with 88% Vulcan DNA, something the best Vulcan geneticists had failed to accomplish. The entire process had taken eight days to complete, of which five point two seven days had been spent in a medical coma.

Her organ structure had shifted very slightly with her primary systems remaining in the same place as a human, though some extra structures like neutral nodes formed throughout the body, especially the hands. Her new cellular structure granted her the more efficient resilient physiology of a Vulcan-human hybrid. Some of the changes were also reflected on the outside in the form of dark slanted brows and pointed ears. The most dramatic changes were in her reproductive organs that regenerated containing gametes cells with 96% Vulcan DNA. Her body was designed to conceive and bear hybrids with a Vulcan or human or even another hybrid as the father.

Harry Potter, now named Hari, had been blood adopted by R'tsu Z'rel T'Quil and Luna, now called T'Lun, by X'mhn J'vkr T'Kai. The changes in both of them were not as dramatic as T'Mia. Hari had a 75% Vulcan genetic profile and T'Lun had a 65% Vulcan genetic profile, though the gametes in both of them were 84% Vulcan. Both T'Lun and Hari regained consciousness within twenty hours of the ritual's conclusion. T'Lun theorized Hari lacked the knowledge to guide the energies to result in more detailed changes while T'Lun lacked the power to fuel said changes.

Spock watched T'Mia talk to the green-eyed hybrid sitting next to her, reading from her PADD, teasing her, making her smile slightly though she no longer laughed out loud.

She liked him. T'Mia trusted Him more than she did Spock. The unfamiliar burn of a green-eyed monster surged to life within him. Hari would not win her. Spock had a much older claim on her. He waited until the younger male hybrid moved away, to talk to T'Lun, before approaching her.

T'Mia watched his approach warily though she did not react until after Spock broke decorum by reaching out to touch her -an unrelated female- in front of others. She broke contact by rolling away from him, and coming up into a sitting position.

"You are mine." Spock did not realise he spoke until after the words were voiced.

She stared at him. Her eyes were a paler shade of brown, bright like liquid Terran honey or clear amber. "I am not. Remember Spock, you denied me when you walked away from me all those years ago. I reached out to you, but you did not reach back once in all these years… even after you went to Starfleet instead of the VSA!"

She moved swiftly, getting to her feet and moving briskly away from him and into the house, refusing to turn and look back. Just as she had back then.

"She does have every reason not to trust you Spock and from what I saw I don't think her views will change very quickly."

Spock turned to stare at his mother. "Then why did she contact me if she is still holding a grudge over a choice made a long time ago?" He wanted to know.

Amanda smiled gently. "She contacted you because she does care about you." She tilted her head to one side. "Remember Spock, making caveman like demands will not help your case. You must be willing to bend and concede in order to win her back. Next time you approach her, try to be more civilized."

Spock winced internally. It wasn't like he had intended to make a verbal claim so bluntly. It would be a while before she would stay and listen to him. It didn't help that she spent so much time at the VSA. Then an idea dawned.

"Mother, who is the most senior VSA scientist on T'Mia's team?"

Amanda thought for a moment. "I believe it is Vrehn of Ma'at S'han Keth."

"Would he be agreeable to another joining the team? I have the time since Starfleet has assigned me to serve the Vulcan High Council for the next four months. T'Pau has informed me I do not have any specific duties in regards to the Council."

Amanda smiled slowly. "I believe Vrehn is amenable to alternate points of view. He is one of the more open minds in the Academy."


That same evening, S'han Keth Vrehn received a message from S'chn T'gai Spahk seeking permission to join the research team at the VSA. The middle-aged Vulcan did not have to think very long on the request. Spahk cha Sarek might have refused admission to the VSA but he had clearly excelled in the academic institute he had chosen.

And as a half-human working in Starfleet, Spock more than likely had a unique insight and mental flexibility traditional VSA trained Vulcans lacked. He had noticed it in T'Mia and T'Lun, before and after they had undergone the conversion to become hybrids. Even though most of their biochemistry and physiology and nervous system were now Vulcan (or more accurately hybrid), they still had the same almost illogical tendencies to skip steps, to intuit accurate and valid avenues of research.

Vrehn was not above taking every advantage he could get. His sister was a reldai at Seleya and had informed him of her dreams since they first started. The same week he had been introduced to Hermione Granger and Luna Lovegood, she had called and asked him to accept the offer and make it his primary project, to not stop, because the dreams were becoming less intense. The dream-vision was changing as events chanted and reshaped the future.


"What are you afraid of?"

Spock glanced up from his PADD. T'Lun had been silent and focused on her own work for the past two hours since the end of the Evening meal.

"To be afraid is illogical," he deflected.

Now she looked amused. An odd expression on a Vulcan but something Spock was becoming used to. T'Mia, Hari, and T'Lun had been born and raised as Terrans without the mental capabilities or inclinations to follow the Disciplines, the control, logic, and emotional stoicism of born Vulcans. All three had made it very clear while they were willing to maintain a façade in public, they were not interested in maintaining it in private. Emotions served a purpose and as mages they needed the power and will that came with focused passions.

"To never be afraid is illogical." She countered. "Fear serves a purpose, a reminder to be cautious and conservative." She tilted her head to one side. "Something is bothering you."

Spock tapped the PADD closing the file he was viewing. He rested his elbows on the table steepled his fingers in front of his mouth. He maintained the position for several seconds before speaking slowly.

"My assignment has expired. Starfleet is recalling me to Earth."

T'Lun's head straightened. Her eyes were very focused. "What is really bothering you?"

Spock looked away from her before speaking. "We have discussed the matter before. It is logical for me return to Earth, to be ready to act within Starfleet if needed."

"And you have not said what is really bothering you," T'Lun noted. Her grey-blue eyes were very steady. "There is an old Earth adage, to win big you must risk big, the greater the prize the greater the risk. Something disturbs you, surely it is worth whatever risk is involved." He did not answer. "Isn't T'Mia worth it?"

Spock stood up and hurried out of the room without speaking.

T'Lun watched him hurry away with a faint smile.

"That was very mean of you," Hari's voice was clear and disapproving.

T'Lun turned and smiled at the form emerging from a shadowed alcove.

"Really? In what way?" She asked casually.

Hari grumbled but did not argue his point. He never won any arguments against T'Lun; they always ended with him tied in knots. In the end he settled for making his opinion clear. "He doesn't deserve her."

And watched her bright expression turn serious.

"Maybe, but it is not up to us to make that decision. It is her choice, so let them be." She hesitated, clearly conflicted before making a choice. "They need each other to be whole. Don't make her choose. It will destroy her."

Hari knew T'Lun was deadly serious. "Okay. I won't. But I won't make it easy for him." And he knew everything would be fine when T'Lun laughed.

"Oh Hari! Of course you won't! No brother would."


Spock paused in the open archway. T'Lun's was right, T'Mia was worth any risk, and he did not want to leave her but he had received his orders. Of course, he had options but it would make more sense to hear her input before taking a more drastic step and resigning his commission.

T'Mia looked up from the PADD she was using to make notes and put down her stylus. Her expression was calm and knowing.

"They have recalled you."

Spock moved into the room and sat down across from her. "Yes."

"Expected. You should go back to Earth."

Spock stilled. A small lump of ice formed in his side. He had thought their relationship had improved over the past four point eight three months of working together. Yes, she was genetically more Vulcan than him but she had been raised and lived most of her life as a human. Didn't she… care about him?

His expression must have betrayed him because she rose and came around the low table to sit beside him. Her hand reflexively reached out though she caught herself before she touched him.

"It is not a slight against you," she spoke softly, firmly, before linking her hands together in her lap. "You owe a duty of obligation to Starfleet, for the effort and credits spent in training you. I would join you but it is not wise at this point in time. We still do not have a plan with a greater-than-even chance of success. It is logical for me to stay on Vulcan to continue working on the problem."

Spock considered her words and had to admit they made the most logical use of available resources.

But he did not want to leave her. Last time he parted from her, he had believed he would never see her again. He had felt some regrets but no real doubts. Now he knew if he walked away from her, it would be at great cost. Each day away from her would be marred with uncertainty and very rational fears. Next time he saw her she might already be claimed by another male! There were several new additions to the VSA team in the past few weeks, young unbonded males. They did not share a difficult past with T'Mia as he did. She might consider anyone of them as an acceptable bondmate.

"I do not wish to be parted from you." He confessed.

She stilled. His words were a play on the traditional bonding vows, a veiled reference.

"I am uncertain of your intent." She confessed.

"I have stated my intent T'Mia. I wish to declare koon-ut so'lik. I wish for you to be mine. That has not changed."

Full lips pressed together. "You do not own me." He was silent and did not flinch as she glared at him before looking away. "You walked away from me once before Spock. I do not wish to force anyone to stay with me out of obligation. T'Pol will protect me."

Spock was silent for a brief moment.

"I cannot walk away from you," he admitted. "Not now, not ever." He hesitated before making a quick confession. "My head hurts when we are separated for long. It feels like a string in my soul is being stretched so taunt it vibrates at any reminder of you. And there are many things that remind me of you."

She stared at him with wide bemused eyes. "You sound almost emotional."

Spock refused to respond to the taunt. Instead he continued to stare at her. After some minutes she lowered her eyes and looked away. Clearly she still felt something.

"If you doubt my words I would engage in a full meld with you."

Her eyes flew up as she stared shocked by the offer. Full melds were a deeply intimate affair that shared emotional undercurrents, not just memories and thoughts. Spock was willing to bare his soul if he could get a glimpse of hers, something she had freely shared when they were younger.

After they had arrived on Vulcan, T'Mia closed the doors to their shared astral rooms. She had used their shared dreams to catch up on each other quickly on Earth, but after Sarek and Amanda had arrived she had shut him out their shared space, not always successfully but most of the time. After the blood adoption was carried out her control increased to a degree that made it nearly impossible for Spock to push through and reach her in their shared dreams.

Spock sat still and waited while she debated with herself and came to a decision. One small slim fingered hand came up and brushed over his psi points. The webbing between her fingers stretched to make all the necessary contacts. Spock mirrored her action on her with less strain. Then he chanted the words to focus their shared intent.

"My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts."

Without hesitation she took it up, repeating the words.

"My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts."


He was falling. She was falling.

His hair was tightly braided. Her hair was a smooth sleek cap cut short.

He was wandering the corridors of an archaic stone castle, casting spells using a slender rod of wood. She walked up the slopes of the L-langon Mountains behind the Clan Stronghold with her pet sehlat I-Chaya.

He was given tips by the adult mages, for learning spells faster, researching and writing reports linking many magical fields of study to support a single point. She was isolated in a Learning Bowl progressing at rates that shamed her age-mates.

He was hurt by the insults from the purebloods and prettier girls. She was young and furious by the treatment she was receiving from the other boys, the utter revulsion felt from her bond with her betrothed T'Pring.

He was determined to prove to every pure-blooded bigoted bastard that this mudblood was more intelligent, more skilled, more powerful than they. She was determined to prove to the bigots sitting on the VSA Entrance Board, T'Pring, Stonn and every other Vulcan detractor who had scorned her, that non-Vulcan ancestry did not make her Less.

He was determined to do what he wanted after the war, to study and research the more obscure fields of magic. She wanted to study everything she could, not limit herself to two specialities at a time like the VSA demanded.

Travelling with his Unspeakable mentors to learn obscure forms of magic directly from their sources. The first year in space as an Ensign under Captain Pike; knowing this was what she wanted - a position as Science Officer on a deep space exploration vessel.

He met each and every personal milestone and yet he felt so alone and hollow. She was unofficially tapped for the position of CSO and possibly XO under Pike on the Enterprise, and she wondered if there could have been another option than cutting nearly all his ties.

He wished his once best friend would stop and listen to him, would acknowledge his presence, reach out and touch him in their shared dream space. She ignored the persistent ache, the nagging sensation that something was missing, that something could be gained if she was willing to reach out.

They were hurt. They were hurting.

They were hollow. They were missing.

They were aching. They were yearning.

They wanted. They needed.

They were different. They were the same.

They were one.

He did not mean to. She did not mean to.

But he wanted her. And she wanted him.

The words were not voiced but the common intent was felt by both.

Parted from me, and never parted. Never and always, touching and touched.

Slender gold threads reached out from her and tangled with the silver from him. They twisted and blurred until the threads resembled a single cord connecting the two of them.

They were One.


Dark brown eyes opened and met light brown.

Spock did not want to lift his hand, to break contact with her skin. Fingers shifted so he was cupping her cheek, drawing her close. If he were human, if they were in a room with a locked door, he would have kissed her long and hard.

He lowered his head so his forehead rested on hers, their noses brushing against each other's. She shuddered slightly and exhaled. Her breath was moist and warm. Spock could almost taste the herbs in the blend of Vulcan spice tea she favoured.

And he remembered what he had seen in the last moments of the meld. What he still felt through the fading resonance.

"You are uncertain. You had prepared to give up your world but you are uncertain of the new one you have been given, the obligations inherent in new ties, your responsibilities to Ma'at N'jvn S'rvyn, what would be required by Us."

T'Mia inhaled deeply and exhaled shallowly. "Yes," she admitted.

"It is logical to be uncertain but breaking bonds should be a last resort. You do not have to make a final decision immediately. I will wait until you are ready."

"Your consideration is appreciated."

Spock lifted his forehead and hand from her and forced the distracting emotional thoughts into their correct compartments, to allow him better control.

"I do not have much time left. I have been ordered to return to the Academy on a Starfleet transport that will be departing from Vulcan in five point one three days."

"Then let us make the best use of the time available to us. I will let Vrehn know we will be present for only a few hours over the next five days."


T'Lun could not resist smiling at Hari's irate expression as the green-eyed male threw himself into an overstuffed chair.

"Did you know?" he demanded.

"Know what?" She asked placidly.

"That Spock and T'Mia are having sex!" His voice was not soft enough given the choked coughs and carefully blank expressions around them.

T'Lun sighed internally as she grabbed Hari's robes and dragged him to Vrehn's office. It was almost certain to be in use but it was the only private sound-proofed place she could think of for the upcoming conversation.

Vrehn did not make a fuss when they barged in. He was such a dear like that.

Then Hari turned on him.

"Did you know Mia and Spock are having sex?"

The older Vulcan male glanced at T'Lun who nodded slightly.

"Not for certain but I expected it," he admitted evenly. "T'Mia was born human and still has human habits and needs. Is it not common behaviour among affianced couples?"

That took Hari back. "Well yes, but she's Mia!" he sputtered.

Vrehn raised a brow. "You do understand sexual intimacy occurs even in Vulcan relationships. Especially at certain times."

Hari flushed green. "You don't have to give me The Talk!" he mumbled. "I've already got the lecture on Pon Farr."

Now it was Vrehn's turn to flush.

Hari regained his equilibrium. "Did Mia tell you?" he asked T'Lun.

Pale blonde hair shimmered as T'Lun shook her head in negative. "No." She smiled impishly. "I caught them together." Seeing two pairs of eyes widen in shock and interest she continued. "They were making out in the VSA change rooms. I thought she was taking too long to change after her work out."

Vrehn blinked. "That seems…"

"Out of character?" T'Lun murmured. "Perhaps. But it makes sense since he will be leaving in a few days. And there isn't much privacy in the Compound. If they ever try to find some private time there everyone will know within the hour."

"But why can't they wait?" Hari wanted to know. "I mean Mia was holding him off all this time. What's changed?"

"They've bonded." T'Lun explained softly. "Mentally and spiritually. They need each other to be whole and they know they are going to be separated for a while so they are creating memories for the time they are apart." Blue-grey eyes met green. "He can't walk away without taking at least part of her with him. They are soul bound, she to him and he to her. The more ties they form the more stable they'll be when parted. Please do not interfere or it will hurt everyone, including you."

Hari nodded sharply. "Okay. I won't make a fuss." He made a face. "Doesn't mean I won't pound him if he makes her cry."

"Of course." Placid eyes turned steely-grey. "You'll have to wait in line behind me for your turn though."

Vrehn decided it would be wise to intervene gently.

"He might hurt her emotionally but he will always act to correct his mistakes. He cannot Not do so when he knows of her state through the bond. In a truly strong bonding, it is almost impossible to hurt your partner because what hurts one hurts both."

Hari made a wry expression. "I know that in my head but in my heart it is more difficult."

"You must learn to accept it Hari. She is His to protect now." T'Lun patted his shoulder. "Besides, there is someone else for you. You will meet her soon enough."

Hari straightened. "And what about you?"

"Do not worry about me Hari. I've already met the one for me." She smiled slyly glancing at Vrehn through the corner of her eye. "In fact you've already met him."

Vrehn wondered who she was referring to. He went over the single males in the faculty and staff known to both T'Lun and Hari and came up with a very short list of seven. Was T'Lun referring to one of them? He wanted to ask but he didn't. It would be a violation of Privacy and he wasn't certain if he wanted to know the answer.



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