Soul Bound 04/? (Hermione/Spock - PG)

Jun 11, 2011 16:17

Title: Soul Bound - 04
Categories: Harry Potter, Star Trek AOS/Reboot/IX/2009
Type: gen, het, romance, drama, scifi, supernatural
Rating: PG
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/nu!Spock
For: crossbigbang  crossbigbang
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and co, JK Rowling does. I don’t know Trekverse and associated characters, Paramount and various other holding companies do.
Author Notes: See the Master Post for full notes.
AU after B7 Deathly Hallows; ignore the epilogue. AU to Star Trek Reboot the movie. The Narada destroys the Kelvin but the events in the movie have changed because Spock’s motivation, character, and history have changed since he met a particular little girl. Butterfly Effect.
Acknowledgments: Janni, for the art created and my beta Kit.
Last Edited: June 11, 2011,  Please note this may be revised & updated.
Summary: The Vulcans find out just how much can be accomplished by two unshakable and determined witches, and a more laid-back wizard. And T'Pau moves to take full advantage of these new resources.

AN: Pre the core events of ST Reboot (Academy, Battle of Vulcan, Narada). Will be AU from here on out.

~ooO 04 Old and New, Ways and Kin Ooo~

Luna was content to laze around in Amanda's rose garden. It was a creation of pure love and joy and the atmosphere reflected it.

"You seem to be very happy."

Luna rolled over onto her back and smiled at the human woman standing a few feet away. She did not make any effort to stand or brush the dirt off. Luna wanted, needed to feel the land, to bond with it just like she had bonded with the land back home.

"I am," she admitted. "I have my friends and an interesting puzzle. It is more interesting than hunting a crumpled-horn snorkack."

Amanda blinked at that bit of information. Deciding it would be wiser not to dig deeper Sarek's wife sat down beside the younger woman and touched her shoulder.

"Do you really like it here?" Amanda was a little confused.

"Oh yesss," Luna sighed stretching out the word.

"You don't feel tired? From the heavier gravity and high temperatures?"

Luna was definitely amused now. "At first. But we have adjusted. Magic compensates and adjusts like any living organism."

"What do you mean?"

"Hermione took the longest time to accept it, but our magical cores are proto-sentient energy matrices using us as its hosts. It will do whatever it can to protect us, heal our injuries quickly, delay aging and other related damages. It took five days for us to completely adjust, though we still get dehydrated like other humans. The tri-ox hypos we use? Placebos. We don't need tri-ox but we didn't want to bother trying to explain it to your doctors. We don't have time to focus on examining and explaining our biology. The physics is more important. If we survive, if we stay, we may try explaining."

Amanda frowned slightly. "You don't need tri-ox?"

Luna grinned cheerfully. "Nope."

"And you're okay with the gravity?"


"And the heat doesn't bother you?"

"Not so much. I still get very thirsty though."

Amanda sighed. "I've lived on Vulcan for decades and I still haven't adjusted as well."

Luna shrugged slightly. "We aren't regular humans. We have magic."


Harry dipped a triangle of flatbread into the ground seed paste dip flavoured with sharp spices and herbs. Carefully he chewed on the bread and swallowed it between sips of water. Vulcan meals were small and designed for efficient Vulcan digestive systems. Humans needed more, so Amanda always had a selection of snacks on the kitchen table that everyone was welcome to.

Harry had spent a great deal of time in the kitchen, cooking and watching, mainly out of boredom. Hermione and Luna were thrilled, debating, and experimenting with scientists from the local university but half of what they talked about went right over his head. Once Harry had reassured himself that the VSA was safe, he declined to accompany the girls and instead chose to hang around the house, helping Amanda with the cooking and gardening.

"This recipe is wonderful Amanda. Do you think your cook would share it with me?"

"She will, since it is my creation." Amanda grinned at the young wizard. "You'll have to place special orders for the spices or grow the herbs yourself though," she warned.

Harry shrugged. "I'm pretty good with plants. I looked after my aunt's yard and her prize winning roses when I was a kid."

Amanda nodded agreeably. Then she voiced the question plaguing the Vulcans, a question they never would have asked Harry themselves.

"Why aren't you with Hermione and Luna? You've spent more time in the kitchen, in the garden with me or practicing tai chi with the guards."

Harry grinned wryly. "Amanda, you may not realise it, but when it comes to magical theory I'm a rank beginner. I didn't study Arithmacy or Runes like Hermione and Luna. I might be better in a fight or at picking up practical magic but I completely suck at logic, the theory behind spell creation. Hermione is brilliant and Luna sees things no one else sees. If anyone can figure out a way to quantify and measure magic -to find a scientific equivalence- it's those two."

Amanda frowned slightly. "Please forgive me if I'm getting too personal, but if you're not interested in research why did you leave your world behind?"

"Because I love Hermione."

The blunt answer was enough to make Sarek and Spock sit up straight.

Spock had to struggle through the unexpected emotional maelstrom; the desire to force the younger male to submit to his authority, to make him give up Hermione. She was Spock's first! He blinked, a telling sign.

Harry sighed. "Not like how you're thinking, but as a sister. She is the one person who never let me down when it really counted. Everything she did was to protect me. She gave up her own parents and risked her life to help me. You have no idea how much Wizarding society owes her, the debt I owe her. When she asked for my help, I did not have to think long on it. I was not going to let her go off by herself into a strange world. I don't have a clue about the math, physics or science of what she's so fascinated by, but if she ever needs a power boost, I'm here."

Sarek tilted his head. "And do you have any plans other than helping Miss Granger?"

"Nothing concrete. The three of us talked about it before coming here. If we survive what's coming we'll probably migrate to an agri-world. Some place far from the Federation or any factions."

"Are you sure Harry? Agri-worlds tend to be… backwards."

"Maybe. But they won't care much about formal records once we prove our skills. Luna has already developed a more potent fertilizer using an open-source recipe as base and local ingredients. It has to be brewed by a witch or wizard but twenty-five millilitres alone can treat one acre and increase yield up to three times. The brew is stable, stores indefinitely from what we've determined, and is easily mixed in barrel-sized vats.

Amanda blinked, taken aback by that casual outpouring of information.

"How can you be certain? You haven't been here long enough to perform any sort of field tests or comparison studies."

"Maybe. But Luna says it'll work and I trust her. She's a bit odd, but she never lies."

"You sound like you have a good idea of what you want to do. But have you ever thought if Hermione would be happy living on an agri-world? She seems like the type who enjoys scientific analysis and discussions."

Harry's lips turned down at the corners. "Yeah, you're right. But it's not like we have much choice Amanda. I'm sure Starfleet and the Federation knows we're on Vulcan right now. At some point you won't be able to protect us any more. Because we aren't Vulcan or legitimate citizens of any recognized world. We will have to leave." He rose from his chair and picked up several triangles of flatbread spread with the dip. "Thanks for the snack, Amanda." Then he turned to the other two occupants of the room. "Sarek. Spock."

The three watched the young human leave with thoughtful considering looks. Amanda turned to her husband and son once he was out of earshot.

"Well?" She wanted to know.

"Mr Potter is being very pessimistic and realistic in his assumptions, but he is correct; The High Council will not be able to deny the Federation and Terrans requests to speak to them. And their concerns are very justifiable. Augments and psi-talents have been treated very badly in the Terra's recent past; in fact the laws against them are still active. If they are ever detained, it will be very hard to secure their legal release. Given Mr Potter's short temper, there will be a lot of damage and perhaps even a few deaths," Sarek surmised.

Amanda considered the situation. "Can't we give them Vulcan citizenship? They are doing a great deal for Vulcan. They gave up their homes and are risking their freedom to help us. The VSA team is very impressed with what they have learnt so far from Luna and Hermione about the physics and math of magic. I spoke with Luna and she openly admitted they have knowledge in other fields that they have not shared, like the fertilizer Harry talked about; botany, chemistry, pharmacology and medical treatments."

Sarek frowned slightly. "Amanda, we cannot give Vulcan citizenship to off-worlders. To be a Vulcan citizen one must have a clan. A non-Vulcan must marry or be adopted into a clan to get Vulcan citizenship."

Amanda's expression brightened. "Can't we adopt them? I'd love to have Hermione as a daughter." She ignored the barely stifled sound her son made. "She's smart and knows lots about Vulcan culture since Spock taught her. She'd make a wonderful addition to our family."

"You are correct. All three of then would be unique worthy additions to any House. Unfortunately -as you know- Clans with the required influence are conservatives."

All three rose and turned towards a secondary entrance being used by a much older and fragile-seeming Vulcan woman, with iron grey hair dressed in claret red robes.

"T'Pau. Your presence is unexpected."

"As I intended." T'Pau's expression was thin and wintry as she moved to sit on one of the single seats carefully. She waited until the other three seated themselves as well before continuing. "S'chn T'gai's position is not absolute and given Spock's seemingly illogical rejection of the VSA offer of admission the Council is unwilling to listen to proposals that would create more blood-ties to off-worlders. I am certain Hermione Granger will prove her worth given time, but time is a rare commodity to humans. Understandable, given their shorter lifespans."

Amanda frowned. "That might not apply in this case, T'sai T'Pau. Harry Potter said mages have much longer lifespans; their magic increases their general healing and durability to a degree they survive what would kill an ordinary human. Their headmaster was more than hundred and thirty years old when he was killed in battle around ten years ago. His basic certification exams were conducted by an older witch who was still alive when they left. Griselda Marchbanks would be around hundred and sixty and was still very active in their equivalence for the Ministry of Education. The more powerful and intelligent mages live longer lives. Harry said it was not unheard of for a sorcerer-class mage to live more than two-hundred years though they tended to die prematurely in duels and wars. Harry has not said so, but I would not be surprised if he is sorcerer-class and the other two are just behind him in power levels."

T'Pau nodded. "That conclusion matches what I have observed and gleaned from the reports prepared by the VSA team working with them." She glanced around, catching the eyes of her audience. "Their abilities are different but very complementary to a Vulcan's psi-talents; the genetic potential of all three is most intriguing. I have sent copies of the reports to matriarchs who are most likely to share my views. However, to persuade the Council we will need the support of three different matriarchs. X'mhn J'vkr T'Kai has agreed. We must wait for two more to agree."

"Can we adopt one of them if only two matriarchs are willing?"

T'Pau nodded. "Yes. But we will not adopt Hermione Granger."

Amanda stared at T'Pau before turning to her son, who refused to look in her direction though she could see his ear tips were tinged green. Sarek looked confused.

T'Pau did not visibly smile but gave that impression as she explained.

"I want her for Spock." Her gaze was piercing enough to demand attention as she spoke directly to her great-grandson. "I think he would be most agreeable to bonding with her."

Amanda stared at her son. "Spock? Is T'Pau right?"

Spock forced himself to meet the eyes of both females, both were his relatives and of different species but strong in their own unique ways.

T'Pau did not wait for her great-grandson to answer. "I am. They are t'hy'la."

Spock stiffened. T'Pau waited for him to speak, to refute or agree with her. He didn't, so she continued.

"I had the opportunity to meld lightly with Hermione and noted her connection to Spock; it was quite unmistakable and very strong. Like her own mind: unique, strong and dynamic. She would overwhelm the mind of any Vulcan not trained by the reldai of Seleya." Her eyes were now thoughtful as they rested on Spock. "You did well in maintaining such a stable bond when you were half-trained yourself."

Spock inclined his head. "She was a child when we first… connected. Young but very quick to pick up whatever I taught her."

Amanda stilled. "Spock, how old were you when you first met?"

"Just over four standard years."

"But she would have been just a baby!"

"Yes, but she was very good at expressing herself." He hesitated. "Her thoughts were very clear and structured. She only lacked the syntax to express herself verbally."

"Like a Vulcan child," T'Pau murmured. "How unfortunate her parents could not understand her."

"I would disagree. They were not telepaths but they were good parents. They cared for her and gave her every opportunity to improve herself. When she encountered detractors, they provided emotional support and practical advice," Spock spoke sharply.

"Then do you disagree with my assessment of your bond? That you two are t'hy'la? Or would you be agreeable to a betrothal and bonding?" T'Pau inquired archly.

Spock did not respond immediately. Amanda looked torn between not pushing and demanding more information.

Sarek glanced at his grandmother, catching her eye before speaking. "You are seeking this match despite the inevitable detraction it will draw."

"Yes. When you brought Amanda as your bondmate I had doubts she could bear the strain of what would be required of her: living on Vulcan, interacting with the Clans, tolerating the inevitable slights, the lack of privacy…" T'Pau nodded at her grandson's bondmate. "But you did well. You did not break and give way to anyone." Amanda bowed her head, accepting the compliment. T'Pau made a gesture before continuing, "You left your planet behind to follow Sarek. Hermione Granger has done the same thing. Only she chose to leave her world and her time to join Spock."

Spock pressed his lips together. "She did not come to join me. We are friends but we have not been in contact since I turned fourteen. She came because she is a naturally caring and compassionate being. She would not let any planet and its native population perish if she could prevent it."

"I agree. But there is no other reason why she made contact through you. She could have just as easily contacted the Embassy directly, or secured passage to Vulcan and arranged to be detained by VSF agents. She did not have to involve you at all." Spock stilled as he considered the argument. Satisfied she had made her point, T'Pau continued. "Now, would you be agreeable to a betrothal?"

Spock was silent for a time as he considered the question. If he agreed he would be baring a vulnerability to T'Pau. She was not the gentlest of beings and ruthless enough to use any and all leverage to get her way if needed. "Only if she agrees."

T'Pau nodded. "Of course. I do not wish to force any of them. That would most illogical and dangerous. I wish to make it most agreeable and convenient for all three of them to stay and live on Vulcan."

Amanda coughed discreetly, feeling it would be best to end the discussion on a good note.

"T'Pau, please join us for the evening meal. Hermione and Luna will be there so you can discreetly interrogate them on their views of adoption and marriage."

Amanda Grayson never realized that the answers they would get when T'Pau did just that would have more lasting implications than she could have ever imagined.


Luna did not look up as she manipulated the third generation crystal shards into the alignment she felt would work. The flow was delicate, trembling; potential, power, beauty just waiting for her, waiting for her to use the correct key to open the door.

"Miss Lovegood," An unfamiliar aged voice broke the silence.

"Please call me Luna."

"Very well then."

Luna sensed the elderly Vulcan female sit down at the table but was not too disturbed. Sarek and Amanda would not have allowed intruders or potential threats to enter their home without any alarms being set off.

"Please wait while I finish this configuration," she murmured.

And Luna was not disturbed by the silence as she did so, and she smiled as she felt reality shift. As the crystals began to glow from within, Luna looked up into beady black eyes and continued to smile. It was how she showed pleasure. Luna did not feel any need to imitate Vulcan stoicism; Hermione did enough of it.

Those black eyes fell on the glowing crystal structure Luna had just finished assembling.

"Explain what you have just done."

"I cannot. I Feel the power shifts and compensate for them."

"What is its purpose?"

"It is a power source. A rather small and weak one but it was manufactured by purely Vulcan means without our interference. At some future date, Vulcan will be able to design and create magical batteries… batteries that can store and power spells that you cannot duplicate using science."

The black eyes did not look away.

"Do you See?"

Luna inhaled sharply. She had not expected that. She Looked and was taken aback.

Hermione had said Vulcans were scientific and technically minded. Everything she had seen at the VSA had supported it. But this Matriarch had a Touch of Sight. Luna debated for a brief moment before making her choice.

"Yes. I See."

"And what do you See?"

Silvery grey-blue eyes turned hazy. "I See fire and darkness, stars burning and collapsing into nothingness, whole worlds vanishing into the abyss."

"And do you see a path to safe ground?"

"Yes. Through blood. It's always through blood."

The Vulcan matriarch considered the answer and nodded sharply.

"Yes. It is always blood." She looked in the far distance before focusing on the Now. "Go and remind Hermione it is time for the evening meal."

Luna just nodded and rose from the table. There was a reason why daughters obeyed the Mothers and Grandmothers. It had been a long time since she had spoken to one she could respect and trust to obey without resisting. Hermione had been the closest substitute to a female Elder, a wise Sister, for a long time.

Besides she was right. It was almost time for dinner and Luna was hungry.


Hermione wished she could have a real water shower, or a long soak in a hot tub. She could feel the tension along the back of her shoulders and the base of her spine. Perhaps she could cajole Harry into a massage before bed. His foot massages were nearly as good as a professional masseuse.

"Hermione?" Luna tilted her head to one side inquiringly.

"Just distracted Luna," the older witch admitted as the two of them walked to the living space adjoining the small dining room and kitchenette.

Pale brown eyes widened when she saw a familiar figure seated in a backless chair near a stained glass window. Her body reacted automatically to the imperious gesture from the elderly Vulcan woman.

In five quick steps she was standing to the front and one side of the T'Pau. One hand automatically swept the skirts of the traditional-style robes as she knelt on both knees, her face tilted slightly up; a younger daughter submitting to the matriarch of the clan.

T'Pau nodded benignly and lifted one hand towards the serene human face. Two fingers brushed over Hermione's temples, her psi points in the style of a Vulcan kiss, an elder greeting a much loved clan-daughter.

"You have done well," T'Pau announced, her black eyes twinkling.

Hermione inclined her head. "I did my best." It was a statement of fact, not a boast or attempt to seek praise. "We have succeeded in growing crystals that can contain and amplify a heavy magical charge boosted by an external power without shattering. It will not be long before we have batteries small enough for a man to carry that can potentially power small towns for years without recharging."

"You have a plan for all that power I presume."

The younger woman looked away for a brief second. "Yes. But I am uncertain if the idea is a practical one. Generating a repelling ward is easy, but making it powerful enough to deter a ship in space may not be possible."

T'Pau nodded and stood, guiding the much younger human to stand. "Come. It is time for evening meal. There will be time to discuss your ideas after dining."

Hermione did not protest. Meals were always eaten in silence on Vulcan.


Spock was uncertain. Every since T'Pau made her announcement, her intention to arrange a betrothal between him and Hermione, Spock had been unusually distracted. T'Pau had shocked his parents as well with her intentions to introduce more human blood into the House of Surak, even if it was of unique genetic potential. He was not certain if he liked being treated as half of a breeding pair. But then again, most matches in Vulcan society were arranged for logical reasons, like mental compatibility and future offspring. Both of which were part reasons in the match T'Pau was proposing.

He speared the last cube of cactus flesh and slowly consumed it.

After the plates and eating utensils were stacked in the sonic cleaner, and all seven of them were consuming various blends of tea, Spock felt the tension rebuild. T'Pau was going to bring up the offer of adoption. And the request for a betrothal contract.

"Hermione, I wish to know how wizarding society formalize alliances."

Hermione glanced around at her friends feeling slightly confused by T'Pau's query.

"Well," She spoke slowly to gather her thoughts. "Short term alliances are usually written contracts enforced by magic. For something more long term, the most common method of sealing an alliance is through a marriage. If there aren't any suitable candidates for marriage the families might sign an open generational marriage contract that allows their unborn descendants to seal the alliance at some point in the future."

"An alliance can also be sealed by fighting alongside each other in battle." Harry offered. "The blood spilled in defence of each other forms ties that last generations. I know the Potters and the Longbottoms had been allied since the William the Conqueror." His expression was shadowed.

"Alliances can also be sealed by fostering, or adoption." Luna added.

"Is there something different about how wizards adopt children?" Amanda wanted to know.

Luna nodded solemnly. "Yes. There are two types of adoption, one is legal adoption which is taking physical and emotional care of the adoptee. Legally adopted children are not entitled to a share of the family vaults but the parents usually set up a separate trust vault for them. Most of the time, the children keep their original family name and alliances.

"The second type of adoption is blood adoption. It is less accepted because it is more dangerous and painful for the adoptee. This method is usually used by a barren couple because the adopted child takes on the familial magic traits of the parents. If the child is strong enough he or she will change, will look like the parents physically, will carry any magical talents the parents may have, will be able to access the family vaults and grimoires that are usually blood sealed to a particular lineage."

"What happens if the child is not strong enough?" Amanda wanted to know.

"His magical core shatters before the change is complete. He becomes a squib, unable to cast magic but able to use magical tools charged and primed by others," Luna spoke solemnly.

T'Pau frowned slightly. "If power is a factor in a successful blood adoption hasn't anyone tried adopting older children? Or even adults?"

Luna inclined her head. "As a matter of fact, yes, and all those adoptions were successful. However, all the adoptees reported the Change was extremely painful. One described it akin to being dipped in molten lava then freezing water alternatingly. Every cell in the body under goes accelerated division to take in the new genetic material, and every cell must be replaced. The process that usually takes five to seven years is compressed into hours. And when magical traits are added it puts more strain on the core."

"Can a mage blood adopt a non-magical?" Sarek considered the information before voicing the question on his mind.

Luna shook her head. "No. The adoptee must have a magical core to fuel the change."

"Then is it possible for a non-magical to blood adopt a mage?"

"Oh yes. It has been done when there were no Secrecy laws; mostly for wealthy Muggle or Squib nobles or merchants trying to hide their infertile status."

Amanda snorted softly at that bit of information, then she sobered. "The reason why T'Pau was asking this is because we wanted to know how you three would feel about adoption. The only way to protect you against anything Earth or the Federation might try to pull is to give you Vulcan citizenship. Unfortunately to get Vulcan citizenship you have to be part of a clan; and the only way to join a clan is to marry into it or to be adopted."

Harry stilled. "Wait, you want to adopt us?"

Amanda hastily backtracked. "Well not me, personally. Thought I'd love to." She glanced at her bondmate's grandmother. "There are several matriarchs who are interested in adopting any of you. We'd like to arrange a meeting so you can get to know them before making any decision."

Harry, Hermione and Luna glanced at each other uncertain of this new situation. Then Hermione spoke politely.

"We'd like to meet them."


Luna knew what her response would be the moment she set eyes on T'Kai and T'Lara. Here was the Mother she had been looking for since her own died, and the stable elder Sister experienced in life yet unconventional enough at heart to act outside the norm.

When all three of them sat down on stools arranged like the points in a triangle all three knew some things had already been settled. What was left was filling in the gaps.

T'Kai looked much younger than Luna's old Transfiguration teacher. Her skin was smooth and free of lines, her brown eyes watchful and knowing. T'Lara looked like a younger version of her mother. She was reserved like all Vulcans Luna had met, but there was something in her eyes that told Luna she smiled and laughed on the inside no matter how reserved she appeared on the outside. Unlike the other Vulcans in the room clad in the layers of traditional outfits, both she and her daughter T'Lara wore a simple outfit consisting of a tailored tunic top and pants. Over that they wore long sleeveless robes that were left open down the front.

"Have you made a decision?" T'Kai asked after sipping the tea Luna poured. She was the youngest female in their conversational circle.

Luna sipped her own tea and nodded. "If you call me daughter, I will gladly call you mother," then she turned to T'Lara. "And you sister."

T'Kai nodded briskly. "Very well. As soon as it can be done Clan X'mhn J'vkr will have a new daughter named L-."

Luna's pale eyes unfocused for a brief moment. "T'Lun. I will be called T'Lun. Hermione will be reborn as T'Mia, and Harry as Hari."

T'Kai considered the prophecy and nodded. "Acceptable."

T'Lara studied her new sister more cautiously. T'Pau had informed them Luna, no T'Lun, was a Seer, but to See without any preparation was truly remarkable.

"The children of the future whisper names of the past. Some names are repeated more frequently than others." Luna to-be-called T'Lun murmured distantly. "Some names have become legend, on Vulcan and far beyond."

"You have Seen it then, what you will accomplish."

Luna frowned slightly. "The future is not set in stone. It ripples and changes like the surface of still water."

"Then all the plans being made might fail." The younger Vulcan concluded.

Luna shrugged slightly. "There is always a possibility for failure, T'Lara." Then she smiled openly, brightly. "For a long time I dreamt of a red planet being consumed by the abyss. Every night that I slept, I dreamt; I dreamt of death and destruction and existence itself falling apart and into nothingness. When Hermione told Harry and myself of her past, her visions and plans it was a relief because I finally had proof I was not going mad.

"Now I dream of other things than a red planet being destroyed. I dream of rich fertile soil that allows life to grow unconstrained. I dream of peace and possibilities. I dream of change and growth and breaking all constraints." Her eyes were liquid now, pools of pure silver. "You think you have seen it all, when in fact you have seen nothing at all. You think you've been pushed as far as you can go, when in fact you will be pushed even farther more. From sorrow comes joy, from death comes life, from loss comes hope, from hate comes love… Through light and fire and darkness and void, forge your own way and walk your own path. Through emotions and logic, find your own truth and embrace your own life."

T'Kai reached out and brushed her fingertips over the young human's psi points and allowed Luna to feel her affection.

"You have Seen it."

Luna nodded shallowly, her eyes returning to their usual grey-blue hue. "Yes. Logic is only the beginning of wisdom, not the end. Sometimes you have to do what feels right, not what is logical."

T'Kai considered the young human's words. Seers were usually more emotional than average, one reason why most chose to go to Seleya and join the ranks of the reldai, or live secluded from society. A powerful human Seer would have suffered greatly, torn between what is and what could be, reality and dreams, fears and hope. It was a testament to her strength that T'Kai's to-be daughter had lived this long without going insane.


"You doubt our offer."

Hermione looked up into the deeply lined wrinkled features of a woman much older than T'Pau. She was dressed in subdued charcoal grey robes over loose tunic and pants of a slightly lighter shade. Her hair in contrast was pale, silvery grey cropped short in the bowl-style favoured by most Vulcan males.

"T'sai T'Pol." The witch bowed her head deeply.

T'Pol of N'jvn S'rvyn examined the calm almost placid expression of the much younger human female. There was a serenity, a certainty, an expression of knowing. Light brown eyes blinked once then twice, like a large predatory feline bestirring herself.

"If you have questions ask them. Do not make statements and expect them to be true."

T'Pol nodded once. "Do you doubt our offer?"

"Which one?"

"Vulcan Citizenship. Adoption into a clan."

Hermione shook her head. "Oh no. You would not have made an offer you have no intention of fulfilling. My doubts lie in the inevitable detractors. They will use it as an excuse to hinder our future activities. To observe and limit our actions because they do not believe we will honour our new families. And to be honest, Harry and Luna will not act as proper Vulcans because they were not taught the Vulcan way as I was. It will be hard for them to adjust to the restrictions of Vulcan society."

"You are quite right Hermione," Luna interjected. At some point she had moved close enough to overhear the conversation. "But they cannot deny their own blood."

Hermione inhaled sharply. "Blood adoption?"

"Isn't that dangerous?" Harry wanted to know. By now everyone in the small gathering room were listening to the three mages.

Luna shrugged. "Painful, not fatal. One of my ancestor's was blood adopted as a teenager. She said it was about as bad as Crucio."

Two sets of shoulders relaxed. Both Harry and Hermione had been subjected to the Cruciatus Curse before.

"Oh. Then it's not too bad." Harry's expression was cheerful. Then he turned wary. "Why are we talking about blood adoption right now?"

"I'm thinking of undergoing blood adoption." Luna dropped the bombshell without hesitation. "I like T'Kai. I will always remember my mum but I wouldn't mind having a ko-mekh and new relatives. T'Lara is very nice; it's like having another elder sister."

Harry blinked and stared at Hermione, who merely looked pensive. She had heard Luna's plans and was not protesting. It meant she was giving it serious consideration.

"Hermione? Is it even possible? I mean Vulcans are aliens and not human."

Hermione's response was a surprise. "It should work. However, I am uncertain exactly how many physical traits would be carried over, since their body chemistry is very different from ours."

"That is dependent on the adoptee's magical core strength," Luna answered. Seeing their surprised looks she explained. "I Saw enough to see this as a possible path so I did some research and talked to the xenobiologists and geneticists at the VSA. The adoptee will need several transfusions and nutritional potions with the necessary elements to fill in the gaps from a cross-species adoption."

"What about magic?" Harry wanted to know.

Hermione snorted softly. "It was the first thing I verified after T'Pau and Amanda talked about adopting us. All my research indicates the magical core and the traits that allow us to use magic will be carried over. I've studied the recordings of Vulcans in various states of being and activities. Their mental energies are very compatible with our magical core energies, so we should be able to use both abilities."

"So you are willing to be adopted? Blood adopted?" T'Pol inquired, hiding her confusion and concern.

Hermione's light brown eyes snapped. "Convince me. Give us valid reasons to anchor our fates to your clans, to Vulcan, for the rest of our lives."

T'Pol raised a brow and smiled inwardly. This she preferred to meek submission. If Hermione became her daughter Clan N'jvn S'rvyn might one day have another matriarch of fire and steel not unbending stone.

That was a day T'Pol could eagerly anticipate.

So she set about re-examining her logic to determine the best way of 'selling it' as Jonathan Archer would have said.


Hari did not have to think hard or long. Luna had been the first one to agree. Hermione was bargaining with T'Pol but showed every inclination of accepting whatever she could get. He turned to the matriarch with black hair that shone red under certain lights. Unlike most Vulcans, who had black or dark brown eyes, R'tsu Z'rel T'Quil had dark green eyes. Not bright jewel green like Harry's, but more of a mossy hazel green that turned brown under certain lights.

He inhaled deeply before speaking, his eyes level and direct.

"I don't remember ever having family I could trust and depend on until I was a teenager in boarding school. My family has always been one of Choice, people who I choose to care for. Hermione and Luna have been part of my family for a very long time. You must remember if you choose to adopt me, part of my loyalty will always be to them."

T'Quil nodded once. "Acceptable." Her expression softened. "A long time ago I called four Terrans friends. They are dead, but I've never forgotten what I learnt from them… The bonds forged in battle can be just as strong as the ones formed by blood and birth.

Hari smiled slightly and nodded. "Yes."




ffic, ffic soul bound

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