Soul Bound 08/? (Hermione/Spock - R)

Jun 11, 2011 16:20

Title: Soul Bound - 08
Categories: Harry Potter, Star Trek AOS/Reboot/IX/2009
Type: gen, het, romance, drama, scifi, supernatural
Rating: R
Characters/Pairings: Hermione/nu!Spock
For: crossbigbang 
Disclaimer: I don’t own Harry Potter, Hermione Granger, Luna Lovegood and co, JK Rowling does. I don’t know Trekverse and associated characters, Paramount and various other holding companies do.
Author Notes: See the Master Post for full notes.
AU after B7 Deathly Hallows; ignore the epilogue. AU to Star Trek Reboot the movie. The Narada destroys the Kelvin but the events in the movie have changed because Spock’s motivation, character, and history have changed since he met a particular little girl. Butterfly Effect.
Acknowledgments: Janni, for the art created and my beta Kit.
Last Edited: June 11, 2011,  Please note this may be revised & updated.

Summary: Several members of the Enterprise crew are introduced to these new odd Vulcans and they learn more about the First Officer's past. Working together, plans are made to take out the Narada once the Enterprise catches up to her. And they are successful in doing just that.

AN: AU core events of ST Reboot, stopping the Narada before she destroys Earth.

~ooO 08 Engaging the Narada Ooo~

Hari resisted the urge to fidget as he followed the directions to Sick Bay. It was very quiet and empty. A blue-eyed blonde nurse dressed in a blue tunic-dress under a white smock rose from her desk and came over to him.

"Can I help you?"

Hari jerked and stared. Her large liquid eyes were almost hypnotic.

"Yes, I wish to see T'Mia. Female, Vulcan, around my age, brought in less than three hours ago?"

Understanding dawned. "T'Lara's patient."

Hari nodded shallowly. "Yes."

"Follow me." So he did.

Hari found his attention being drawn more towards the slender curves and slim elegant lines of the figure before him. Mentally he shook his head and tried to focus. She was saying something about Hermione. Her condition was stable and her prognosis good.

"Sir, are you all right? You look weary."

Hari blinked. "Am I all right? Not particularly, but I don't have much choice. I can't stop and rest."

The pretty nurse cocked her head to one side. "Why not? There is nothing you can do right now so why don't you rest?"

"If I sleep I won't wake up." Hari admitted.

She looked concerned. "Fatigue is a warning signal."

"I need to talk to T'Mia first."

The blonde nurse studied him carefully. "Why don't you lie down on one of the unused beds? You look exhausted."

Hari shook his head. "I am. But I will fall asleep." He admitted.

"I can talk to you. Keep you awake." She offered.

Hari considered the offer and nodded. "That is acceptable. May I know your name?"

"It's Christine Chapel."

"My name is Hari."

Hari didn't know how but before he knew it he was involved in an unusually personal conversation with the pretty blonde nurse. He was sitting at her desk, drinking the tea she had prepared for him, and snacking on the shortbread she produced from a tin. He found himself sharing bits and pieces of his past, his childhood and his time on Vulcan.

He did not know why but he found it very easy to talk to her. She listened without judgment, without fear or scorn. And she felt genuine empathy for him, for any patient under her care. Occasionally she reached out to pat his hand, forgetting about the common Vulcan disdain for touching in public. In those moments he knew exactly what she thought, felt, believed… she was like the sea, deep and tranquil with underlying strength and veiled beauty. He wanted her to reciprocate, to feel comfortable with him, to smile and laugh in his company. He wanted Her.

Before he knew it he realised he was talking about Hermione and Spock.

"She is like a sister to me. He cut her out of his life once because she was a distraction… It maybe illogical but I believe he may do the same again. I had concerns when he declared koon-ut so'lik and she accepted. I still do, but she has made her choice."

"Koon-ut so'lik?" Christine pronounced carefully.

"The closest translation is marriage proposal." Hari explained casually. "The actual marriage ceremony, koon-ut-kalifee, will not happen for a few years though they are already bondmates and considered as spouses."

Both turned to the doorway upon hearing the sound of plastic cracking.


Uhura froze. She had only meant to stop by and find out what she could from her Academy classmate Christine. She had not planned on eavesdropping but she had been unable to help herself when she heard Christine talking to the younger Vulcan male. She did not have an excuse to be near the VIP suites and the other guests but Sick Bay was open to all crew members. Vaguely she wondered if Hari was a hybrid himself. He was much more open and emotional than Spock.

"The closest translation is marriage proposal. The actual marriage ceremony, koon-ut-kalifee, will not happen for a few years though they are already bondmates and considered as spouses."

The PADD she was holding slipped from her suddenly slack grip and hit the polished floors and cracked.

Both Christine and the Vulcan looked up and in her direction. Christine looked alarmed, he simply looked tired. One slanted brow rose challengingly.

"Do you need something?"

Uhura shook her head blindly. "I just wanted to talk to Christine."

The blonde nurse frowned. "I'm sorry Uhura but I'm on duty right now. Perhaps later…?"

Uhura nodded silently. Christine frowned. "Are you okay Uhura? You look shocky."

The xenolinguist specialist resisted the urge to laugh hysterically. All this time she had been chasing after a married man. No wonder he had ignored her attention seeking escapades.

Everyone froze when an insistent beeping chirp interrupted the tense silence.

Christine was up and moving towards one of the private rooms in the back. The door to McCoy's private office slid open. McCoy, Spock and an older Vulcan female stepped out.

"Looks like she is waking." McCoy announced.

"The term waking is not entirely accurate." The female countered evenly.

"It is the closest description in Standard T'Lara." Spock murmured as he followed the two into one of the rooms.

"And it is incorrect S'haile."

"True. Continue to use it since Doctor McCoy is unfamiliar with Vulcan translations."

T'Lara exhaled sharply. "Understood."

Nyota was torn between running and staying. Curiosity and her need to know kept her there, silent and watching and listening.

There was a popping sound and sparks flying.

Christine gave a sharp cry and stumbled back, patting her white smock hurriedly, snuffing the smouldering embers on the material.

"What in Sam Hill's name is going on?" McCoy's Georgia accents were more slurred than usual.

"She is transitioning between the aether and the physical."

"What does that have to do with those sparks?" McCoy wanted to know. So did Uhura.

"T'Mia is a powerful psi, one of the most powerful born in more than twelve-hundred years of Vulcan history." T'Lara responded evenly. "What she dreams she can create. If she dreams of fire there is a chance she will bring it with her when she wakes."

McCoy's eyes were very wide. "Why didn't you warn me! We need to take precautions."

"Which would be useless since she may dream of other things." T'Lara countered.

"Then what do you suggest? I don't want my Sick Bay to be destroyed because one patient is having bad dreams!"

"That is why I requested S'haile Spock to be present. He will anchor her." T'Lara tapped a electronic touch-screen panel on the wall. Several wall partitions retracted leaving the room much larger and more spacious. "S'haile, as discussed you will inject her with the pre-programmed doses as she transitions through each stage." She held out a hypo that Spock accepted and re-checked. "Once she is in Aru it will be safe to meld. Doctor McCoy and myself will monitor her vitals from here. There will be five Level 2 forcefields to contain any stray surges."

McCoy did not say anything as T'Lara raised the forcefields, isolating Spock and his fiancée behind them.

Lowering the partitions gave Uhura, Christine and Hari a much better view of what was happening. Nyota knew it was a violation of privacy but she could not look away.


Spock was vaguely aware of the undesirable presences. It offended his sensibilities and ancient instincts. T'Mia was His! No other had the right to look upon her when she was so vulnerable. He ground down on those instincts. This was for her safety. For the ship's safety. If she transitioned too quickly she could potentially warp the hull badly enough to tear a rent in the duranium plating.

She was still sparking. The fire-proof sheets contained some of the free-floating energy. Spock considered his options before coming to a decision. Swiftly he stripped off his blue Science Staff tunic, black thermal top and undershirt. He ignored the gasps from the human audience.

"I didn't know Mr Spock had tattoos." Nurse Chapel hissed.

"They are clan marks." T'Lara corrected mildly. "It is an ancient Pre-Surakian tradition to record critical events on one's flesh, to serve as a reminder and lesson."

"Really?" McCoy sounded impressed. "That sounds like a Rite-of-Passage ritual."

"It is more than that. Tattoos can serve as focus for psi-manipulation."

Spock ignored them as he cleared his mind and focused on the marks on his skin. An asymmetrical arrow-head containing a star on his left shoulder blade, a reaffirmation of his choice, his allegiance to Starfleet and the Federation. A standard band of clan markings around his right bicep indicating his clan S'chn T'gai, and his status as Heir to the House of Surak. An elaborate Celtic cross just above with name-glyphs on each arm, women who loved him, women who'd fight the universe for him: Amanda, T'Pau, T'Lun, T'Mia. Crossed rings of infinity, of marriage, on his inner left forearm surrounded by the double-headed Oroubous, the sign of eternity with the glyphs for fidelity, loyalty, trust, respect, patience, devotion, passion, and hope around it; his vows to T'Mia. Each tattoo was a work of art etched in inks of vivid jewel-like hues: red, green, blue, black, saffron, magenta. A modern Vulcan would have been aghast by such elaborate affiliation markings but Spock cherished each and everyone. They were visible reminders he was never truly alone.

He shifted his betrothed up, sliding behind her and adjusting their positions so she was lying between his legs, her back pressed against his bare front.

"Skin contact will help anchor her." T'Lara was repeating what she had already informed him in private. Presumably for the benefit of their unwanted audience.

He loosened the ties holding the back of the hospital gown closed, parting the material so it slid slightly down. He resisted the urge to explore the sleek smooth flesh hidden underneath the gown with his hands. There would be time for that later. He pressed the hypo against her slender neck, injecting the first dose into her.

Then he gripped her left hand, lacing her fingers with his, pressing his forearm against hers, aligning the Oroubous on her forearm against his. He inhaled sharply as the action created a full circuit, her power poured into him through their marriage tattoos and hands and flowed out through the chakra points on his torso and into her. She was synching to his reactions. Once she fit he pressed the hypo injecting the second dose into her.

It was harder now. She was pushing his limits, testing him. He did not give way. He was used to holding his ground against hers in the astral plane and the waking world. It was something they had discovered since their bonding. He could channel magical energies; he could not manipulate or shape it but he could absorb and store it with no physical damage. Some of the energy did escape and blasted around the room leaving scorch marks but most clashed and dissipated against the forcefields.

She inhaled sharply, rolling her head against his. A soft moan slipped from her. She was affecting her physical controls. She was in Aru now. He injected the last dose and tossed the hypo aside. He raised his now empty right hand to her temple and touched her psi-points to begin a meld.

"My mind to your mind. Your thoughts to my thoughts."

Her mind was reacting to his presence. Very strongly. Spock resisted the primitive urges to act upon those reactions. Instead he focused on bring her up-to-date as quickly as possible. She absorbed all the information he shared with her thoughtfully. She skimmed through recent memories and his reactions. He felt her smile in his soul when she 'read' his desire to renew their bond in more physical ways.

"I greet thee ashayam." She murmured as she turned her head, breaking connections for the meld. She sat up slightly and reached out. The forcefield closest to the bed collapsed and the emitters shot out sparks.

"T'sai!" T'Lara scolded her patient.

The corners of her full mouth lifted slightly in an unexpected smile.

"I am impatient to leave." The younger woman murmured. But she did not make any attempt to sit up or stand. She seemed content to lounge in Spock's arms.

"You are impatient to get to a private room with Spock." Hari responded dryly.

Amber eyes widened in faux shock. "Hari! You insult me." A very human action, a teasing rejoinder.

Hari snorted softly. "Do not even attempt at distracting me T'Mia. But then again perhaps you should complete your examinations quickly T'Lara. I really do Not want to watch the two of them make out."

T'Mia blinked and tilted her head to one side. "I do not understand you Hari. First you say Spock is too rigid and unemotional, and now you imply he indulges my emotionalisms. Make up your mind, which one is it?"

Hari made a scoffing sound. T'Mia's voice turned sharper, honey sweet.

"I thought you would be reassured to know Spock is fulfilling all my needs. If you are uncertain I do not mind sharing the details." Hari made a strangled sound. T'Mia ignored it and continued blandly. "It has been a while since we had the chance to have some private time. I truly believe eighty-seven percent of our associates and acquaintances in Shi'Khar have been interrupting us whenever Spock managed to find the time for a trip to Vulcan. Do you know anything about that Hari?" He made incomprehensible noises and looked away.

T'Mia slid off the bed, uncaring of her slipping hospital gown that bared her shoulders and a large expanse of skin above her breasts.

"Now listen to me. You are my brother but I will not tolerate your attempts at protecting my virtue because -trust me- I am definitely not a virgin. It's amazing the amount of privacy you can find using a broom or carpet."

The humans gawped. Broom or carpet? What on earth did household cleaning tools and furnishings have to do with privacy? And was she really implying…?

T'Lara resolutely looked at a far ceiling corner. This was a familiar scene, and would remain so until Spock entered his Time and formally wed T'Mia.

Spock did not flinch; he was used to T'Mia's shock-tactics. It was a violation of privacy but Spock had learned to see them as demonstrations of T'Mia's public claims on him; her willingness to fight public opinion, to defend what they shared rather than bend to conventional decorum.

Hari's reaction was more verbal.

"Mia!" He howled covering his ears. "Why do you have to do that to me? Now I'll never be able to fly without imagining the two of you…" He sputtered and trailed off.

She cocked her head to one side. "Good. Keep out of our business or next time I'll tell you about the chocolate cheese-."

"I give!" It was not a shout but close enough to it. "I won't interfere!"

Spock did not fight the faint quirk lifting the corners of his mouth as he picked up a folded pile of fabric and shook it out. It was a pale silvery mauve yukata-style robe made of heavy Andorian spidersilk and embroidered in white. It was a bonding gift from him to her; an article of clothing with… fond associations of their intimate activities.

He held it up by the shoulders behind her. She did not need a verbal cue to step back into the panels of silk he draped over her shoulders. Gracefully she pivoted on one foot to face him before shrugging the hospital gown off and down her arms and slipping the limbs into the sleeves of the robe.

Her eyes never left his as he reached out and arranged the folds of the material to cover her almost nude body. T'Mia had no doubts, no fears about publicizing their intimate relationship. In fact she did so almost defiantly, scandalizing the traditional elements with their emotional relationship. During their melds he saw her reasoning, events that shaped her decision to never submit unless it was her choice. Spock found it was logical to please her and he did enjoy irking the hide-bound conservatives. With the ease of much practice, he secured the ties of the garment and touched her shoulder, silently indicating her to turn. And she did before moving to stand before T'Lara.

"Forgive the emotional display." She murmured softly to the Healer. "Hari can be overly stubborn. And given that convention supports his views I chose unconventional methods."

"Understood." The Healer was smiling a faint Vulcan smile, a bare curve of the lips. "I had to resort to similar methods when I was carrying my first child." She scanned T'Mia using a tricorder before performing a shallow meld to verify her findings.

Spock refused to look at the shell-shocked humans. He wondered how long it would take for McCoy to recover and try to use the information.

T'Lara broke the meld and nodded at the tall male standing behind her patient. "She is stable. Refrain from Level Six and higher channelling for now. Focus on any theoretical work and let Hari run any experiments required." T'Mia nodded once and glanced up at her bondmate. T'Lara noted the action and continued blandly. "I recommend an additional two hours of rest before you participate in any meetings or work-sessions. There is no reason for you to remain in Sick Bay to rest."

The younger female reached out and pressed her palm against her bondmate's, entwining her fingers with his. "Thank you T'Lara." And then she began walking, pulling her bondmate along with her.

The rest of their audience were in too much shock to do anything until several minutes after the couple successfully escaped from Sick Bay.

McCoy stirred himself first. "Did you give permission for the two of them to screw each other silly?" T'Lara looked blank. McCoy corrected himself. "Have sex in the next two hours?"

T'Lara pursed her lips. "I cannot control how they choose to spend their time."

McCoy snorted. "Bullshit. I saw the look on her face. She's gonna find the closest bed or closet and screw Spock silly."

Hari moaned. "Please do not say that. I don't want to think of the two of them right now." He moaned again. "I need a brain scrub. I need a good Obliviate." He shook his head wildly, like a wet dog. "Forget it, I need to get drunk. I need chocolate."

McCoy laughed. "I can help with the getting drunk part with some Saurian brandy."

Harry made an offended noise. "Alcohol does not affect me. I need chocolate to get properly smashed. I do Not want to think of what they are probably doing right now!"

Chapel looked vaguely sympathetic. "I don't mind sharing my stash if you really need it."

Hari looked simultaneously eager and very pathetic. "Pleaase!"


Kirk carefully refused to allow his gaze to fall below the collarbones of the civilian specialist speaking. Civilian specialist. A much better title for the reports than Spock's fiancée. The pretty Vulcan scientist who Spock has been fucking since her discharge from Sick Bay. It took a lot of effort to get past that little fact but once he did it was pretty clear T'sai T'Mia knew her stuff. Just like Spock. And unlike Spock she was better at dumbing down her explanations for non-geeks.

How did Vulcan survive the Narada? With a great deal of planning and high cost. And the apparent black hole that swallowed the planet? It never existed. The universe twisting to envelope and cause Vulcan to vanish? The results of an experimental technology capable of cloaking vast volumes of space more thoroughly than the most advanced Romulan and Klingon tech. As with most new technology there were very hard limits, especially in regards to safety. Limits that were ignored and pushed into the red-zone in order to protect the entire planet from the Narada. And unlike most conventional technology living beings were a major part of the process mechanism. Four-hundred and fifteen Vulcans died and all the survivors were suffering from burn out.

"This is a psionic technology. As per the Federation charter Vulcan will not be sharing anything concerning the mechanisms, physics, or math. If anyone wishes to duplicate our experiments I wish them the best of luck. Currently there are only three beings capable of acting as catalyst and control: myself, Hari and T'Lun and none of us are interested in risking our well-being without very logical and ethically valid reasons. The Vulcan High Council has agreed our data and prototypes will not be shared with any non-Vulcan agency or government. It is simply too dangerous and easy to misuse."

Jim frowned. "Then why are you here if you won't help?"

T'Mia raised an admonishing brow. "I did not say we would not help, only that we will not share any of the science or processes. Hari and myself are here to hide this ship as we hid Vulcan." She gestured around. "I must warn you, the Fidelius cannot be held for more than twenty-five minutes before the power sources are exhausted. In that time you can fly to within ten kilometres of the Narada and Nero will never know."

Jim felt his lips stretch into a smile at that bit of info. "Twenty-five minutes without being attacked is a lot more than what we had before T'sai T'Mia." He glanced around the table, at the Enterprise crew. "I think we can come up with a plan to take out the Narada in that time." He glanced over at Spock who had been content to let Jim take the lead in the discussion and brainstorming. "Do you need anything in particular to set up your cloaking device?"

T'Mia glanced at Spock who lowered his lashes briefly. Then she turned to Jim and spoke.

"Four of your best hands-on engineers, an empty shuttle bay, access to the deflector dish, conduits and Jeffries tubes."

Spock's gaze was even and unflinching. "On Vulcan the power was spread across the surface through what Mr Chekov called a power grid. It is not an inaccurate term; to be more precise it is a natural power grid network. In an artificial structure like a starship we will have to use the conduits as a substitute."

Pavel frowned. "Meezter Spock, vhat do you mean by natural power grid?"

Spock glanced at his PADD. His hesitation was enough to make everyone pay attention.

"The closest Standard term is leylines. The natural power flows of a planet."

Jim blinked. "You mean planetary magnetic fields correct?"

Spock looked hesitant. "That is not-."

Hari's patience broke and he interrupted the older male's response. "Call it magic, chi, ki, mana, chakra, the Force, or whatever. It is a special type of energy planets have, some more than others. Vulcan has known it exists for centuries but tapping into it and using it was considered impossible for a long time. This was an experiment to see if we could. We succeeded at very high costs."

Jim blinked and nodded accepting the information. He wasn't sure how much of it was bunk and how much was real but right now he was inclined to take everything at face-value because they really needed the break.

"All right then. T'sai T'Mia, do you have plans and an estimate time of completion? For your upgrades?"

She glanced at her PADD and responded. "Three point four seven hours."

Jim glanced at the crew. "While T'sai T'Mia and the engineers get to work why don't we brainstorm possible ways to take out the Narada."

"I feel my time would be best spent helping with the modifications. I have a thorough understanding of the math and physical requirements." Spock murmured.

Jim nodded. "Yeah. We don't have an experienced Chief Engineering Officer either. Both he and his second were killed. Their replacements are inexperienced and shaky."

T'Mia blinked and pursed her lips. "If you are seeking a good Engineer I would suggest making a detour to stop at Delta Vega. There is a Starfleet officer stationed at the small research outpost on the planetoid. His name is Montgomery Scott."

Sulu frowned and did some quick calculations on his PADD. "It'll add seven hours to our travel time. I don't think we can afford any delays. Besides, the Narada already has a huge head start on us."

T'Mia glanced at Spock. "Perhaps. Perhaps not. Can your Communications Officer open a channel with the Starfleet outpost on Delta Vega?"

Uhura stiffened. "Of course!"

"Then do so. I need to speak to Mr Scott. In private preferably."


Three hours later the group reconvened in the Conference Room with a new addition, lt Mongomery Scott. Jim wasn't certain how it happened but twenty minutes after Uhura contacted Delta Vega one lt Montgomery Scott appeared on the Enterprise on the water filtration deck. When asked how such a feat had been managed lt Scott mumbled something about very old very weird Vulcans with equations for trans-warp beaming. Despite his odd inexplicable method of arrival lt Scott turned out to be a God-sent respite. With his expertise and leadership the most pressing repairs had been completed and the modifications T'Mia requested had been carried out.

Jim frowned as he listened to the ideas being thrown out. It was only now the sheer enormity of what they were undertaking hit him. A single Constitution-class vessel, damaged and crewed by inexperienced cadets and junior officers, was pitting herself against a vessel that destroyed the Kelvin, seven additional Starfleet ships, Vulcan's planetary defence net, a KlingonStarfleet, Rura Penthe, very nearly Vulcan and god knew how many other planets and moons in the last twenty-five years.

"If ve drop out behind one of the larger moonz, they are lez likely to detect us Keptin. If ve vait to use the new cloaking technology we can get clozer undetected."

Jim nodded. "Okay then. We creep up on the Narada. What next? Her shields are much more advanced than any I've ever seen."

"You must wait then." T'Mia murmured softly. "When Nero deploys the drilling platform the shields are not completely intact. The transporter and communication interference does not start until the drill is activated."

Understanding dawned. "We can probably transport a small team over during that window." Blue eyes iced. "I'm going to be part of the assault party."

"That would be most unwise." Spock's voice was unexpectedly forceful.

Jim frowned. "As XO I am responsible for missions of this nature. As Captain your first priority is the Enterprise."

"The VSA has provided us some… experimental means of destroying the Narada, unfortunately they are designed such that only Vulcans with the correct training and knowledge can use them. Given the nature of our task it is very possible I will not return and a Captain with command training and confidence will be required on the Enterprise so I am promoting Mr Kirk to Acting Captain, effective immediately."

Jim froze. "You can't go to the Narada by yourself!"

"He won't." Hari who had been silent until now spoke. "I will be going with him."

All the Starfleet personnel stared at the Vulcan civilian quasi-observer.

"I have been on the frontlines before. I have fought, killed and survived. I won't let Spock go to the Narada without me to watch his back." He stared at the other Vulcan with a faint wry expression. "Mia needs you to live."

T'Mia made a soft anguished sound. "Harry…"

"No, don't. You won't let him go alone so let me protect your soul-mate." He snorted softly. "Besides you are better at large scale casting and precision. Just as I am best in duelling and battle. Keep this ship intact and I Will bring him back to you."

T'Mia nodded once jerkily. Then she glanced at Spock who nodded gravely.

"It is acceptable. Hari has completed the field training qualifications for VDF agents. His… skills would be most beneficial. He is an advanced practioner of ke-ta-yatar."

T'Mia stared at Hari who shrugged slightly.

"It was something to do while you and T'Lun were busy. You know I am best in the practical aspects of DADA. This was simply an extension of Moody's lessons."

T'Mia appeared distressed. "But the Killing Arts…?" She trailed off uncertainly.

Hari did not look away. "Suus mahna is too gentle. I wanted to master a hard form."

T'Mia nodded again more fluidly. "I will ask the reldai klashausu if they will volunteer."

Spock tilted his head slightly in consideration. "Do not. They will not have the same training as Hari and myself. Our primary mission will be sabotaging and destroying the Narada. Secondary will be locating and rescuing Captain Pike."

Jim felt as though everything was spinning out of his control. But he did not have any real arguments against the proposed plans. He glanced around the Conference Room.

"Anyone have any disagreements? Better plans? Suggestions?"

McCoy sighed. "I suggest we set up secondary medical triage stations on all decks and high priority areas. Like Engineering."

T'Mia shifted. "I must meditate and meet with the reldai to prepare for the casting." She stared directly at Spock and Hari. "At T-minus twenty meet me in Spock's suite for the tools and a quick check."

Hari nodded. "We will."

Sulu stirred. "I'll plot a new course with Chekov to get the most interference. Titan has the strongest magnetic field."

Scotty murmured something about keeping an eye on his lady's engines.

Jim glanced around the table. "All right people, let's get to it then."


Hari eyed the gun-like device being wielded like a weapon by Leonard McCoy.

"Oh come off it!" McCoy scoffed. "You're acting like a teenage girl getting her first ear piercing!"

Hari glared. "I'm a Vulcan getting my first ear piercing!"

"Doctor McCoy lacks the proper anatomical knowledge to understand." Spock murmured from a few feet away. He was standing before a biobed allowing T'Mia to go over his equipment and the extras she was tucking away on his person.

McCoy turned around to glare at the now First Officer. "What do you mean you pointy-eared hobgoblin?"

Spock glared. Hari choked on a laugh.

"Doctor, do you know why Vulcans do not like anyone touching their hands?" T'Mia asked very neutrally.

McCoy frowned. "Yeah. You have a lot of extra nerve endings in the fingertips. Vulcans are also touch telepaths and can sense thoughts and feelings by skin-on-skin contact. Like touch or handshakes."

"Hands are a highly erogenous zone." T'Mia explained briskly. "They are like lips or nipples on Terrans. Ears are also nerve rich and very sensitive."

McCoy squawked and jumped back, putting distance between him and the Vulcan he had been threatening with an ear piercing.

Hari heaved a sigh of relief and watched as T'Mia wrestled the device from the doctor and moved closer to her bondmate.

Everyone watched as she placed a small hand on his sternum and pushed. He allowed himself to be manipulated into sitting on the edge of the biobed. Leonard McCoy and Christine Chapel watched, unable to look away, as T'Mia reached up and touched the outer cartilage of the left ear, running her fingertips along the curve to the pointed tip.

"My'own…" The word was low and drawn out, uttered in a low threatening rumbling voice. He raised one hand to manacle the hand exploring his ear.

"Spahk." Her voice was low and murmuring, a soothing caress. She leaned forward and raised the other hand holding the piercing gun and touched the sensitive flesh to make the first piercing in the upswept pointed curve. "With metal forged by my own blood and magic I mark you. Thou art mine beloved. Parted from me, and never parted." She spoke softly in an obscure ancient pre-Surakian dialect.

"Never and always, touching and touched." He murmured concluding the vow in Modern Vulcan as she made two more piercings, one just below the first and the third in the base of the lobe.

She slipped the elaborate multi-post earring made of mithril, crystals and diamonds into the holes. Each post-stud was connected to each other by a delicate lattice of mithril chains embellished with amplifying and focusing stones. The entire creation of glittering silvery metal and gems covered the outer curve of his left ear.

When she was satisfied the enchanted device was securely set she lowered her hands and put the gun down. And did not resist when her bondmate grabbed her hands and entwined his fingers with hers, thoroughly kissing her Vulcan-style, ignoring their audience.

Hari looked away. His eyes fell on Christine Chapel who caught his study of her.

"Do you mind?" He asked her politely. "I promise I will not jump you like him. The reaction is mostly physiological and controllable; like dancing with an attractive female and accepting no for an answer."

Christine blushed and nodded. "Is there something special that has to be done?" She asked hesitantly. "T'Mia said something in Vulcan while doing the piercing."

Hari shook his head. "She was just soothing him. Repeating their bonding vows."

Christine nodded as she examined the elaborate delicate jewellery on the tray.

"Just make the piercing and push the post through. Two near the top and the third where most women pierce their ears."

The blonde nurse glanced over at the couple who were now standing now, practically plastered against each other. She smiled tentatively at the Commander. His expression was now sombre and restrained as usual. She grabbed the piercing gun and returned back to Hari's side. Methodically she sterilized it before piercing the green-eyed Vulcan three times in rapid succession.

He hissed in reaction, hands opening and clenching reflexively against his thighs; so he would not reach out and grab the nurse. Green eyes widened at what she whispered into his ear as she slipped the enchanted deceptively fragile-looking creation into the newly made holes.

"Come back in one piece and I'll give you more than this hand job."

Before he could respond she had pulled away and was standing beside McCoy.

Given Spock's carefully bland non-expression and the twinkle in T'Mia's eyes both of them had heard Christine's promise.

He wanted to pull Christine aside and demanding a detailed explanation of her actions but there was no time. He allowed T'Mia to check his weapons harness and tools one last time before the three of them exited Sick Bay and made their way to the Enterprise Transporter Room One. They were on a tight timetable.

On the way they passed curious crewmembers but none dared to approach the trio of Vulcans, especially since Commander Spock was one of them.


Jim fidgeted. Scotty had just trans-warp beamed Spock and Hari over to the Narada. In that instant T'Mia had activated the weird device she and her team had assembled in Shuttle Bay Two. The twenty-five minute count down started as Sulu moved the Enterprise in and closer to the Narada.

"The Narada haz not actiwated any veapons other than zhe drilling platform." Chekov reported. "Zhey have not detected zhe Enterprise."

"The Fidelius is holding." T'Mia's voice was soothing and tranquil. "Communication with the away team is stable and clear."

Jim nodded. "Very good. Join me on the Bridge as soon as possible T'sai T'Mia."

Five minutes later the turbolift doors opened and deposited a petite curvy female dressed in a tight-fitting navy blue, black knee-high boots, and a sleeveless robe made of heavy cream wool worn open on top. As she approached Jim could see the robe was heavily embroidered with various abstract designs in intriguing patterns.

She was carrying a basket containing two weird devices constructed of metal wire and glowing crystals. Jim clearly heard Spock's voice as though he were standing on the bridge right next to him. He could also hear the sounds of a firefight and body blows.

"Mr Scott has miscalculated. We have beamed into an occupied part of the Narada."

There were several tense minutes filled with stifled grunts and cut-off screams.

"Clear." Hari's voice was cold and calculating. "Spock has Pike's location and directions to the Command Center. We're laying charges as we make our way to Nero."

Jim frowned and glanced at the calm looking Vulcan civilian on his Bridge.

"Can't we tell them to get Pike first?" He asked her.

"We can't. The devices were designed to be strictly one-way and undetectable. To have a two-way channel would risk it being detected."

The Bridge crew and T'Mia listened to the two Vulcans fighting, clearing a path to the targets. The background noises did not sound like phaser fire. They sounded like projectile weapons, like slingshots and gunpowder canon fire.

"Keptin, zhe Narada has activated zhe drill. Et iz boring a hole just off zhe Bay. Next to zhe Academy and HQ."

Jim felt sweat drip down his spine. He hated this. He hated being trapped on the bridge, unable to move, unable to act.

"Patience James Kirk." T'Mia murmured as though she had just read his mind. "Be patient and wait for the opportune moment to strike."

Jim inclined his head but did not say anything. The old Jim Kirk would have said something tasteless and vulgar to break the tension. Acting Captain Kirk knew better.


Spock glanced around the cavernous warehouse sized bay criss-crossed by cat-walks and exposed conduits. He had known the mages were capable of great destruction but he had never imagined the scale and thoroughness until he saw Hari cast Fiend Fyre upon the Romulans seeking to interfere. When they were distracted by the living flames Hari transfigured and banished scrap and metal at their opponents. Those still living would bleed out without immediate medical aid.

"I fought in a war Spock. I have been fighting since I was born. I have learnt it is unwise to show compassion to enemies who will be at our backs."

Spock did not respond. He was a Starfleet officer but before that he was Vulcan and Heir to Ma'at S'chn T'gai, the House of Surak. They had spent months planning for this. Long before the Narada had attacked Vulcan it had been decided the mages would take the point in any combat since they had a better understanding of their limits and how to make the best use of their abilities in a fight.

"We are almost there." Hari murmured.

Spock glanced behind them. He could feel the intense heat from the fiend fyre creations rampaging through the Narada's corridors.

Finally they reached their destination. A bay holding sleek oddly shaped silver craft. Spock did not flinch as Hari cast red-tinged energies that knocked out the guards.


As they approached the ship the doors lowered. Hari smirked at Spock and made a gesture.

"After you."

Spock had seen this craft in his melds with T'Mia. This was the vessel of his future counterpart. The source of the Narada's terrible weapon. The treasure trove of incredible priceless future knowledge. Knowledge without the limits of psionics.

"Welcome Ambassador Spock." A soothing feminine voice interrupted Spock's examination of his surroundings.

Spock opened his mouth to respond when Hari shook his head. "No. The knowledge in this ship is too dangerous. It must be destroyed. That was the agreement with Q."

Reluctantly Spock conceded. It was what the High Council had reluctantly agreed upon after listening to the mages and the reldai of Seleya. He inhaled deeply and gave his first and only instructions to the ship his once-future-self had piloted.

"Computer, I am authorizing the Vulcan standing next to me as my second. He will be carrying out some modifications."

"Understood Ambassador."

Spock watched as Hari cast several wards and specific time-delay charms, to hide the craft from the Romulans, to warp and shatter the containment holding the red matter, to ignite the remaining anti-matter and set off a chain reaction of destruction.

Once Hari was done they set off to retrieve Pike.


All throughout one increasingly irrational Romulan dealt out violence on his subordinates returning with undesired reports. There were intruders on board and they could not determine who and where they were.

No matter how often they tried recalibrating the sensors they could not pick up on the ship responsible, or the intruders on board. In fact the only confirmation that there were intruders on board were the corpses, cut off emergency comms requesting back-up, and the rampaging sentient creatures made out of some strange energy-fire that was resistant to all fire-retardant chemicals. In fact the only way to stop them was to open that section of the Narada to space and vent them out into the black where the flames extinguished and they 'died' out.


Spock was aghast at Captain Pike's condition.

"Captain Pike is dying." Was the only report he could make on the human's condition.

Hari glanced over after casting another 'chain' of hexes to take out the Narada crew attempting to enter the make-shift Interrogation room. A wordless levitating spell tore a large storage cabinet from its mooring and moved it to create a barricade. Then he came over and cast a series of spells murmured in an obscure Latin dialect.

A 'hologram' of a human male appeared in mid-air, coloured in various hues with tiny script and numbers floating all around it. Hari frowned slightly.

"Once we get him back T'Lara and T'Mia will take care of him. If they can't heal Pike T'Mia can put him into stasis long enough for T'Lun to recover and treat him." He glanced over at Spock warningly. "They may not be able to undo all the damage but he will survive. Whether he'll want to continue living is another matter."

Spock refused to think on that. Christopher Pike was one of the more honourable and trustworthy Terrans he had met in Starfleet. He had taken Spock under his wing when the hybrid had first arrived, lost and confused.

Hari's expression softened. "Don't worry yourself into a state. T'Mia and T'Lara are Very good at what they do. They'll do all they can for Pike." His lips quirked into a half-smile. "So why don't we get back and let the healers do their job."

Spock nodded tightly before leaning down to carefully scoop up the battered older male.


"Enterprise three to transport."

Jim glanced over at T'Mia who was standing at the transporter controls under the fretful eyes of Transporter Chief Kyle. She had insisted on programming the transport herself.

He saw the bemused turning to awed expressions on Kyle and Chekov.

"What is she doing?" He hissed at the young Russian.

"She is dynamically entering the tracking coordinates for targets." Chekov explained. "Usually sensors provide the data but the Narada shields are still intact."

Jim winced. It was an unexpected hitch. The explosions and damaged Hari and Spock created had cut off power to the drill and various weapon-tracking systems but the shield generators had remained intact. They were advanced enough to be impenetrable.

"Unnatural." Bones mumbled though everyone ignored him.

"How is she doing it?" Jim wondered aloud.

"She is in contact with her bondmate and is using him as a beacon." T'Lara murmured when T'Mia ignored the question, more intent on her programming.

Jim flushed and cleared his throat before speaking slightly louder, directing his question to the younger Vulcan woman. "How much more time do you need? Your cloak is going to fail pretty soon."

"In one minute and thirty-three seconds." T'Mia corrected mildly.

"Yeah. Anyway, can you get them?"

She ignored him, focused on her task. Her eyes were distant, fixed on some unseen point. "On my mark hold your ground." She murmured softly. Her pupils dilated and shrank suddenly. She pressed a single key. "Mark." The word was whispered under her breath.

"Transporters engaged." Kyle announced unnecessarily.

There was a shimmer, a swirl of lights around a column, a solidifying outline that resolved into three forms, two standing with the third being carried by a Starfleet officer dressed in science blues.

Bones, T'Lara, and the medical staff were at the transporter pad, moving Pike to a gurney while Bones and T'Lara did a quick examination looking for immediate fatal threats. Finding none the entire medical contingent moved out.

Jim watched T'Mia approach the Vulcan First Officer and brush her fingers against his. He resisted the urge to look aside and instead cleared his throat.

"Report Commander."

Spock looked up, the soft warmth retreating behind blankness. He stiffened, drawing himself up, hands behind his back.

"All objectives have been achieved. The charges have been set. They are set to go off in less than three point two minutes."

Jim nodded. "The cloak is going to fail. We need to get to the Bridge."


Uhura resisted the urge to bite her nails. She hated the waiting. She wondered how Kirk could look so nonchalant when everything could blow up around them.

She turned around hearing the hiss of the turbolift doors. Kirk was back! With Spock and Hari and T'Mia.


Sulu stiffened. "Once the cloak failed the Narada spotted us. As ordered I engaged warp and set a course to clear Sol system. They have followed us."

Kirk took his seat.

"Sulu. Drop out of warp. Uhura. Open a channel to the Narada."

Uhura blinked confused but complied. And recoiled from the sight of Nero's enraged feral rage surrounded by a haze of smoke and fire.

"KIRK! Where is the Vulcan! He is responsible for This! For everything! He must pay!" Nero screamed.

Kirk did not flinch. "Nero. Are you ready to surrender?"

"Surrender? No! I will destroy your world first! Like He destroyed Mine!"

Hari made a soft scornful sound. "How illogical. Surrender before your ship comes apart around you."

Nero's focus fell on the younger Vulcan. "YOU! The Art of Ahkhinahr is lost! How!"

Hari raised one slanted brow. "It is illogical to explain how to a dead man."

Nero's expression was confused. Then the floor beneath him rocked violently.

"Keptin, zhere is a major breach on zhe Narada. It iz expanding! Zhere warp field iz collapsing! Gravitational fluxes iz building!"

"Your red matter containment is breached." Hari murmured blandly. "Within two point one minutes your ship will be consumed within a blackhole."

"Keptin, the enemy ship is losing power. Their shields are down, sir."

Kirk's expression hardened slightly. "Nero. Your ship is compromised. You're too close to the singularity. Please accept our assistance."

The Romulan's expression hardened. "Never! I would rather suffer the end of Romulus a thousand times. I would rather die in agony than accept assistance from you."

Kirk shrugged. "As you wish. Sulu, arm phasers, fire everything we've got."

Kirk watched without flinching as the viewscreen went blank then displayed the Narada disintegrating into herself, collapsing, crumpling like a sheet of paper in a giant hand.

Then he relaxed slightly. "Let's go home."

"Yes sir!"

Everyone on the Bridge frowned when the black hole loomed closer on the viewscreen.

"Why aren't we at warp."

Chekov frowned and checked his instruments. "Ve are zir!"

Kirk tapped a button to open an internal channel. "Kirk to Engineering. Get us out of here Scotty!"

Scotty's voice came through clearly harried. "I'm trying Captain! The gravity well's got us!"

"Go to maximum warp then! Push it!"

"I'm giving her all that she's got Captain!"

The Bridge shuddered and a huge crack appeared in the ceiling above before expanding into the viewscreen.

"All she's got isn't good enough! What else have you got?"

"If we eject the core and detonate, the blast could be enough to push us away! I cannae promise anything, though!"

"Do it! Do it! Do it now!"



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