Heart Over Head - T - Chloe/Oliver - Drabble (Prompt 8/10)

Aug 28, 2008 19:40

Title: Heart Over Head
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Prompt: #8 - Follow
Word Count: 386
Summary: He always used his head... Until his heart took over.

Prompts: #1 - Blood, #2 - Passion#3 - Why, #4 - Nerves#5 - Gift, #6 - Alone, #7 - Destiny,

Oliver Queen always used his head; there was nothing more logical and proficient to lean back on. He'd learned early that the world was a hard place, one where a person must always be on the ball or face being knocked over and trampled on. But his head wasn't being listened to now, it was his heart that he was following as he leaned in closer, as his eyes fell to meet hers, such a vivid green. His head would tell him no, step back, keep it professional. His head would list the ways this could go wrong, how she could become a target, used against him if his identity was ever uncovered. To trust, to love, it was all weakness.

But his heart didn't want to listen to reasoning. His heart had long ago attached itself to the bright beauty that was the voice of the League, commanding them this way or that, keeping them safe in the maze of unknown buildings, searching out the enemy. She'd turned one of her big grins his way, his heart thumped, and from then on his mind had nothing to do with it. There was stuttering, nothing so unintelligible had ever left his mouth before then. There was even blushing, must to his constant chagrin. And she'd just look at him, lift a brow, and ask if he'd been sleeping properly.

Until now... Now when she was so close he could smell her body wash and her shampoo. Now, where her head was tipping back, her eyes staring into him with the same need, the same want. He wondered if her heart was hammering like his, if her stomach was tightening and her hands were shaking. He cupped her cheek, thumb stroking back and forth. There was no sensibility getting in the way now, only anticipation in each inch that disappeared between them. She wet her lips with her tongue and he swallowed tightly. Her eyes fell closed, dark lashes brushing her cheeks and he caught her mouth in a delicate kiss that quickly turned passionate.

When it came to Chloe Sullivan, he decided it was always best to follow his heart. His head wasn't thinking right, because obviously, they were meant for something more than what they'd been before. They were meant for something so much more.

[ Next: #9 - Haunted.]

author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/oliver, fic: head over heart, 10_prompts

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