'Tis My Life

Aug 29, 2008 15:38

So, I'm driving with my dad the other day and he has this... suspicion that everyone out there who drives had walkie talkies and that as soon as he needs to pull out on to the road they all race out to get in his way. "Oh look, it's a parade!" he always comments. And I'll admit, he definitely seems to be followed by traffic wherever he goes. But we're driving back from KFC the "parade" comes and he's grumbling under his breath before he turns to me and he says "I'm not paranoid - I just think the whole world is out to fucking get me!" lol But yeah, I just felt I needed to share that.

Also, I was at the Victoria Museum the other day and I was checking out this forest-y area with deer and stuff. And there's this little 3 years old on his dad's shoulders and his dad's all "Look, it's a deer." And the boy says, "No daddy, that's a horse."  "No... It' s a deer." "It's a horsey!" "Son, if you had money, I would bet you that's a deer." LOL. I cracked right up. It was so cute.

I got a lot done today - went out and picked up some groceries - thank god, I was close to starving. Ran around with my mom, who I swear becomes more and more like a best friend every day. I'm 22 and we had a seriously rocky relationship between 12 and 18 - she left me with my dad when I was about 13 to go to Toronto to "find herself" and we've only recently gotten close again.

But yeah, my brother isn't moving back (he left a couple months ago to our home town and things weren't working with his best friend so he was thinking of moving back) Now he isn't - he's decided to give his BFF another try and hope it works out... sadly. But he wants his cat and I don't want to give it to him because she's comfortable here and if she goes down to live with him she'll have to become an indoor cat and live with two others. There are two here, but she knows them and they're like a little family.

I just took in a stray that I swear was a wrack of bones and barely had any fur on her because the bastard next door doused her with flea powder until she was nearly bald and then moved out and left her to live on her own. So I've brought her into the house and she sleeps in the laundry basket. Her fur is coming in nicely and now she can actually meow where as before it was a weird noise that sounded like she was burping. I call her Suzie and even though everybody things she's seriously ugly (patches of hair missing, really skinny, and a crooked tail), I thought she was just adorable. So now she's all mine and I'm going to make sure she gets nice and cozy. I bought an 8lb bag of cat food so my pets should be nice and well fed, lol.

Movies I've rented to watch over the long weekend:

The Ant Bully - Allison Mack [Chloe Sullivan] is the voice of one of the characters!
Robots - I heard it was really funny!
Nim's Island - I love Jodie Foster and I wanted something family-ish and funny.

I tried to find Batman Begins because I love it (and Christian Bale) and it always infuses my interest in writing Chruce (which probably doesn't any more inflation) but Blockbuster was all out. *shrugs* Maybe next time.

I was going to keep some money off to the side to buy Supernatural Season 3, but I spent it. Now I'll have to do some side work for my dad and make some $$$ to buy it. I also have to keep putting money aside for my trip to Vegas in October - me and my sister are going since I promised her that when she turned 21 we'd hit Vegas and see Chippendales! LOL I plan to see more than just hot, half naked men gyrating around, but it should be one awesome trip! :)
Anyway, yeah, I just felt like sharing all that. :)

real life, random

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