Stained Hands - Prompt 1 - Chloe/Oliver

Jun 05, 2008 18:09

Title: Stained Hands
Rating: T
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Prompt: #1 - Blood
Table: Found HERE.
Summary: "Just a few more seconds," she whimpered. "It'll kick in. It has to."


Stained Hands

It was everywhere. The thick, red, warm liquid coated her hands. She pressed harder, her eyes filling with tears at his groan of pain. It wasn't working. No matter how hard she tried, she couldn't get her powers to kick in. There was no light, no draining, no stop for the blood that streamed from the dark hole puncturing his abdomen. She kept trying, sucking in air and shaking her head as if to make the tears lessen, to clear her sight. But they wouldn't stop and the blood kept coming, and he just laid there in agony, accepting his fate.

He covered her hands with his own, trying to still them.

"Needs pressure," she choked out.

"Stop," he told her.

She shook her head. "Just a few more seconds," she whimpered. "It'll kick in. It has to."

"Stop Chloe," he repeated softly.

And she turned to look at him, wanting to tell him that she couldn't. She couldn't let him go, couldn't stop trying. She just couldn't lose him.

"It's okay," he said, his fingers twining with hers, his blood gushing between them. "It's okay."

She shook her head violently, a sob escaping her throat. No, it wasn't. It wasn't okay.

He drew her down to lay next to him and she ignored the way the world seemed not to notice or care. The man who shot him was long gone and she knew later, her sadness would turn to anger, to hatred, and she'd hunt the sonuvabitch down. Make him bleed just like Oliver was now. She laid her head on his shoulder and he hugged her close. She pressed against him, wanting to touch and hold all of him, not caring that his blood was soaking through her clothes. She couldn't call an ambulance, he refused to let her. He wanted his secret kept, even in death. And Clark was nowhere to be seen, no matter how loud she cried.

It was just them, in a dark alley, holding each other. He shed no tears, he made no cries of pain. He just held her. "It's okay," he murmured against her hair, over and over, until he was gone. And she was left with nothing but stained hands and a broken heart.

[ Next: Prompt #2 - Passion]

Author's Notes: All prompts can be oneshots, drabbles, or short stories, so note that the length of these 10 prompts could be anything. The next one is passion. Hope you liked this! Reviews are sustenance, readers! Luv yas - Fina! 

fic: stained hands, author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/oliver, 10_prompts

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