Question - Prompt 3 - Chloe/Oliver - T

Jun 07, 2008 21:41

Title: Question
Rating: T
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Prompt: #3 - Why?
Table: Found HERE.
Summary: He had only one question in his mind; repeating over and over.

Prompts:   #1 - Blood, #2 - Passion



He wanted to throttle her. Shake her and scream and yell until he was hoarse and the shaking from his feet to his head had stopped. But she was lying there, so still that there was no point. She couldn't hear him. Couldn't move or talk or shout back her explanations. She'd given her life to save his after he specifically told her never to use her power on him. Never. He didn't want to be that last straw; the reason she never woke up. If he were dead it was because of his own foolish actions. But he couldn't explain away her death. He couldn't accept that she died because of him. He wouldn't.

She promised; she told him with that angry, stubborn expression of hers that fine, yes, she wouldn't save him. He could die for all she cared. And then she stomped off into the night. And he'd trusted she'd stay true to her word, even after they made up and were back to being just Oliver and Chloe, two friends, two partners, two lovers that pretended they didn't love. He knew where his heart was, he knew who it wanted. And he could see her own, so innocently left open on her sleeve. He could read it in her expression, feel it in each laugh she made. And he wanted so desperately to let go, to have her, to love her for the rest of his life. However long that might be. But his first priority was the world and he wouldn't let her become his weakness, the target of his enemies.

That no longer mattered though, because here she was, pale and lifeless and the stab wound that recently scored his chest was gone, not even a scar in sight.

He had only one question in his mind; repeating over and over. Why? Why would she do it after all that had happened? All that time spent telling her all the reasons she shouldn't save him. Why? After all the times death had come knocking and he'd barely escaped; where she dutifully stood by him, not reaching out like she wanted and healing the wounds here or there, the scratches that marred his skin. Why?

But then she woke up, gasping for air and reaching out in shocked pain for just a second. And he was so overcome with relief that his question evaded him. All he could do was hug her to him and thank god that he'd been given one more chance. One more moment to hear that laugh and see that smile and have that heart. He wouldn't waste it this time; not on questions he'd always known the answer to.

[ Next: Prompt #4 - Ring]

Author's Note: The next prompt is Ring. I liked this one; sad but with a happy ending. Hope you enjoyed it too. Reviews are sustenance, readers. Luv yas - Fina! 

fic: question, author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/oliver, 10_prompts

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