Prompts 16 to 20 of 100 Jaley Drabbles!

Jun 07, 2008 12:31

Title: 100 Jaley Drabbles
Rating: Range from K to T
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Genre(s): Romance, Tragedy, Angst
For: oth100prompts  comm. Prompt table found HERE. Five per update!
Prompts: 1 - 5, 6 - 10, 11 - 15,

Title: Silent Feelings
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #16 - loved
Word Count: 105
Summary: No words or action were needed.

Silent Feelings

There were different parts to love. Haley didn't really understand that until she had a very painful divorce behind her. She married young; to a boy she thought was forever, only to realize that the love they shared was one where heartache was imminent. There were a lot of tears, a lot of screaming and fighting, but when it was over, she felt better. And now she was experiencing a different part; a more lasting part. She finally found the kind of love that was forever. Because when she was just standing in Jake's arms, no words or actions were needed; she simply felt loved.

Title: Waiting
Rating: K+
Genre: Angst/Romance
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #17 - lonely
Word Count: 108
Summary: Nights like these.


It was nights like these where sleep eluded Haley. His side of the bed was empty; would be until the early hours of the morning. She couldn't be at every set, she had two children to raise and nannies were a ‘never gonna happen.' So he played the local bar scene, guitar in hand and co-written songs embedded in his mind. When she closed her eyes, she could hear his voice singing to her. But it wasn't enough. She needed him there, his arms around her, his steady breathing at her neck, and that scent that screamed Jake to her with every inhale. She'd just have to wait.

Title: No Regrets
Rating: K
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #18 - embarrassed
Word Count: 98
Summary: He was nothing like Nathan and she loved that.

No Regrets

There was a lot of pauses and stuttering on his part when he first asked her out. It was cute in an adorkable way. She was used to the charm Nathan always had when they were younger. But that charm had downfalls, which was why she was divorced and living in a too-small apartment in Tree Hill, her son in tow. Jake was nothing like Nathan. He was awkward and genuine and sweet and when he finally managed those usually dreaded words, "Would you like to go out some time?" She said yes and she never regretted it.

Title: Surrender
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #19 - afraid
Word Count: 103
Summary: There was nothing left to do but let go.


First times are terrifying. Especially when you've really only had one before that; with a husband that was now a painful part of the past. But she'd been dating Jake for six months and waiting was getting too hard for both of them. So when he laid her back on the bed, her body shaking and shivering and her breath stuttering, it was in a mixture of fear and excitement. When he kissed her lips, her skin, the valley of her breasts, she slowly relaxed. And by the time they were dancing the proverbial love song, there was no fear, just complete surrender.

Title: Unforgettable
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Jake/Haley
Prompt: #20 - surprised
Word Count: 102
Summary: She thought he forgot; she should've known better.


She thought he forgot. She was used to people forgetting these things. But when she walked back into their apartment, there were flowers everywhere. Petals on the floor, bouquets in vases, and a single daisy right where she usually put her keys. She was shocked, eyes wide, breath caught in her chest. It was beautiful, unexpected, and completely like him. There was a trail of white petals leading to the kitchen, where a dinner for just the two of them sat waiting.

"Jenny's with my mom," he explained, standing in his best suit, looking delicious. "Happy anniversary."

Haley smiled through her tears.

[ Prompts 21-25.]

author: sarcastic_fina, drabble - oth - jaley, ship: jake/haley

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