Nerves - Prompt 4 - Chloe/Oliver - K+

Jun 10, 2008 21:14

Title: Nerves
Rating: K+
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Prompt: #4 - Ring
Table: Found HERE.
Summary: He was nervous; hadn't ever been this nervous before.

Prompts:   #1 - Blood, #2 - Passion#3 - Why,



He was nervous; hadn't ever been this nervous before. He had a speech in his head, all worked out and written on a million and three copies of paper that he'd crumpled up and threw away when it just didn't feel right. The words weren't enough; they didn't say everything he wanted her to know. She knew he loved her, had for longer than he could remember, and wanted to forever. And this was the last step to it. He had the ring, right there in front of him, waiting in an open box. He didn't go so far as practicing kneeling, as Bart had told him he should. He knew how it would play out; or at least he hoped he did.

He'd propose, she'd cry but nod, and then all this nervousness could leave him. He wasn't used to this feeling; he'd gotten over his fears early on; had to in his line of work. But this was a big night; a huge one in fact. And everything had to be perfect. So he had the speech, memorized down to the last period, and he had the ring, perfect and elegant and not flashy but traditional; an emerald the color of her eyes with diamonds surrounding it. There was music in the background, dinner for two on the table, and despite the fact that his hands were shaking, the rest of him looked calm.

He practiced the words in his head. "Will you marry me?" He repeated them, over and over until he felt he had the right tone, the one that sounded not shaky but excited and hopeful. He drew the ring out of the box, played with it between his fingers. It would fit her perfectly; he'd measured against one of her other rings. He spent three hours at the jewelers, searching for the perfect fit. The one that said "Chloe" to him; the one that he could envision her wearing. Always. The one that would have yes coming from her lips without pause. And then he spotted it, winking up at him and he bought it on sight.

"I hope you're not proposing to the salt shaker," came a voice from behind him. He looked up, realizing she was standing at his back, looking over his shoulder, while he held the ring out purposefully.

He couldn't form words, could only stare at her.

She walked around to stand next to him and tipped her head, those green eyes set on him patiently. "Oliver?" she asked, soft and tender.

And that speech he'd spent a week on; spent hours of sleepless nights grueling over until it was perfect, evaded him entirely. "Marry me, Sidekick." It wasn't even a question and there was no shake anymore; not in his body or his voice or anywhere. He was confident and comfortable and he knew, without a doubt, he was asking the right person.

She smiled at him; that large, bright Sullivan grin, and he knew her answer. She laughed slightly, leaning down and pressing her lips against his. "Yes," she said in between kisses. "Yes, yes, yes."

He drew her down into his lap, slipping the ring on her finger and kissing her deeply, passionately, thankfully. She was his and he was right, her ring looked perfect on her.

[ Next: Prompt #5 - Gift]

Author's Note: I'm in a big hurry, so I hope you liked this! Reviews are sustenance, readers! Luv yas - Fina! 

fic: nerves, author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/oliver, 10_prompts

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