Gifts From the Heart - Prompt 5 - Chloe/Oliver - T

Jun 22, 2008 04:00

Title: Gifts from the Heart
Rating: T
Genre: Romance
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver
Prompt: #5 - Gift
Word Count: 377
Table: Found HERE.
Summary: Oliver Queen had the ability to give her the whole world on a platter.

Prompts: #1 - Blood, #2 - Passion#3 - Why, #4 - Nerves,


Gifts from the Heart

He had the money to take her anywhere in the world. The means to get her every gift she could ever want; shiny, electronic, coffee based, etcetera. But what she loved most was that he never pulled out those stops with her, because he knew her; knew her enough not to go for the big gestures so much as for the little ones. Like making her coffee for her, just the way she likes it, and serving it to her in bed. Like buying her a bouquet of flowers he knows she'll like rather than the overused dozen blood red roses.

He doesn't shower her with presents that glitter or draw attention. Instead he lavishes her with his sole attention, those warm brown eyes of his meetings hers intensely, always filled with a level of fondness unreached for others. After long weeks spent hunched over a computer, her reward isn't what some might expect. Instead of sending her to a top dollar spa, he rubs her feet and massages her shoulders himself. He buys oils and he strips her down to nothing, lays her down on their bed and kneads every inch of her until she's thrumming and humming and rubbing her thighs together in anticipation.

From the very beginning she knows she's different. There's a comfort between them, a friendship that bloomed into an intense and passionate relationship that some part of her already knows is the infamous "forever." And she's knows she's right when the first ever gift she received from him was an ornament his mother adored; one Oliver had kept all those years, told her how it used to sit right next to his mother's perfume bottle. "I think she'd want you to have it," he told her, smiling slightly. She kept it next to her own perfume bottle, on the dresser they shared. Every time he saw it, his lips would quirk in that reminiscent way.

Oliver Queen had the ability to give her the whole world on a platter, but he knew that all she wanted was him. And he gave her him, his heart, and all that came with it every single day for the rest of their lives. And Chloe Queen considered it the best gift she'd ever received.

[ Next: Prompt #6 - Alone]

fic: gifts from the heart, author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/oliver, 10_prompts

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