Celebration - NC17 - Chloe/Oliver - OneShot!

Jun 26, 2008 15:13

Title: Celebration
Genre: Romance/Humor
Pairing: Chloe/Oliver, mentioned Chloe/Jimmy, Jimmy/Kara
Rating: NC17
Warning(s): Sexual content
Summary: (Sequel to The Affair) They were finally free.



There was a half empty bottle of likely less than bubbly champagne somewhere in the vicinity, a celebratory dinner cooling on the table, long forgotten. The bottle of whip cream though, it was very much in play. The strawberries had been eaten, their sticky red juice staining various areas of her alabaster skin as he ate them off of her while she lay grinning up at him, bare and happy from the comfortable couch. It was a time for relishing in freedom, he figured. She, he, they, were finally free.

Nine months ago he'd been stuck living life as a lone bachelor, watching as everybody around him was either married or dating; his only companion, his green leather alter ego. And then she was there; staying later than usual, watching movies with him when she could've been home with her husband. He wasn't sure when it happened, but he knew it was long before that night she sat on his couch, feeling as though she was less of a person because of her marriage. He'd admit to himself that when she married the geeky photographer, he saw a path close off that he knew he should've followed earlier. And he saw her future dwindling before him.

He hadn't been surprised when Lois and Clark married; anything but. The rest of his League was well on their way into finding their happily-ever-after's, equipped with the loves of their life and the secrets they carried being held between the two rather than solely on their shoulders. But Oliver didn't have that; couldn't find it. And then he was kissing her, caressing her, loving her, like he'd long dreamt of. Those nights he'd come home from a business affair to find her at his computer or curled up on his couch, far before their adulterous indulgence ever started, he liked to pretend, if only for a moment, that she wasn't just a friend, but his wife. And then one day she was letting him touch her in a way only her husband should have. She was letting him kiss her lips and sink into her; deep and hard. It was better than he'd ever imagined.

His feelings for her had grown over time, but he'd felt them far before she ever saw anything in him. She had always been off limits; the cousin of his ex, the best friend and sidekick of his ally, Superman, and the Watchtower to his League. But there was something about her. The ease with which she could make him smile or laugh. How she could drag him out of the worst day possible to eat Chinese food and just talk; about anything and everything. He grew to love the way she smiled; large and with all of herself; no holding back. He could talk to her like he'd done with no other. And yeah, sometimes when she stayed over because it was too late and she was tired, he relished in seeing her wearing his shirts; so long and overly large on her tiny curvaceous frame. He liked it a little too much, he knew. So when she came to him and she told him she wasn't enough for her husband, that she had failed, he wanted nothing more than to tear Jimmy Olsen's head from his shoulders and shake some sense into him.

Three months he spent wanting more but accepting that he could only have what she'd allow. Still, he knew it was more than any affair should have been. They weren't strangers just having sex; they were good friends making love. It wasn't dirty or wrong; in fact it felt more right than anything. She spent more time in his apartment than she did anywhere else and when he wasn't there, they still talked on the phone. He'd never had an affair before. Married women were off limits and he wasn't planning on ever breaking that rule. But Chloe was different. She felt lost, invisible, and he wanted her to know that he always saw her, would always find her.

After three months of knowing that eventually she'd have to go home to Jimmy. That the world would always know her as Jimmy's wife and never his, he'd had enough. He couldn't stand the idea that she might actually forgive her husband; that she could go back to him and let him drag her down again and again. He wanted to love her, to pick her up and show her that she was better than that. He was ready and willing and he wanted to be the only man in her life. He wanted her to come home to only him and to never tell him again how much it hurt her to know that her own husband, somebody she had once loved, could go behind her back so easily and frequently. So he told her, one morning when the rest of the world seemed non-existent, that he loved her and he wanted her and he couldn't do the affair thing anymore. And she tried to run; some part of him knew she would. But then she was letting him bring her back to bed, to his arms, and she was just as responsive as ever. She wanted it too; he'd seen it in her eyes. Felt it every time she curled up to him each night; holding tight to his arms or tracing her finger over where his heart lay. She was just scared of admitting some sort of failure. She didn't want to say that she was divorced, that she couldn't keep her marriage together. But the man she was with didn't treat her right, didn't treasure her enough. And she knew it; she accepted it and she told Oliver she loved him back.

After a long, exhausting day of making love, he didn't even hear her as she left his room, but when he woke up late the next day to find her still in his arms, a packed bag sitting on the floor, he knew what she'd decided. She was staying and she wasn't ever going back.

Six months passed since and her divorce papers had been finalized just that afternoon. His lawyer called him while he was looking over papers in his office and she was putting in her two weeks notice at The Daily Planet. They were moving to Star City the coming weekend, where, if she chose to, she could easily get a job at Star City Gazette. If not, however, she had a comfortable job as Watchtower at his side. He'd made dinner for them, equipped with candlelight and soft music and when she walked in with a bag of strawberries and whip cream, he knew his lawyer had gotten through to her on her cell phone. She grinned at him, her smile ear to ear and her eyes shining brightly.

"I'm free!" she told him, giggling. She dropped the bag to the ground and ran across the apartment floor to jump into his arms. Dinner was forgotten, but dessert was brought to the couch. He'd already shed her of the majority of her clothes and laid her out on the cushions before she had the strawberries open.

Whoever said the sex dwindled when the affair become legit was wrong. He wasn't sure if everybody else just lost the spark when the secrecy was taken away, but he and Chloe still had it going strong; which was why a velvet box sat opened and empty on the table. The ring was already sitting purposefully on her finger as they threaded through his hair while he caressed her abdomen with his mouth. Her back was arched like a bow; his hand slid up her stomach, fingers splaying out between the valley of her breasts. Her knees pressed down into the couch on either side of his legs, slim thighs parted and waiting.

Given his lifestyle, he'd seen beautiful woman by the dozens. Supermodels, heiresses, etcetera. But he honestly thought she trumped them all. So delicately beautiful, curvy and lithe, perfection beneath his hands. It was as if she were molded to fit against him; made for him to caress and kiss and love. And he did, as often as he could, without fear of rejection or guilt. So many times in his life, he'd figured he was doomed to a life of solitude. His parents, the loves of his life, he lost them all. And just when he thought he'd found the right woman, she'd married someone else, before he'd even had the chance to show her anything akin to love. And then life spun a tale he'd never imagined and now she was divorced and engaged to him and he'd never known happiness like this. His life consisted of making sure everybody else was alive and happy and safe and he'd accepted that maybe there was nobody out there who could do the same for him. He'd taken the roll of hero and made it his own, accepting the downfalls that came with it. But there were upsides too; the best friends a guy could ask for, the most incredible woman to spend his life with, and the unbelievably rewarding feeling of knowing that something needed to be done and he did it, without hesitation.

Her fingers threaded through his hair, nails grazing his head just enough to make his skin quake with desire. He kissed up her flat stomach, teeth and tongue marking her soft skin. One of his hands was wrapped tight around her thigh, holding her upright, the other sliding up the curve of her back. Six months ago, he'd always wondered if he was just a way for her to escape; just a male influence that made her feel. That if it hadn't been him on that couch, it would've been someone else and she would've responded the same. But he knew now that wasn't the case. Her feelings for him had grown and she'd come to him specifically. She trusted him, felt right with him, and she knew that the entire world could forget her, but he couldn't. Ever. Months later and those feelings hadn't diminished in the least. It'd been hard getting there, but he was more than happy with where they were.

She leaned forward, drawing herself back up and tipping her head down so they were face to face once more. Her hand fell to cup his face, thumb stroking beneath his eye. She kissed him, soft and slow, drawing it out. She tasted like warm strawberries. Her lips slanted across his as her hands fell lower, fingers curling to drag down his chest and abdomen until they found the button and zipper of his jeans and parted them easily, slipping her slim hand beneath the fabric to cup him tightly. He jerked upward against the heat of her hand and his eyes fluttered. She looked so angelic and free before him, bare of clothing and utterly confident with where she was and what she was doing.

The fingers of one of her hands purposely grazed his ribs, making him jump, and he could feel her grin as they kissed. She loved knowing that he was ticklish there. She broke away from his mouth and rested her head against his shoulder, her body leaning forward until her front was pressed against his. Still her hand worked beneath his pants, rubbing at his growing hardness in tandem with the stroke of her lips against his neck and shoulder. "So now that I'm a divorcee," she whispered, low against him, "You think I'll become angry and bitter against men?"

He could barely think with her touching him, but he still shook his head, grinning. "Angry sex is always fun."

She laughed, biting his shoulder playfully.

"Besides, you'll be married again soon." He turned, catching her eyes.

"Yeah? How soon?" she wondered, nuzzling her nose against his. Her hand slid out of his pants, only to part them further. She slid up onto her knees and readjusted his boxers so he was jutting out at the perfect angle for her to sink down onto him. He could feel her heat already, his eyes ready to roll back in his head. She nipped his lower lip. "You think you'll still love me when I'm old and wrinkly?"

He grinned, his breathing picking up. She was so close. "More than ever."

Her eyes softened and he was reminded of how she looked when he first told her he loved her. And then she was sinking down onto him, enveloping him entirely. It was the most incredible and agonizing moment. He wanted more of her, all of her, right then, without pause. And yet... It felt so good; almost too good. He ducked his head and pressed a kiss against her collar, closed lips, soft and loving. She didn't move right away, simply surrounding him, her arms wrapped tight around his neck, as if hugging him to her. "God, you feel so good," he murmured against her.

Her nails scraped along his shoulder blades before she leaned back just enough for her to catch his eyes. She rotated her hips and he gasped, his stomach tensing pleasantly. She lifted, gyrating her hips in circles, torturing him. His palms slid down her back to find her hips, gripping them tightly. She locked eyes with him and didn't let go. He watched as she bit her lip, nearly drawing blood, so intense was she in drawing out the sensations. Her body arched and tensed with the waves of ecstasy thrilling her from head to toe. He could feel her thighs shaking against him, could feel her heat quivering around him. Her nails dug in, fingertips nearly bruising with pressure. He tipped his head forward, captured the pebbled nipple of her breast in his mouth, lavished it with his tongue. One of her hands found his hair, wrapped it tight around her fingers, holding him in place as he suckled at her, his teeth grazing the sensitive skin of her breast.

One of her hands reached behind him and gripped the back of the couch while her thrusts began to speed up, enveloping him quicker and deeper inside of her. He broke away from her breast, panting against her for a moment before enveloping the other in his mouth. He let one of his hands slid down between her thighs and flick her clit, running slow circles around it, making her jerk against him. She cursed under her breath, whispering his name and closing her eyes tight against the sensations. He loved it when she got like this; so involved in all the feelings that she just let go entirely.

He briefly wondered if when they told their friends what was going on, things would change at all. He knew she was scared of Clark's reaction and possibly even Lois's. He was fairly certain the rest of the League at least knew how he felt about Chloe. Over the three months of the affair, he hadn't been hiding it as much as he could, and as soon as she was no longer Jimmy's and only his, he couldn't seem to keep his hands off of her. More than once one of the League brothers had walked in on him rubbing her shoulders while she typed or playing with her hair. They'd fallen asleep together once, tangled on the couch. And when the League walked in, they found him half awake, stroking her hair as she napped comfortably in his arms. He hadn't offered any explanation and they hadn't asked for one.

Clark hadn't been there for any of the incriminating evidence, however. As Chloe had admitted, he wasn't around much anymore. Too busy playing Superman. Oliver rather resented him for it; not only because he was born with the abilities Oliver wished he had, if only to help him in his heroic proclivities, but because he so easily forgot about Chloe. Just another name to add to the list of people who overlooked her, who made her feel inferior when she, of all people, didn't deserve it. He would never be one of those people. He couldn't imagine forgetting her, for any reason. She'd become a large part of his life; her ability to join him in his heroic tendencies helped with that. He'd seen her at her lowest, shared her highest, and wanted to be there for everything in between.

Her wet warmth coated his length with each strong stroke inside of her, their pace picking up, his finger working wonders on her clit. He could taste the salty sweat of her skin as he kissed the curve of her breast, panting harshly against her. His body tightened from head to toe, eyes falling shut, hand gripping her hip tightly. She was too tight, quivering so incredibly, and her heat was almost unbearable any longer. He felt her fingers tug his hair and his head fell back, eyes opening slightly to stare up at her, glazed and unfocused. She leaned forward, lips parted and pressed to his. She caught his eyes, held on, unblinking and he felt her tongue swipe the underside of his upper lip at the exact moment he couldn't hold out any longer. He felt her orgasm grip her just as he arched forward, jerking into her, hand sliding from her waist as his entire arm wrapped around her, pulling her up so her breasts were pressed tight against his chest. He could feel her shaking, inside and out. Her breath caught, her eyes widened before falling shut, and her face twisted in agonized pleasure.

As she came down, her body continued to spasm, her fingers tightening in his hair and squeezing his shoulder. Her head fell, forehead pressing against his neck and she gasped for air. His hands slid up her back, kneading at her lightly while his mouth pressed lingering kisses to her shoulder. She sighed contently, shifting just enough to make him twitch inside of her with awareness. She sat up slowly, running her fingers through her damp hair and smiling down at him, a fulfilled flush to her cheeks. She reached up, cupping his face and brought it forward before pressing her nose to his. "Remind me to stock up on strawberries for our honeymoon."

He grinned, laughing lightly before he captured her lips in a short, sweet kiss.

"And whip cream," she murmured as they parted before she swooped down and kissed him again. "And chocolate sauce."

He smirked, tangling his tongue with hers. She moaned quietly, her hands falling from his face, fingers grazing down his neck before gripping his shoulders. She pushed him back just enough for them to breathe. "I think we still have some whip cream left," she told him, lips curling as she twisted to grab the toppled bottle from the side of the couch. She leaned back in his arms, trusting him to keep her from falling without even asking. His large hands splayed over her back, watching as she shook the whip cream bottle before turning it upside down and drawing a heart between the valley of her breasts before she tossed it back to the floor.

She slid closer once more, wiggling her hips against him. "Full yet?"

He lifted a brow. "I have a hearty appetite," he replied before ducking his head and licking one of the cream curves, tongue trailing over her breast slowly. She shivered, leaning further into his mouth, her arms wrapping around his neck, fingers burying in his hair. He followed the white trail down, along the top of her ribs and back up to her other breast, where he kissed the pebbled nipple teasingly before moving along. She whimpered, tugging at his hair and he chuckled against her. Just as he was about to finish licking her clean of the sticky, white topping, he heard a familiar voice.

"Oh god!"

He closed his eyes tightly, frowning.

"Walk away. Quickly!" he heard AC exclaim, voice tight. "Sorry bro, didn't you were, uh... o-occupied."

"Seriously! Chloelicious! I mean I had dreams, but you are just... WOW!"

"BART!" Victor and AC were heard yelling.

"What? A guy can't give a compliment anymore!"

"What the hell!" exclaimed another voice and Oliver cringed inwardly.

It was him. If it were just the JL brothers, this moment could probably be fixed a lot easier.

Chloe immediately slid lower, covering her naked body with him and he opened his eyes to see her flushed red in embarrassment now rather than excitement. He grabbed up the blanket from the side of the couch, the one she usually wrapped herself in during early mornings spent watching the news or, more often, cartoons. A childish delight he didn't tell anyone but her about. He wrapped the quilt around her tightly, almost sad to see her beautiful body hidden once more, but held far more dislike for the idea that the other guys could see her.

Arms around her, he leaned her back so he could grab up his pants from the floor. She rose up on her knees as he slid them on, covering him from the view of the others. He didn't bother with his shirt and lifted her up to move her to the side before standing up. "You mind turning around so she can put clothes on?" he asked, lifting a brow at them.

AC and Victor turned immediately and Clark followed, flushing slightly, while Bart continued to stare, grinning. "I'm not opposed to watching!" he said mischievously.

Clark's arm reached across and turned him around so abruptly, he nearly fell over. "Okay, okay," he muttered. "Geez, nobody can find the humor in things anymore."

Hurriedly, Chloe searched around for her clothes, which seemed to be everywhere. She put on just the basics, her blouse and skirt and kept smoothing it down as she sat next to him, eyes scanning for anything indecent they might find. Her hand found his and his eyes fell to the glint of the diamond sitting on her finger, comforting him some.

"Okay," she called out. "I'm decent."

"Too bad," Bart replied before racing across the room to take a seat on the edge of the couch next to her, grinning down at her fondly.

She smiled slightly, shaking her head. "I was just found on top of your boss and you're still hitting on me?"

He laughed. "I must have low self esteem, you should comfort me."

She rolled her eyes before pushing him. Caught unawares, he slid backwards, falling off the couch with a thump.

He jumped up quickly, dusting himself off and shrugging slightly. "One day, sweetheart. One day."

She snorted before turning her attention back to the rest of the group. Uncomfortably, AC and Victor sat on a couch adjacent to them while Clark paced back and forth on the floor. He kept starting sentences and then cutting himself off. Oliver felt Chloe's thumb stroking the inside of his palm and leaned back into the couch, drawing her up near to him naturally.

Clark came to a sudden halt and turned to them, angrily. "I haven't seen you in awhile, but last time I checked, you were married!" he half-shouted furiously.

"As of today, I'm divorced!" Chloe replied happily.

He threw his arms up, blinking rapidly and shaking his head. "And that was a valid reason to jump Oliver?"

"Well, kind of," she admitted with a shrug. "He hasn't complained the last nine months; I don't think he's going to start now."

"N-nine months," he sputtered.

"I KNEW IT!" Bart cried out triumphantly.

Oliver rolled his eyes, glancing at AC and Victor who shrugged, nodding agreeably.

Chloe looked up at Clark who was still stunned. She lifted her hand, showing off the diamond engagement ring. "But I figured this was more worthy of celebration," she told him, tone light, as if to try and ease him into it.

He stumbled to a chair and sat down with a sigh. "What about Jimmy?"

"Jimmy is... hopefully happy with Kara."

"I'd rather him be missing entirely," Oliver muttered, frowning.

She nudged him. "Our relationship wasn't working out. We both liked blondes, but he preferred aliens and I..." She turned to Oliver, smiling warmly. "I wanted to love and be loved the same in return."

His hand lifted, stroking her face affectionately.

"Wait, so Jimmy was cheating on you?" Clark shouted, suddenly standing from his chair again.

"Where is he?" AC asked, face contorting with anger.

"I can have him on the FBI's most wanted list in five minutes," Victor offered, face showing no signs of humor.

"I say we kill him!" Bart exclaimed. "I know a place... They'll never find him!"

"Guys, guys!" Chloe called out, laughing slightly. "Thank you, but... It's over. I'm over it and him. I just..." She sighed, smiling at them. "He's part of the past and... I'm looking on the positive side of this."

"Positive side?" Clark lifted a brow in disbelief.

"Chloelicious, babe, I'm sorry but what's so great about the guy who was supposed to love you forever cheating on you with the blonde bitch from planet K?"

She shook her head. "Look, I made a huge, ginormous, incredibly thoughtless mistake when I married Jimmy Olson." She smiled, licking her lips. "I was trying to be someone I wasn't. I was trying to be happy when I couldn't be. And all of this just... led me to where I was supposed to be all along."

"Naked in front of the Justice League?" Bart teased.

"She means Oliver, genius," Victor told him with an exasperated sigh.

"I knew that!" Bart defended, glaring at him before turning back to Chloe. "So nine months, huh?" He whistled, brows lifting. "I believe that means I win, guys! Pay up! I said seven to ten months! Ha!"

"You bet on us?" Chloe asked, eyes widening.

"You're surprised?" Victor replied, amused.

She snorted. "Only slightly."

"So... this is... what you want?" Clark asked, staring at her with a slightly lost expression.

"It is," she told him, nodding before she looked over to Oliver softly. "It really is."

Clark nodded, crossing his arms over his chest and turning to Oliver. "It probably goes without saying, but..."

"Hurt her and you'll crush me into dust." Oliver nodded. "I know."

"Good." Clark stared at him a moment, almost as thought judging whether or not he really felt he was good enough and then he smiled, just a small twitch of his mouth and Oliver knew he passed. Maybe not with flying colors, but he'd been accepted.

"Let's see the rock, mamacita!" Bart exclaimed, leaning over as she lifted her hand. "Dude, you could blind somebody with that."

She laughed, leaning back to let her head fall to Oliver's shoulder.

The voices of the four men around them rose, all of them getting distracted from the situation all together. Chloe snuggled up closer to him, her arm falling to lay over his waist and the top of her head fitting under his chin. He wrapped his arms around her, his hand sliding up and down her side soothingly. He actually felt pretty relieved. Nine months of secrecy from people he hated keeping secrets from; it was good to finally get it off his chest. And now that their engagement was out, he felt even better. There would be no hiding it from here in. He frowned. Now they just had to tell Lois. He stiffened, already hearing her yelling at him about breaking up her little cousin's marriage. He probably wouldn't be able to get a word in edgewise.

"It'll be fine," he heard Chloe murmur. "I'll talk to her first. Let her get used to the idea and then we'll tell her all of it." He smiled slightly, lifting her head to look at him. "Maybe not all of it."

He smirked. "I don't know. I think what we used her desk for last month would be a very interesting conversation to have with her."

She snorted, lifting a brow. "Yeah. I can see you being deafened pretty quick into that one."

He shook his head, smiling lightly before lifting a hand to play with her hair, watching as the light made it glow gold. He forgot anyone else was there for a moment, relishing in the freedom of being able to hold her with no consequences any longer. They were free; finally. "I love you," he said, kissing her forehead.

She smiled at him, eyes softening before she tipped her head and pressed a kiss against his lips. It started off slow and he could feel that she was aiming to end it early, but then she got caught up. Her hands lifted, palms cupping his cheeks and her body turned until she was arched up. Lips parting, her tongue trailed along the seam of his lips and he opened them to her without pause.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" they heard and he was brought back to reality, only to find Bart staring at them, hands lifted as if in defense. "Save it for the honeymoon, boss! These three virgins shouldn't be seeing that!"

The other three men snorted, lifting a brow at him.

"They were untainted and now you've ruined them with your..." He frowned, eyes thinning dramatically, "lovey dovey crap."

Chloe laughed before reaching back and pushing him off the couch arm once more.

"Ow!" he exclaimed before suddenly shouting, "Hey!" excitedly. "Whip cream!" There was some shuffling and then he reappeared, holding an empty plastic carton. "Aww man, you guys ate all the strawberries!"

Oliver laughed, deep and hearty. He never felt so good. The lightness of everything, the content in knowing she was his and that it wouldn't change for anything, the understanding that maybe there wasn't someone out there who could be his hero, but there was a hero who would gladly fight for the world by his side, and love him every second for the rest of their lives. He picked up her hand and pressed a kiss to the back of it, threading their fingers tightly. It was promising to be a better life and well worth the interrupted celebration.

Author's Note: I had this half finished on my computer for a really, really long time. So I thought I'd finally finish it up and post it. Hope you enjoyed this! Reviews are sustenance, readers! Luv yas- Fina! 

author: sarcastic_fina, ship: chloe/oliver, fic: celebration, status: complete

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